HTC 8X appears to have just died; won't turn on again...

Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

Hey guys, did you already contact the HTC support? I wonder what they would say about this.
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Problems after GDR2 update

Since the update to GDR2, I can no longer use Internet Sharing. It allows me to turn it on and I can connect a guest i.e. it gets a valid DHCP address from the phone. However, there is no Internet access at all. I've tried changing the broadcast name / password and the guest connects successfully but no Internet. Internet on the phone is fine, happily surfing at H+. I've re-started the phone in vein hope but no joy. Is anyone else seeing this problem?
Re: Problems after GDR2 update

Yes, and to eliminate that as a potential problem, I changed the broadcast name and password, forcing the guest to connect using the new access point.
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

Hey guys, did you already contact the HTC support? I wonder what they would say about this.

Yes i ve already done. As a guy working in support team said, they have to repair it. So i will wait a while and inform you all.
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

for me , they did'nt replied yet . contacted them on facebook as well as twitter , no replies .
Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

Hey i Just Updated My Htc 8X with Grd2 Update 2 days Back, and today While listening to music when i opened Whats app, It Got Frozen with Continues On Whats app screen ... Tried Pressing Power + Volume Down key for 20-25 seconds, All other possible buttons Combination, Connecting to pc... But Nothing is Working, Please Help me guyz, is there any way out ???
Except Waiting for Battery to Dry ... :crying::crying::crying::crying:
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

I'd keep that power button down with tape, clear tape. Nothing else works to force it to restart. You tried every possible way. I'm scared to download when and if Tmobile pushes it out.
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

So is everyone that has the lock playing music and have whatsapp? I have seen several mention both. If so maybe uninstall whatsapp before updating gdr2???
I have seen 2 or 3 mention having whatsapp up as well, so could be that as well. /shrug
I only installed Whatsapp the other day, so there could easily be a correlation there.

As far as I can see, the bricking recipe seems to be GDR2 update + playing a track with Xbox Music + having Whatsapp installed. Obviously I'm speculating, but this is common ground everybody seems to have tread on.
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

Yes Bro ... Nothing is Working at all, its Still Lying there like that, Frozen from 4 hours, and am waiting to get battery Dry With a Last Hope ...
I've had the phone plugged into the laptop for around two hours now and I just heard the little *bleep* that signifies the laptop is attempting to install device drivers.
My heart jumped then when my phone vibrated once, the first sign of life since Thursday. Now the red LED is blinking, indicating a charge.

I haven't tried to fully turn it on yet, but there is an image of a mostly drained battery and a flashing plug head on the screen, similar to the icon you get at the top of the phone's screen when left in for a charge under normal cicumstances.

Hopefully, it's back to normal, but the UPS guy will not be happy when he rolls up to my door tomorrow morning and learns that I don't have a broken phone to give him :grincry: (too late to call HTC)

I am now happy again :grin:
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

Check my thread here; had the same problem but now my phone appears to be working.
Phone seems to be charging from a completely drained state.
Re: Frozen Htc 8x with GDR2 Update, Plez Help !!!

Check my thread here; had the same problem but now my phone appears to be working.
Phone seems to be charging from a completely drained state.

yeah this guy is right. you could check my thread as well. As i see, all problems are the same. After drained state, it will never come back.

you should contact with the support team
Same Thing has Happened to me as well after Update, Its Frozen with On Screen ... and no combination of buttons are working, Hope it will get resolved with complete battery Drained ....
Sorry to be bombarding the thread with updates but I reckon the GDR2 update just wiped the battery. According to my battery app, the battery level has been at a very steady decline since Friday until it basically hit zero earlier, which is when it rebooted.

The phone has been charging for the past hour yet is still stuck at 5%, with a current charging rate of 0.01%. That doesn't bode well.
Pictures of battery here:

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