I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

As long as my email, webpages, text messages and phone calls work on the W10M device I am using I will have one.
I accepted the slow downward spiral of W10M. What has pushed me over the edge, turned me bitter and possibly turning most of my services away from Microsoft is their repeated failures of services in the consumer space. Groove REALLY pissed me off because I had bought in to the streaming life style, spent a lot of time building my library, really got hooked on the interface and purchased a couple used phones as music players. I'm tired of being let down and I refuse to be let down again.
I accepted the slow downward spiral of W10M. What has pushed me over the edge, turned me bitter and possibly turning most of my services away from Microsoft is their repeated failures of services in the consumer space. Groove REALLY pissed me off because I had bought in to the streaming life style, spent a lot of time building my library, really got hooked on the interface and purchased a couple used phones as music players. I'm tired of being let down and I refuse to be let down again.

I hear ya. I use Groove every morning I drive to work. Good UI and intuitive. I hope they stick to their promise of using it and updating it on other platforms, because if I ever switch that is the player I install every time.
No Groove has forced me to go Android. I have bought a Nokia 6, disabled all the crappy Google apps and installed all the Microsoft apps (without Google store because I don't have an account) including Launcher and Cortana and using Apple Music as I don't want Spotify. So far it's integrating well. The only thing I haven't worked out is why Outlook widgets don't work in Launcher. One of the benefits of my 950 is pinning work and personal email accounts to the main interface. The Outlook on android App is just lumping together at the moment. Once I get that I'll be close as having a Windows phone on Android as I can get. I will still keep my 950.
No Groove has forced me to go Android. I have bought a Nokia 6, disabled all the crappy Google apps and installed all the Microsoft apps (without Google store because I don't have an account) including Launcher and Cortana and using Apple Music as I don't want Spotify. So far it's integrating well. The only thing I haven't worked out is why Outlook widgets don't work in Launcher. One of the benefits of my 950 is pinning work and personal email accounts to the main interface. The Outlook on android App is just lumping together at the moment. Once I get that I'll be close as having a Windows phone on Android as I can get. I will still keep my 950.

I am too bitter. Once i switch that is it. Screw MS. I look at it as they want me to leave so i don't go where i am not wanted.

Twitter: @PhotographyET
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

If MS had announced a new phone, with WiFi calling and all the features of the Lumia950 and iPhoneX, but a little bit better, I would stick with windows phone. But with my current phone being the last one MS announced and it is dying, it might just be time to move on.
It’s interesting to hear the competing camps on this.
It seems people who have very narrow needs are more apt to stick with the platform.
Those with a wider viewpoint are moving on.
At least they’ve come out and finally told everyone what we already knew.
What? That we're stubborn? It's no secret that the platform is limited at best. But it's also no secret that the apps are better otherwise they wouldn't be so popular on the competing platforms. I defy anybody that has moved on to use non-Microsoft apps on their chosen OS. Those who do have my utmost R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

I'm going to move on soon enough, but I'm not going to bash Microsoft on my way out. That's petty behavior not befitting any of us here.
I'm out, once I find the motivation to switch. Haven't decided between Android and iOS. Probably go with Android, pricing on the phones is not ludicrous. But I will NOT use a Google Pixel, because evil factor.
Sadly, I'm about to the point in which I can't do it anymore.

I love my 950. Been using it every single day since it launched. Love the interface, love the integrated Microsoft services, love continuum... hell, I'm prepared with a long *** Continuum app list at any given moment to destroy someone's will to live for trying to claim nothing much ever became of Continuum... and still, I get absolutely giddy every time I unlock an in-game achievement that contributes to my XBL Gamerscore.

I'm honestly fine with the app gap too. We have some of the most amazing 3rd party apps out there for Google+, Google Play Music... TubeCast (of which I can't find anything as good on my iPhone 7+ or S8) bringing that wonderful immersive full-res playback at 60FPS and continuous playback regardless of whether I'm in another app (or under a lock screen).

...what's driving me to leave though has absolutely nothing to do with the app gap, and everything to do with just how much Microsoft is ignoring what they can do as a first party. So what we don't have Snapchat? Microsoft's created a very nice alternative to Snapchat... yet it's not even on Windows Mobile. LinkedIn? Mixer? iOS has them... Android has them... Windows Mobile? Nada. They say they want to retrench and only target businesses... why is LinkedIn absent? This isn't a situation like Snapchat where Evan Spiegel's being an *******, this is Microsoft having all the power to make sure their properties are on Windows Mobile, and doing nothing about it.

That is the kind of crap that makes loyal Windows Phone users (like myself) feel betrayed.

Complaints of image retention on the 950, 950XL and all other OLED-family Windows Phones that only have on-screen buttons are rampant with no solution from MS. This one is incredibly bizarre because I rushed out and got my hands on a Lumia 535 the moment I heard about the rebranding from Nokia to Microsoft, and loved that the bar was ~50% transparent. That was not only a good design choice, but something that could be saving us from dealing with burn-in.

Microsoft picked up a hell of a bombshell from Nokia. Back in the day "Lumia" used to mean something... meant you were gonna get the best battery life in the biz, super-slick performance, a design language that inspired creativity out of others (go look up JobLens, Nike Kinect for Windows Phone, or the Microsoft-made "Metro" Facebook app from WP7/8), some wickedly good-feeling hardware, and the best damn camera you could find in a smartphone. I'm still quite impressed by the camera on my 950, but nowadays the S8 can battle it pound for pound, getting just as good pictures, being able to zoom in and have the same awesome quality... and with less delay... less waiting for "Saving" to finally get the hell out of our way, and without the random reboots while trying to shoot.

