HTC beat Nokia at it's own game.

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I will lay money the Ativ S launches on Verizon (as well as other carriers). In that case, HTC loses on screen size, battery, and expandable storage, but wins on styling (nobody, including Ativ S fans like me, is in love with its styling).

Im on Verizon as well, we know for sure that the Nokia 820 (822) IS coming to Verizon according to leaked documents Nokia Lumia 822 and 5-inch HTC device found in Verizon systems -- Engadget

but theres also a glimmer of hope that the a "nokia device with pureview coming to verizon" which might mean nokia 920 sometime after att's launch?

that being said I wasnt impressed much by the HTC 8X and 8S

I Have the HTC Trophy and HTC BARELY supported that device. I have battery issues with it now and the htc hub basically barely ever gets updated and hardly any exclusive htc apps, they dont support their phones anywhere near the way that Nokia does. That reason alone im waiting on something from Nokia on verizon.

I'd get the 820 over both of the HTC devices
I'd go for Nokia, I'm done with HTC, I always envy ppl using nokia. Damn that company gives so much support for their products. So im saving my money for lumia 920! Oh talking about hardware, lumia pawn them all! For complaining about weight, grow some muscles!

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-its certainly something new from HTC but its not new on windows phone
-its beautiful i agree is it better looking than 920 its up to the users
-better specification than Nokia 920 No but still it has good spec and some advantages

- i agree with squire777 pick the one you think its suit you more
God no, no I can't abide that pollyanna "let's all be friends" crap and people can ram "the community" up their pipe - those are mobile phones made by companies none of business work us for or have a personal stake in - unless people stray into personal insults then it should always be open season in terms of critiques of the phones, the companies and their relative strengths and weaknesses.

Otherwise this place will end up like webos nation (before it became a ghost town and the mods effectively gave up) where it was decreed that you were no longer able to 'debate' things.

You know, what you are talking about.

besides, is not like where are saying Windows Phone will fail or anything. We are talking about individuality phone companies and their strength and weakness.

Sure most people don't like what I have to say, but I express myself in a calm and respectful manner. Is not my fault Nokia is bitter because they didn't gave their max effort and Microsoft went to HTC for a real Flagship Windows Phone 8 device.
Yellow? That's Volt green fella. As the same on this fly shoes.

Click to view quoted image

Click to view quoted image

HTC also has a proven camera, not hopes and dreams like the floating lens technology and other gimmicks. I rather trust HTC in the camera department.

Fact: Nokia hasn't had a decent camera in any Windows Phone
HTC had the best camera in a Windows Phone ( Titan2)

I'm suing you for retinal damage. Fair warning.
Sure most people don't like what I have to say, but I express myself in a calm and respectful manner. Is not my fault Nokia is bitter because they didn't gave their max effort and Microsoft went to HTC for a real Flagship Windows Phone 8 device.

If by, "calm and respectful manner" you mean, "I flame all things produced by a certain Finnish company based purely on my dislike of them", then yes - I agree - good post.

That's how you choose to interpret them. Nokia is the one ruining their reputation.

They bet on Windows Phone

Release a product that didn't represent their 100% but felt cocky enough to attack Samsung.

They fake the camera and video tecnology and where forced to apologized.

HTC came down with a good phone, Microsoft made them the face of Windows Phone 8

Nokia felt threatened so they attack HTC.

That's not me hating, that's just commenting of what's happening.
I know it's not politically correct to say this, but criticism of Nokia isn't "hate," it's common sense.

Nokia has advanced itself -- with Microsoft's blessing -- as the "principal Windows Phone company." The undercurrent is "Noka = Windows Phone, Windows Phone = Nokia." Fans of Nokia insist that it -- and only it -- is a legitimate contender for showdowns involving Windows Phone and other ecosystems.

And frankly, that would be fine if Nokia was executing well.

But they're not.

Sales are plummeting. The stock is at penny-stock levels. The bonds are rated as "junk" (speculative) by ratings agencies. Just last quarter, they lost half a billion dollars, and this quarter is expected to be even worse. The Lumia 900 exclusive on AT&T only hit 30% of anticipated sales levels.

The big turnaround event was supposed to be the unveiling earlier this month, and that turned out to be one of the worst (if not the worst) unveilings in technology history (certainly in the mobile tech space). A total unmitigated disaster where the primary news wasn't the product (which itself had no solid launch or carrier information), but a scandal about a fabricated ad that called the product features themselves into question in the highest-profile media in the world.

If Nokia continues its current ways, there won't be a Nokia in 12 to 24 months. And that means "the primary Windows Phone carrier" will be out of business. The impact on those of us who use Windows Phone is thus incalculably bad. It would mean every article headline would say "Windows Phone's future in doubt as Nokia closes its doors."

I think even Microsoft recognizes this. That's why HTC is the "Signature Partner" for WP8. They're hedging their bets. If Nokia continues to fail, they need a big-selling partner to point to and say "Nokia is one partner among many, see, HTC is doing well."

If Nokia fans want the rest of us in WP-world to quiet down, tell Nokia to give us something tangible to be excited about. No more excuses.

In the mean time, we'll continue being excited by HTC's tangible and detailed explanation of how it intends to advance WP. There's no reason Nokia couldn't do the same. Coddling Nokia's incompetence isn't helping ANYONE.
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God no, no I can't abide that pollyanna "let's all be friends" crap and people can ram "the community" up their pipe - those are mobile phones made by companies none of business work us for or have a personal stake in - unless people stray into personal insults then it should always be open season in terms of critiques of the phones, the companies and their relative strengths and weaknesses.

