I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile.

Well, Joe Belfiore made it just about as clear as he was allowed to. New hardware and new features for mobile are "not the focus". Which means no Surface phone, nothing other than security/bug fixes for us from here until EOL. However, with that said, for me there is nothing acceptable about iPhone or Android. Nothing. I used PocketPc/WindowsMobile back in the day until WM got so stupid that you had to do ridiculous customization to make it useful (I hate tons of customization...I want a system that is attractive and WORKS right out of the box) and I gave up. I use flip phones until WP7 came out. When my 1020 dies, I'll rely on my 950. When my 950 dies, I'll go back to flip phones.
Ultimately its what you really appreciate with your mobile device. I would much rather enjoy the solid features that Windows provides that iOS and Android do not, such as having all my information at a glance and great Cortana synchronization between my laptop and Xbox One S. I am still optimistic for the future and I will ride the wave until the end
my lumia 950 still makes and receives calls. it also still sends and receives SMS, WhatsApp and telegram. it still sends and receives emails. takes reasonably good photos and decent 30fps 4k footages. plays mp3s and flacs and almost any video i throw at it. has a calculator. opens office documents as well as built in support for epub and pdf in edge. has native one note, where I develop mood boards for work. has a working browser. has access to my one drive and my own personal cloud that i set up at home through the browser. still makes the occasional video conference calls through skype.

the app gap does not affect me.

however, i already bought an lg g6 and used it on the side as a spare. ended up visiting the play store to install all the microsoft app + sideloaded cortana and installed here we go app that provides the same experience as microsoft maps.

when this lumia dies (which i hope will be sometime after 2019) i think i am all set to make the jump to android. but in the mean time, im sticking with this lumia.
Nothing to stick around for. And equally difficult is Windows Central needs to get rid of the phone, band and Surface categories on the site and in the app. Probably why theses stories are being posted and linked to. Get the clicks while they can before the doors shut. I'm gonna miss this place but on to a device that is actively supported by the company that makes it. That is going to be weird.
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I have not owned a Windows Phone/Mobile device since the HTC Radar, but it was certainly the first smartphone I actually liked, having used Android before then. I've owned an iPhone ever since but I was always sort of looking back and hoping that Windows Phone would have a phone that would make me switch back. It just seemed like the devices were hobbled by carrier exclusivity or not being competitive at the low-end. This coupled with the fact that updates never quite seemed like a guarantee, so you may as well stick with Android at that point. I wonder if Windows 10 Mobile were more successful, if they would actually build on that momentum, rather than starting over yet again like they did WM6>WP7>WP8.
Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

Windows on phones is dead all right, from the latest news. No matter, I am sticking with my WM phones for now. I feel sad for picking losers. First it was Blackberry, and now Windows. I am yet to have accepted the limited platform choices now on phones. Maybe I never will.
Last month, I picked up the Alcatel Idol 4S at the steep discount Microsoft was offering. I figure that'll get me through the next year or two. After that, I'll take the temperature of things and decide where to go.
Re: I'm standing my ground, and sticking with Windows Mobile. Want to leave? I won't miss you at a

They just launched books. It makes be hope for a device with a foldable screen they must be internally testing...
I just left for a Note 8. I hate Google and like Apple even less. But the 1 thing I like less than both of them is being spit on by someone or something that I have supported and championed for years and that is exactly what MS has done to us fans. By "standing your ground", you are standing with a company and a CEO that has no interest or respect for you as a consumer or a fan. If that's what you want to do, more power to you, you are a better man than me. I reached my limit. I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars on their products over the last 20 or so years, I have put my reputaton on the line by convincing other people to support Windows, Windows Phone and the MS ecosystem and half of those products from just a few years ago are now gone. So not only have I been burnt as a long time supporter, but I have been made to look like a fool and had my reputation take a hit with people I care about. So, for that, I'm done.

I would have loved a Surface Phone, I would love any new mobile phone like device that has live tiles and full Cortana integration. But as of now, I have a near mint 1520 and a near mint 950XL (that I recently bought because I was trying to stand my ground like you) that I need to get rid of. Meanwhile I have a beautiful new Note 8 running an OS that feels archaic in comparison to Windows Mobile. I still use Outlook and Onedrive on it for now, but if MS doesn't change their direction and their attitude towards us fans fast, I will leave completely. Good luck to you and maybe, just maybe, some of us will be able to come back and join you down the road. But man, it's going to take an awful lot for MS to earn my business and more importantly, my trust, again.
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Groove pass didn't affect me, I never subscribed to any music service, I'm still buying CDs and ripping them to MP3 which I copy to my phone. Groove the app will still be there to play my locally stored music, so no impact for me.

What MS should do, even if they put Windows on ARM on a phone, is to add an Android layer, sign a pack with the devil and get the Play Store and Google services with the Windows GUI which is by far the best phone GUI.

The GUI is what keeps me around.
I'm moving my parents to Android as soon as their Lumia's break down or when they can't do with their phones what they want to do anymore. Which might be pretty soon because in the last days the ABN AMRO banking app has stopped functioning and this bank said to me that they expect the other Dutch banks to suspend support very soon.
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Who else is with me? Till the bitter end we stick together, we will make it through, and we know good things come to those who wait.

My 1520 finally crashed and screen shattered, I'm now looking for a 950XL as an upgrade or if I can find an HP x3 for cheap that'll be great too.

I don't think WM is a burning and a sinking ship at all, I just think we're in a transitional phase, and there's absolutely no reason why MS isn't doing something secretly in their Research Lab. They're most likely preparing for the post-smartphone era that's about to unfold in the next couple of years or so. I'm very excited to finally see the "foldable phone" they've been working on for quite some time now, and I'm sure it'll be great.