I had just about every WP8 phone GSM users had access to (and even tried to use the Lumia Icon in it's half-GSM-functional glory)... and never, ever saw a damn random reboot that led to an SD card scan request. That never seems to finish, BTW. I have to power down the phone, take the card out, use error checking on my computer (it completes in under a minute) then I can go back to using my phone regularly. That's an enormous pain in the *** to have my flow disrupted like this... and it happens often.

Still, in all my ramblish rants... I love having Microsoft's support in my pocket. They're such a satisfactory solution in every other facet of my life from work to school to gaming and everything else. Unfortunately, it's seeming as if the best path to that support is abandoning Windows Mobile... just like Microsoft has. On a whim, I got my hands on a iPhone 6S. Their OneNote has the integrated Office Lens technology I've been trying to get on my Surface/Windows Phone for YEARS.

I truly detest this iPhone... hate the interface, hate the camera, hate the ultra-thick bezels... cannot believe anyone is impressed by this ****e battery life, and my SIM is still in my Lumia 950... but I don't know how long that's going to last seeing as Microsoft has done everything in their will to prove to us that they aren't even willing to make Windows Mobile the best they can within their ability.
I don't want a Android or iPhone. They are just boring. Hoping there will be new choice down track.. I love my Windows phones.
sure, it´s been hard to be a fan, and even when i´m not using my lumia as a primary device is more eficient tan my buggi stupid and redundant Android, of curse i use all the services from Microsoft but isn´t enought, so maybe i can wait for a new small device with Windows that also can woek as a phone, not because i´m loyal, just because is better and safer
I am with it until my 950XL dies. I won't help it along to that end and I won't likely buy a replacement for it either. I find iOS frustrating and often irritating to use and have an iPhone 6S as a co-phone (needed for work). Given the 6S and 950XL side by side, I nearly always pick the 950. The few exceptions are where I think there's a risk of a fall/break (e.g. on my bike rides) and that happens to align with it working as GPS for my Fitbit (assume my 950 does too but never take it on rides). So I have a lower risk threshold with my 950 and a huge preference to use my 950. When it dies, I'll pray for something new and fresh to be on the market. But I won't own a second iPhone when I don't like the one I have to have. And I cannot fathom going back to an Android phone as I ended up detesting the experience.
I just purchased an Elite X3 to replace my TMo Idol 4S and love it. Great phone. However, I will return it to MS store tomorrow since I cannot justify staying on a dead platform for much longer. I'll probably go back to Android (yuck)and buy a Note 8 when available. Very disappointing that Microsoft has given up on Mobile. I believe Windows 10 / PC's are next. My kids don't use PC's or their friends, everyone at work complains about the crappy Dell laptops being issued with Windows 10 and Nutella doesn't understand he's selling the future for short term gains in the cloud. There is a very strong movement at my employer to ditch PC's in favor of Apple. I can't see this ending well for Microsoft with the continued retrenchment on consumer side. The cloud will become fiercely competitive and eventually erode profits.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

Well, good luck with that. I'm moving on.

I left iPhone for an 830, picked up a used 1520 because I enjoyed WP so much. Bought a cheap 640 for the house phone and upgraded my 830 for a 950.

I was all in for WP. Too bad MS clearly is not.

I no longer believe any rewards are ahead. MS is doing what they've always done best: Putting their products on someone else's device.

I've already done Apple, so this time I'm trying out Android. My new Moto G5S Plus arrives this week. (I'm also done paying ridiculous prices for new phones.)

My only concern is the down grade of the camera, but if I know I'll need it I'll just dust off the 950 and bring it along.

Enjoy waiting for the Ultimate Mobile Unicorn. You can have mine, too (if it ever shows up).
The "bitter end" was when Microsoft shut down Nokia and laid everyone off. The "bitter end" was the BUILD conference early this year, when Microsoft showed that the latest Visual Studio can create iOS and Android apps, but NOT Win10M apps. The "bitter End" was today when the hipster-wanna-be doofus from Microsoft tweeted that Win10M is dead. Sorry, but I have zero respect for a loser who thinks that jeans and tennis shoes is appropriate attire for a world wide conference. He couldn't even be bothered to shave. He looked like a GD wino.

There is a difference between bitter end and delusional denial. If you want to waste time "hanging on" and being a "loyal customer", then knock yourself out. I fully bailed from windows mobile about 6 months ago, and started losing interest generally when Windows 10 was released.

I have no time to be emotionally involved in any corporation. I have an actual life, and it does not involve banging my head against walls.
I just purchased an Elite X3 to replace my TMo Idol 4S and love it. Great phone. However, I will return it to MS store tomorrow since I cannot justify staying on a dead platform for much longer. I'll probably go back to Android (yuck)and buy a Note 8 when available. Very disappointing that Microsoft has given up on Mobile. I believe Windows 10 / PC's are next. My kids don't use PC's or their friends, everyone at work complains about the crappy Dell laptops being issued with Windows 10 and Nutella doesn't understand he's selling the future for short term gains in the cloud. There is a very strong movement at my employer to ditch PC's in favor of Apple. I can't see this ending well for Microsoft with the continued retrenchment on consumer side. The cloud will become fiercely competitive and eventually erode profits.
PC is not going anywhere. What would replace it? Surely not Apple, much less Linux.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

Joe Belifore has clarified that WP is pretty much dead, no more new features, I'm jumping ship this holiday season... Sucks, been here for a long time!

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