I Don't Trust OneDrive After What Happened Today

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yeah I was actually giving it a chance and told it to sync my pictures & documents folders and it messed up all my savegames, so I'm just back to using it as a common folder between devices, and somehow they seem perfectly fine to keep the w8 mode on the phone version and just break the pc experience, otherwise we would have serious storage issues and onedrive would be DOA for 99% of people on phones after people realize that thing is eating their monthly data and battery in a few hours AND the phone cant even save a photo after filling up, all because the thing is downloading files the user hadn't requested, genius right?
I should also note that onedrive has an option set by default that uploads files in batches. You can uncheck it so that it always uploads files no matter what.
All the files on my local OneDrive folder were deleted. No rhyme nor reason, they just went and I ad to re-syne 300Gb of files. I have now had to re-sync 10 times although these times the files were not deleted. When I look at OneDrive on the web it shows I have three surface 3s and 3 desktops. None of which can be linked or removed. It's a mess and I am going back to my own NAS drive. Once you loose trust it's gone forever.
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