I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.


Was a huge Windows fan, had Lumia 800, 920 and Lumia 650 for 4-5 years. But I had enough.

Currently owner of a Nokia 8 with Android and honestly I have no idea what I was doing for last couple of years. Windows Mobile feels like we just invented OS for phones compared to what Android is nowadays. And the speed, everything is so instant, no loadings, crashes. I have app for everything. For first time in my life I see app of my bank !
12.31.17.... Thats the deadline I set for my wife and myself. I LOVE this platform, and now at the thought of leaving my wife suddenly expressed her love for it. Despite all the issues. The Pixel 2 is impressive and will be the phone we choose if we decide to leave on 1.1.18. If MS doesnt hint at a device, mention, confirm, or anything else to give hope for some type of mobile device, we're out. Heres why: Lets just say they have a device in the works, the longer they keep quiet, the more mobile apps will disappear. Think of it this way, BofA app. The desktop version wont allow mobile check deposits. If there is no mobile presence, whos to keep them from removing the app. "But mobile is dead, we will have the desktop app on our new device which is a pocket PC." EXACTLY my point. We will likely be stuck with desktop apps for what is basically a phone, and less capabilities. Spotify is the same. They have a half assed app that they said they dont support anymore. Will the Surface Pocket, or whatever, identify in the store as a desktop or mobile. It wont be both, its either or. There is a LOT of other factors besides whether or not a new device exists. I will not allow myself to be a tester for MS just to have them abandon it and leave it to OEMs. Been there, done that.
I'm sticking around... sort of. As one of the ones who believed in Microsoft, swore by Windows Mobile and have had Insider Builds on four phones over the years, yes, I'll keep using my Idol 4S. Not as a daily driver, but more out of habit. I'll download new Insider Builds as they come along and play with anything new that comes along.

I'm one of the idiots who invested in the Idol 4S with Windows 10. More like signed on the dotted line with T-Mobile for one. That's $19.59 for another 14 months. As far as Windows Phones go, it's great. Unfortunately at some point I strayed into Android. Most recently a LG G6. Basically the same hardware, and it blows the Idol out of the water.

So, "Will I still be using a windows phone?" Yes. Not as my phone, but just keeping up with a expensive hobby. I'll be seeing how far I can push Continuum as a "Cellular Desktop" to try to justify spending the money.
I've had an iPhone 7+ for a year (along with a Lumia 950) and 'l be upgrading to an X. The 7+ is a wonderful machine that does everything I'd want it to... but it isn't a Windows phone, if that makes sense. It's a shame W10M is leaving us.
I am not giving up on WM/W10. It has been my mobile OS of choice, preference and ultimate excellence since my very first smartphone years ago.

I am waiting for MS to produce a game changing mobile device similar to how Surface was a form-factor change which many are now copying.

C'mon MS......don't let us down. Hurry on with that new mobile device that will prove that our loyalty has been worth it!
So, I am a bit weird. I both stuck around and left at the same time. I still have my Lumia950XL as my primary phone for email and Cortana (voice texting while driving On cortana is far superior to Siri), but I could no longer get by with just WP.

With my own business making board games and my live streaming/YouTube, I increasingly need all the social apps. I need the YouTube creators app so I can respond to comments on videos fast. I need the Twitch app to interact with my followers. I need the discord app to interact with my subscribers. I need the Kickstarter app so I get immediate notifications from any comments or messages left by backers.

None of this is on Windows Phones. So, I now have 2 phones. Luckily, it's only $10/month extra to have my iPhone on my ATT plan and have it share both voice and all data, so not as big of a financial hit.

That being said, if I could ever get one device with the awesome live tiles, pins for separate email folders, full Cortana integration, the security of WP (Android is horrid here) and all the social apps of iOS; I would be in heaven. I just don't see this happening unless Apple ever allows SIRI to be replaced and adds something like Live Tiles.
Yes I am sticking with WM. I love the integration with the Windows environment, Continum and the live tile interface. I have a 950 and a 1020. I will never buy an Apple and don't want an Android. I have replaceable batteries on my 950, and there are few aps that I would need that are not available to me now. I am waiting for the mobile pc with phone.
I love WM, recently bought a 950 off eBay because I couldn't justify full price for a platform that's dying. I will stick with it as long as I can because I love the UI. Just read about getting full Windows desktop using Samsung S8/+/Note via the Dex docking station and Amazon Workspaces, so much for Continuum.
well still using my 950 all though the battery is not that good any more and there are some bugs here and there. Truth is I'm not that interested in smartphones any more. There are no phones out there that interests me. Was checking out the Galaxy note 8 but that felt plastic. Don't know. Keeping the 950 a little while but feel it soon is time to upgrade. Don't like boring IOS.
The OS works how I want, so I'm fine. I just wanted new hardware. I have a 950xl, Canadian, been toying with the idea of just getting an x3 for when my 950xl completely dies or I'm itching for a speed bump.

I demand dual sim too
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.
I have a 950 that's working perfectly. I am sticking with the platform because I love it, warts and all. And, I never used groove pass anyway. All my music I need is on my SD card.
But, I am still hoping for a surface phone next year.

Sent from mTalk
I'm in - everything still works well enough for me. Just need them to keep supporting UWP apps like Uber...
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

Until my 950, 950xl and idol 4s die I am with the system. After that ... I don't think I'll (or any of us) will have much choice.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

My Lumia icon just gave out. So i have the X3 and it rocks (just impossible to find a case) my son loves his Alcatel idol 4s and he is in college and my wife still has her icon if not for fading battery it is amazing looking we both have band 2 for our hiking and working out there's just no way I want to abandon those live tiles for stupid little boxes.
I don't want and iDontneedit And Android always sucks.
I was never a Groove fan and WM does what I need done. I got a new 950 a little while ago and a spare battery and plan on sticking with it till it dies. I find that mobile sites are as good as most apps on my wife's IPhone so I'm good with WM as it currently is. I don't play games so that isn't an issue for me. With $700 to $1000 for a new IPhone I got my new in the box 950 for $200, no choice for me. When it dies I am off to Android, unlocked Moto G5 or something like it.
I have been a solid WP user since the 920. Currently using the 950. I started looking for deals on the Note 8 yesterday. Probably going to wait 6 months or until my 950 dies, but I'm going Android in all likelihood. Mind you the iPhone X for $500 in 6 months would be something to look at if people don't hate it. Can't believe the day has come that I am saying this. My wife is going to laugh at me when I tell her.
i think they just need to bring in the xbox users to a new windows mobile by releasing an Xbox Phone X and allow the xbox from your home to stream a game to the phone. i would be all over that phone even if i wasnt into windows mobile

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