I would totally understand why you are leaving this platform, and it's absolutely within reason and totally justified, I won't miss you though because I know deep down inside, you've got a special place for WM and you'll eventually come back to us when a new spark has been ignited.

But for us who are staying and sticking through this long haul, we're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right. We shall make it through and reap the rewards when the time is right.

I'm with you and sticking to Windows Mobile. I'm even considering buying a 950 as a spare, I'm hoping MS gets it act together and releases some mobile device, my only other back up plan is to get a windows LTE tablet and use skype. I truly hope MS gets its act together and finally get a decent marketing strategy.
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We all been fooled and used as test dummies. After all those years and massive revolution with WP7/W8 modern/metro UI and Nokia pushing the market now we are so many steps behind even that point.

Belfiore just stated that this is not just the end of W10 Mobile but they failed with apps etc. So ARM, Surface Phone etc. would not save anything. Specially after all those let downs nobody will trust them again.

I feel fooled, should decide years ago to stick with Apple and now I would be with stable ecosystem of devices and strategy. Everything was great since Nadella came and now there is no doubt - he's changing MS into IBM. I wonder how people will now justify words about closing Surface line? IMB also sold Thinkpad at some point and said bye to consumer market. MS with Nadella could do this without even a second of thinking about user base, brands and MS heritage :/
I'm sticking with my 950 until it dies. This thing is perfect and there's nothing out there that can replace it and do what i need it to do.
Continuum is a life saver at times, the ability to run ethernet over USB-C is really handy and useful when diagnosing network issues (The android phones i've tried USB-C ethernet on don't even detect it...). The ease of use and syncing between all my other devices is just so fluid. The camera still holds up against todays devices too.
Plus, with mine being a dual sim... it's hard to find a decent replacement phone that has dual sim capabilities, and i've no idea how Android handles them but i'm willing to bet its not as fluid as Windows does dual sims.

Never been fussed by the apparent 'lack of apps'. All the default apps do their jobs perfectly, any others that i want i've either been able to find them or i've made them myself.

What i think MS should do is release Windows Phone in a similar way as they have with IoT core, and let people make their own ROMS. Then we could get some Android phone and put a proper OS on it! I'm hoping that IoT core turns into something like this when CShell arrives... I know it'll be a ballache to try and port the OS to other devices (although it does just need some BSPs and drivers) but its possible.
I AM GONE - Lol smh. The leaders ( Satya, Bill, Joe) have abandoned ship. The ship they say to get on is Android. I bought a ticket on Zune, done. Have beautiful mp3 player that I wasted money. I have owned the flagship Samsung Focus S, Windows 7 mobile based, done as Microsoft changed direction. I bought the Microsoft Lumia 925, Windows 8 mobile based if I recall, Microsoft changed direction to Windows 10 mobile. So I bought the Microsoft 950 XL, and Microsoft bailed. Loved my Groove on the 950 XL and Microsoft bailed. When I catch a deal on a mid tier or better Android I am out. The only way I will by into a new product from Microsoft will be if the product is firmly established. I own the stock but am concerned about Xbox & this VR, AR thing being that this is the next big thing along with cloud computing. Xbox is central to making significant inroads to the home but I am not sure Microsoft has enough front end services to be central to the home as Google and Amazon are throwing a lot of resources there. Microsoft has consistently had the vision of where tech is going but unable to successfully implement. The fight with the Surface laptop seems to be going as planned though. Xbox fighting a tough battle. Phones lost. Music service lost. Cloud a knockout. Software services winning on the score cards. VR and AR seems to be tough battle as competition is heated with what appears everyone gaining or even passing Microsoft. WHERE IS MY BARGAIN ANDROID!
he's changing MS into IBM
No, he's changing Microsoft back to Microsoft. Emphasis on SOFT. I don't like it and I feel it's a misguided decision but there's nothing sinister about it. Stupid yes, evil no. If you bought into Windows mobile with the hopes of something grand, then you fooled yourself. Or rather, you let bloggers and dreamers on this forum convince you there was a mythical Surface Phone coming.

Worst case scenario is that this current version of Windows 10 Mobile goes EOL in June of 2019. That's in black and white on Microsoft's website. Anything else you read on Twitter or ouija boards is on you and nobody else. Even so, that EOL date just means the end of support. Your phone is still going to work just like there are still hundreds of thousands of Windows XP computers out there churning along.
Staying with it. I love it to much to switch to an Android or an iPhone. Getting rid of Groove but still having a replacement app for it isn't enough for me to swap phone OS's. Still have a 950 for a backup to my Elite x3 to last for some time. If that doesn't work I'm sure I'll be able to find another on the web. If that doesn't work then I'll have to consider an alternative when updates to the OS and Apps completely stop and becomes officially obsolete, until then, Win10 Mobile is my prefered phone system. Not a diehard fan, just a fan of the ease of use and simplicity of Win10 vs the alternatives.
I'm a daily 950/Continuum user and I have known for a while that the W10M branch was a "dead OS walking.". However, even the $1k super phones coming out don't offer me any feature worth switching for. I've got iris recognition, wireless charging, a QHD amoled screen, continuum, etc. already. The app gap isn't an issue for my use and the device serves me well. I'll keep going with it as the Andromeda vision comes in to focus.
I'm sticking with it! I'll be right there with you till the bitter end! I don't really have a reason to switch. My L950 works fine, and I do not enjoy the other phone OS's. I honestly hope they do pull through with W10 on ARM. I keep seeing small PC companies develop ultra portable PCs like the Ockel Sirius A. If they could use that device to make phone calls and text then I would buy one in a heartbeat and get rid of my phone. I am hoping that there will be OEMs that develop devices based on this new modular Windows 10 Core OS which allow text/phone calls/ and an amazing desktop/mobile experience. I guess we will wait and see.

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