I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

It’s interesting to hear the competing camps on this.
It seems people who have very narrow needs are more apt to stick with the platform.
Those with a wider viewpoint are moving on.
At least they’ve come out and finally told everyone what we already knew.
Re: I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile. Want to leave? I won't miss you at a

I will be sticking around until my 950xl dies as I simply love it more than any app can make up for. It pains me that MS have thrown out something so awesome, but I just get so annoyed at ios and android, even though they are much less ugly now than they used to be..
Re: I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile. Want to leave? I won't miss you at a

Too many things being dropped, too many features going to rivals first, too little competing hardware... I think my household are done - My wife loves windows phone because Microsoft's ecosystem have our entire lives organised with their calendar, office apps, onedrive etc... I didn't have the heart to tell her that the ecosystem is now better on other platforms until Groove, but now the writing is on the wall I can't lie to her anymore. She's going to jump ship first and I'll see how that goes for the next six months then go after her.

Makes me really sad :(

I hear you brother!
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I'm different, always been. That's why I choose to stick with Windows 10 and my 950 XL. I don't need all the apps available in the iOS or Android market. I use MS Word, Excel, OneNote, One Drive, etc every day and switching to another platform does not make sense to me. I'll stick with Windows 10 Mobile because it's my choice and I want to stay. As long as my 950 XL works, I'll be supporting those who decide to stick around. Welcome to another state in life...
Well standing your ground is admirable.

Question is:
What happens when there is no longer any ground to stand on?
VP of Windows just announced that there is no ground, updates still coming through next year, no new features or Hardware. OP, Have a monster 950XL package for sale when my iPhone gets here.
Been on my windows phones since the beggining so im not leavin it now but

Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

Been on my windows phones since the begging so im not leavin it now but in addition i bought a 950xl before 2 weeks and im so happy about it, im with u guys
I have no problems with microsoft. Windows 7.8 phone still working 100%, ZUNE, photos hub, texting etc.
Very little use for apps, so nothing current really impacts the use of it.

Sure there aren't any new phones, but the old ones still work.

Don't see any point in ios, or android. Everything i have works with microsoft. Surface pro 1, xbox 360,
and every pc i have has windows 7 on it.

i'm good for as long as pc's and the 360 are supported. and even after they aren't.

I would love to continue standing my ground but unfortunately my 950xl is dying and there isn't enough of a pull to keep me in the ecosystem anymore, especially now that groove is done. I will say that as a former android and IPhone user, I found WP to be the most esthetically pleasing to use... So I've been doing some research and I've narrowed down my next phone to a oneplus 5 or a note 8 but I'm having some trepidation because I'm not a fan of the android interface anymore. WP has spoiled me.
One of the biggest things keeping me on the platform (other than pure stubbornness) is the Family settings. My young kids have Microsoft child accounts - this allows me to comfortably allow them to use any of my PCs and their 640s (no sim) with little to no supervision. I know they can't get to anything I don't want them to... either apps, websites, or videos.

How do I achieve the same level of family safety and control with Android?
I bought a 950XL and Band 2 about 2 years ago and they are still working good but getting buggier by the month. I'll replace them in the new year, but I doubt I'll buy any Microsoft hardware again.
Will keep using my Elite x3. No reason to switch yet. I can still do 90% of the stuff i need for a smartphone.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.
Was using the stuff back before WM6.5. Thus this news doesn't change anything. They will get back into mobile space with something else, if not hardware then certainly software. Even if they don't make hardware, their software will run on multiple platforms, thus there is no need to change ecosystems. Windows is the most cross platform friendly ecosystem out there. I use Gmail, Office, have ms account, and have itune (haven't used for yrs). I can choose which device i like best, and still use it. Cortana will soon be able to link all the stuff i use in the cloud, and i don't need to care which device I use. Have Surface Book, Surface studio, iPod. If i get an android phone after my Elite x3 breaks down or get damaged, it will play nice with all the stuff I have from MS. So really, as a consumer, it isn't a big deal. People are taking it way too personally. Hatred for Nadella, felt like a slap in the face, etc. This is just tech. It comes and goes. 10 yrs ago there wasn't iPhone, and Blackberry used to be so big. In 10 yrs there may be no more iPhones.
I have been a Windows Mobile user for 15 years plus ,before IPhone and before Android. It is very ,very hard to imagine not using a Windows Device as my main driver ,but I will be moving on. Currently, I own the Elite 3X and its still doing well. I will use it till I can't ( Smile)
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I'll still continue using my 950 XL kbecause it gets the stuff done. However, over the course of the year, the software has become buggy and at times, a pain to use. If I only had enough money, I would've bought myself an Android phone

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