I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

I saw the writing on the wall last year and already jumped ship. I loved the Windows Mobile OS and it's ultra clean UI, but the lack of apps became too much to bear for me. I wanted to believe it would never come to this.
There Srsly is no ground to stand on, windows phone has been on quick sand for a long while now and it's head has gone under.

Not that I'm happy with this but it's there own fault, ever since I've had a windows phone like 6 years ago, no one around me has ever heard of windows phone. It's **** marketing and we have suffered from it by the lack of apps for long enough.
So no WP IS dead, mircosoft has said it themselves.

I've switched about a week ago, couldn't be happier.
Im with original poster on this one.
Why switch? I know some people are more dependant on apps than others but Im sticking with WM10 dor as long as possible. The alternatives are truly awful in my mind. One being a walled garden with a super premium pricetag and the other one being a mess forcing me to update phone every year to not be stranded(i have a huge collection of phones including android so i know what im talking about). Also the security of android is too poor .

I sure hope MS will deliver a real mobile experience before i run out of Windows mobile hardware.....

Its like on windows 10, with bluestacks, there is no need for Android tablets. It would be an awesome feature for the next win 10 mobile to include.
I was originally going to say that I’m holding on to the bitter end but we’re way past that now!

It’s bitterly disappointing with the way things have ended but to be fair the writing was on the wall for quite some time. I think it’s just ridiculous that it took a casual reply from Joe Belfiore on Twitter to confirm the state of affairs for W10M.

But yeah, despite all the bad news I am holding onto WP8.1 (yes, 8.1) and will continue to hold on because I like it and because I’m very comfortable with it. I’m even looking for some unopened Lumias and accessories to add to my collection. Surprisingly it isn’t too hard to find unopened Lumias, although some accessories like genuine OEM shells for the 735 (cc-3086) and 640 (cc-3089) are hard to find and expensive too.

That said, I’m realistic and I will have to move eventually. The decision was made a few months back: Android and Nokia will be my next daily driver with Windows Phone relegated to secondary/back up duty. I won’t wait for the Surface Phone. What kind of device the Surface Phone will be and what Windows on mobile will look like will determine if I jump back to Windows on mobile or permanently settle down with Android.
Same here. I already upgraded to the 950 XL and am really happy with the device and with continuum and other features i can happily use it until the Surface Phone comes out. I have no need for the latest apps or games and can live by the many available in the Windows Store 😊
I moved to an android phone last year since there were was functions and apps I needed to manage my business and personal life that wasn't available on WP. It didn't help that my 950xl was acting up.

That said, I love Windows and ever since I've been finding ways to squeeze Windows into android and use less of Google services.
I would never be crazy enough to stop all my windows services, I'm not THAT hurt.

I'm very disappointed in Microsoft for abandoning the platform and slowly shuttering other much loved services. I spent lots of money after all.
I won't be investing in their future "experiments" like mixed reality headsets, and others. I'm kinda burnt out being an early adopter.

I know Windows will always be there and it's solid enough to rely on, even Nadella knows not to mess with that.

Alas, I have a sinking feeling that Bing will be next on the chopping block. That would hurt very much, and will be the death knell for Cortana.
I really hope that doesn't come to pass.

I praise you for sticking till the end. If it works for you, then go for it. I'm still a Windows Phone fan, and you have my support.

Btw: I recently resurrected my old Lenovo ThinkPad 8 tablet by installing Windows 10 Pro on it. I have to say, it's very cool. Great battery life, compact, and works excellent with the rest of my Windows ecosystem.
Maybe its a glimpse into the Windows "Mobile" future.
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I abandoned Windows mobile a year ago. But let's be honest: Microsoft abandoned Windows Phone / Mobile the day Satya Nadella walked in the door as CEO. Windows 10 Mobile was never more than a half-effort. That 2 years after launch it remains a bug-riddled mess is a testament to how little Nadella's Microsoft cares about the quality of its mobile efforts on its own OS at all.

I left Windows Mobile for iOS, and did that for about 6 months. Now I'm on Android, and though I miss things like Live Tiles, pinning functions and data straight to my start screen, etc., I'm learning to live without them.

Microsoft gave up, just like they nearly always give up, and they flipped the fans a double helping of middle finger in the doing.

Going forward, it'll be android for all my mobile devices.
Also the security of android is too poor .
Yep. Android makers try so hard to secure their devices, but it is only a matter of time. Root access has already been obtained on the Snapdragon Note 8. Which is normally unheard of on Samsungs. We are not talking the kinda root where knox is tripped either, however the bootloader is still locked down on the Note 8...I get more concerned about web exploits then a person obtaining root level privileges on a device, Android is going to have to get real serious if they ever want to compete with iOS in that arena.
Re: I'm standing my ground, and sticking with windows phone

Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.
I also bought two Microsoft Bands. The Band 2 broke twice. I also bought 2 Surfaces. The RT was a disaster and the Surface 2 was just okay. Hardware is a challenge for Microsoft.
I think it's clear that MS will continue to loose ground in the desktop OS space if it doesn't have a mobile platform as people move to the OS that is more comfortable to them and more native to most of the services they use; music, navi, photos etc, particularly as enterprise servers are now open to any OS.

I think win mobile has been great; I love the UI and am hooked on Windows as am a PC gamer so they have me, but has been let down by poor business support and at the time Android and IPhone were making big advances. Now, however, with a new lackluster iPhone and nothing wildly new on Android I think the timing might be right to re-enter the mobile market for MS, but to do so they need a suite of world class services and one big compelling reason to move. It hasn't been continuum, but I do think MS has an advantage with Cortana and a legacy of working well with other hardware providers, so the saviour of win phone could be .... Drumroll..... Home Automation. Give the people an easy to use, comprehensive and familiar ecosystem in a crowded and incomplete market and people will have a reason to choose Microsoft again.