Otherwise this place will end up like webos nation (before it became a ghost town and the mods effectively gave up) where it was decreed that you were no longer able to 'debate' things.

I do agree that we should be able to freely discuss the merits and failings of each device. It's important to keep things civil and treat other people with respect while we do so. I completely disagree with your stance on "the community" though. I've been a webOS user since the very beginning (June 2009) and having that great sense of community was one of the best things of owning a webOS device. Everyone was rooting for the OS, not the device. It truly felt like everyone was on the same team. Maybe that's why I still hang out there (although more as a developer rather than a user) even though I use my Galaxy Nexus 95% of the time.

Let's take a look at what happens when you don't have that sense of community: Android. I've been an Android (and webOS) user for quite a while now, so I know what I'm talking about here. This "community" spends most of their time fighting with each other over whose device is better. It's almost impossible to have a real discussion since any talk that implies one company or device is better than another immediately turns into a flame war. It's a terrible place to be.

I do not want to see this happen to the Windows Phone community. We need to have a friendly community where people respect other's opinions. We need to be able to discuss what we love/hate about a device without someone else jumping down our throat. We should be rooting for Windows Phone 8 as a platform since, in the end, that's what really matters. We're all on the same team here, don't forget that. :)
Just to let everyone know, I had a post on page two of this thread, it stated (maybe not exactly, but something like) "this thread is one of the worst that wpcentral has seen, and we even have a moderator posting his opinion as fact."

That post has been deleted by someone, I'm assuming a mod.


I read that post, while I don't agree that this topic is the worst ( is made by me duh!), it the mod action doesn't surprised me. I've gotten lots of topics moved and stuff.

That being said, you did call out a mod and didn't add anything to the discussion.

Edit: @Garredow

We are "fighting" because we have options. I rather have Windows Phone become Android than webOS.
Yeah, I'd imagine a message saying "you're all stupid, ESPECIALLY the moderator" wouldn't have a long life span. :D
Yeah, I'd imagine a message saying "you're all stupid, ESPECIALLY the moderator" wouldn't have a long life span. :D

That's not what I said, I said I thought the thread was pretty bad...I think others have said that as well. My problem was saying the mod was stating his opinion as fact. Hey, at least I didn't say "For a mod, your grammar, punctuation, and neutral tone could use some work"
Apparently, there are now two rules in the community:

1) Thou shalt not criticize Nokia, ever, for any reason.
2) Moderators shall not participate in any discussion at all, unless it is to enforce #1.
Edit: @Garredow

We are "fighting" because we have options. I rather have Windows Phone become Android than webOS.

The amount of "fighting" will not affect WP8's success; it will only affect the users. I'd rather see WP8 become Android instead of webOS too, but it would be nice to have an amazing community to go with it.
Apparently, there are now two rules in the community:

1) Thou shalt not criticize Nokia, ever, for any reason.
2) Moderators shall not participate in any discussion at all, unless it is to enforce #1.

Haha I just typed about 4 lines of rebuttal, then decided it's not even worth it. I'm really not sure why I even care that my post was deleted. I hope you enjoy whatever phone you chose, and I hope I chose the best phone for myself. Good Luck!
The amount of "fighting" will not affect WP8's success; it will only affect the users. I'd rather see WP8 become Android instead of webOS too, but it would be nice to have an amazing community to go with it.

Hey, only in bad times you get to see how the community really is. Look at me, at the beggining I was just a bubbly little boy, making jokes about how much I loved my LG Optimus and fanboishly waiting for Mango. Now I'm the bitter husk of a broken man, a ghost dragging people into the underworld.

There's not a day of usage in which I don't curse my phone for messing something up. Yet HTC offerings got me excited again. Something Nokia failed to do.
Knock it off already Miller. Your ridiculous assertions about Nokia dropping the ball and putting WP8 in jeopardy are silly at the very least.

I'd also like to see where any Nokia fan has asserted that Nokia will be Windows Phone best hope of success.

Your clarion call of "Nokia hasn't even announced a release date yet!" is just as asinine. Yet HTC's nebulous announcement of "sometime in November" is legit.

We both know the ecosystem hasn't launched yet so all vendors hands are tied until such time as WP8 is up. That goes for everyone including HTC. But it won't stop you from slinging garbage toward a vendor you dislike.

Have at it. It sounds like you need an outlet for your misplaced rage. It might as well be here.

**Sent from my Windows Phone using Board Express**
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Hey, only in bad times you get to see how the community really is. Look at me, at the beggining I was just a bubbly little boy, making jokes about how much I loved my LG Optimus and fanboishly waiting for Mango. Now I'm the bitter husk of a broken man, a ghost dragging people into the underworld.

There's not a day of usage in which I don't curse my phone for messing something up. Yet HTC offerings got me excited again. Something Nokia failed to do.

Yea, that's true.

I haven't been around here much, so I don't know what things are like. I did have a HD7 for a few months and it was pretty nice. Switched to a Galaxy Nexus shortly after that. HTC announced some awesome devices and I'll be getting the 8X when it comes to T-Mobile. Looking forward to making my return to WP. :)
Cristal_Planet everyone with an objective point of view knows Nokia is screwing up. Even Microsoft bailed out and appointed HTC as their flagship makers.
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