I really hope they do as I tried Android through HTC and did not enjoy the experience and do not trust google on privacy and I am certainly not ready to become an iTw@t even if I did want to convert all of my music to aac taking the edge of it's quality. However with Satya Nadella showing as much bravery as he does hair I think this is unlikely.
Once my Lumia 640 LTE breaks I'm heading straight back to Android. Same goes for my Surface 4. Once it's out of warranty and I have to start paying for replacements I'll be getting something else.

I will never ever buy another device made by Microsoft. Microsoft is good at what they do with software and enterprise services, but they're not dependable when it comes to hardware.
I was pretty bummed to hear about Groove and now with Joe Belfiore's latest comments it is certain that W10M is now dead. I seriously doubt that Microsoft will make another mobile device (like the folding screen ones we saw patents of). I will stick with my Lumia 950 for as long as it will hold up and as long as Microsoft will support it (guessing ~1 more year) but then I will have to evaluate where the best place for me in mobile is. I will probably end up going Android (mostly because there are more and cheaper options vs. iPhone), but could end up going with iPhone only because I already have one for work already so that could be a convenience factor. I just hate that I have to make this decision at all. Hoping that somehow there is a miracle and we do get that Surface Phone sometime before next Christmas.
Re: I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile. Want to leave? I won't miss you at a

Spotify don't run at all on my Lumia 950 XL. I have brought a OnePlus 5 and have used it for over a month, but are now back on my Lumia. I really don't like the Android experience.

What is the point of UWP if there is no phone in the ecosystem? Old Windows programs runs just fine on tablets, notebook and desktops anyway.

I will continue to use my Lumia 950 XL, and probably my wife will continue to use hers Lumia 950.

I will continue to use my OneDrive account, and Edge browser across my laptop and my smartphone. And I will continue to use Cortana on my smartphone.

However, in May 2018 I will have to find some use for over 700 euros accumulated in my Vodafone Romania account. Which mean that I will have to buy some mobile device from Vodafone Romania. I would like to buy a Surface Pro LTE if Microsoft will be kind enough to sell this device through Vodafone Romania. If not, then probably I'll spend this 700 euros on an Android terminal. I'm very pleased by the design of LG V30.

Unfortunately I do not agree with you on that part with "all is good, those who stick to the end shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven". I'm afraid it might take several years for Microsoft to finally come with a pocketable telephony enabled PC.
Despite all this negativity, I still want an X3 for Christmas.

We all knew Microsoft didn't care about W10M so this news is not surprising. W10M is dead, it has been for time now. I am not sure why this is a surprise? Microsoft have become the Sega of the mobile world. and W10M is the Dreamcast in the same respects.

This was coming. But, as long as our phones still work and as long as we are happy with them, that is the most important thing, and they can do what we need them to do then perhaps there is not quite such an immediate need to jump ship? Sure, if the other platforms work better for you then by all means go for that, Microsoft devs have, but as long as we still get MS products and services in some form, on iOS, Android or W10M, that is the main thing.

Microsoft have literally 'done a Sega' on this. And Sega ended up surviving and somewhat flourishing after some dark years when they first left the console hardware business. No doubt Microsoft will be the same. I have no plans to leave W10M, unless I cannot get an X3 for whatever reason. W10M works for me, the same way that iOS or Android works for you. That's enough.

We are not sticking with Microsoft out of some deluded sense of loyalty or waiting for the prophetic Surface Phone, if you are, then you need to go elsewhere, but what still works will remain working and for the remaining few, including me, that's enough to stay with W10M for now.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.
I'm with you....but Microsoft is bringing people to use Android and iOS, and soon people will use Google and Apple services (just like twenty years ago when only Windows existed and Microsoft offered services. They were not happy that others used Firefox, for example).

Apps on the Microsoft Store will no longer make sense, and tomorrow, when everything will be "Mobile", you'll be cut off from the games. Many will not even know about Microsoft services. For me app-gap is mainly in the head of the people - like with the iphone - I have more than 100 apps and I always found everything I needed, even better than on other operating systems.
Those who use Android, on Pc use Chrome! Most of all will not use Bing, onedrive, or install arrow. They'll use gmail not outlook!

This was the time to keep insisting on Windows on smartphones. It's been a shame for two years, they didn't produce a phone. Nadella is a mediocre CEO, does not have a vision.

P.S. Sorry for my english, it's not my language.

P.P.S. I own Surface Pro 3, Xbox One S and Lumia 950 XL, I use every day Microsoft services (Skype, Office ecc...). In the past I used Surface Rt, Surface 2, Lumia 925, Lumia 930. Microsof have not been corrected with so many of us.
One of the biggest things keeping me on the platform (other than pure stubbornness) is the Family settings. My young kids have Microsoft child accounts - this allows me to comfortably allow them to use any of my PCs and their 640s (no sim) with little to no supervision. I know they can't get to anything I don't want them to... either apps, websites, or videos.

How do I achieve the same level of family safety and control with Android?

Actually I have found since the family transitioned over to iPhones, it is just as easy on the devices. Once I have mine this week I can actually use the same function for family management on their devices. The wife swapped to an iPad from a Dell 2-1, but they still have their W10 laptops and tablets so that is the same.

So Bill Gates and Joe Belifore both already moved on, CEO didn't even want Smartphones. I think our wish to see a Surface Ultramobile with Telephone might not end up being what we wanted anyway. Remember at the last keynote Mircrosoft highlighted iPhones running their AI software... Not bailing ship, just changing one of the lights by swapping over. Still have a SP and will stick with it and the other services from Microsoft, which I project that is all they will be doing just like Blackberry sooner than later.

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