Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or is it dead?

Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

It's funny we're even having this argument about the iPhone, which is clearly still alive and Windows Phone, which is on life support. Custom ringtones clearly hasn't helped much.

The world of technology is full of inferior gadgets or items that have become popular despite the other tech being far better. This has been going on since Betamax vs VHS. The iPhone sucks but what Apple has that Microsoft does not is both mind share and great emotional marketing. The Android sucks, but to many it is an alternative to Apple. IMHO, Windows Phone OS beats them both but Microsoft lacked a strategy and a plan and did little to nothing in marketing it correctly. Yes, they tried, and then they just gave up. I blame their management. Apple was basically paying off sales people in phone stores to hock their product. The Telco's helped with marketing and promotions because they saw a potential cash cow -- Microsoft did nothing. Even with the latest 950XL -- the BS move by Microsoft to not even get the phone certified on the Verizon network says they do not get it.

Windows Phone failed because it lacked the necessary focus. Apple made the iPhone will a full court press of emotional marketing and making it the "IT" device by even paying people to stand in line for a phone and keeping fake shortages to make look like the demand to go into a hot night club.

The next iPhone is rumored to be over $1000+ and will have very little new features and just as crappy a battery as always but the mind share will make it a winner and Apple's marketing and the fanboys of the media will make it a success because it is the new religion.

Microsoft lost because it did not know how to fight and had no plan.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

I'm in the same situation as "scanspeak". My lumia 1020 finally lost skype :eck:. So went to the windows store in the mall and they had no windows phones
They wrere selling Samsung Google powered phones in a windows store . Sure you can't go to a apple store to buy a wp.
Salesman says surface might be coming out with a phone but no idea of release date
I'm leaning to the fact that wp is a dying phone. Which is too bad. I like my wp
Was told the 950xl is already discontinued .Should I wait for surface phone or buy a 950 or alcatel, Or go andoid. Its sad but I need skype back

Why not just upgrade to W10?
Hi there,

I`ve been using a WP8.1 for years and side by side with an Asus Zenfone running Android, I much prefer it. Problem is - I notice many providers are removing their apps from the Windows Store. Bloomberg, Ebay, Caledos and others which I use almost daily, are either not there or left unupdated and some don`t work well.

So, does it make sense to purchase another such phone in a shrinking app store and what appears to be a silent desire by Microsoft to shut off WP? Do you think its all rumours about them looking to kill the mobile version?

I am in a shaky boat - I like iOS as an OS very much. The devices work flawlessly and are very easy to use, apps are millions. But I don`t like the constant need to use iTunes and Apple`s support and policies. Its like buying a product from a company I don`t like for their values, not for their devices. I`m not going back to Android even if I`m threatened with a gun to my forehead.

Definitely, Windows mobile is by far the best platform, based on my tastes.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

The world of technology is full of inferior gadgets or items that have become popular despite the other tech being far better. This has been going on since Betamax vs VHS. The iPhone sucks but what Apple has that Microsoft does not is both mind share and great emotional marketing. The Android sucks, but to many it is an alternative to Apple. IMHO, Windows Phone OS beats them both but Microsoft lacked a strategy and a plan and did little to nothing in marketing it correctly. Yes, they tried, and then they just gave up. I blame their management. Apple was basically paying off sales people in phone stores to hock their product. The Telco's helped with marketing and promotions because they saw a potential cash cow -- Microsoft did nothing. Even with the latest 950XL -- the BS move by Microsoft to not even get the phone certified on the Verizon network says they do not get it.

Windows Phone failed because it lacked the necessary focus. Apple made the iPhone will a full court press of emotional marketing and making it the "IT" device by even paying people to stand in line for a phone and keeping fake shortages to make look like the demand to go into a hot night club.

The next iPhone is rumored to be over $1000+ and will have very little new features and just as crappy a battery as always but the mind share will make it a winner and Apple's marketing and the fanboys of the media will make it a success because it is the new religion.

Microsoft lost because it did not know how to fight and had no plan.

Quite a subjective set of statements. That doesn't make any of them true. Enjoy your device.
I have been a Microsoft mobile fan since Windows CE 1 but given all the chances going on in Microsoft currently and the lack of good support for Windows 10 Mobile (B2X support is rubbish) I will be moving to HMD / Nokia next. Good support, regular updates and looks like a really good product offering.
For me, the nail in the coffin was the Galaxy S8 Microsoft Edition. I had long ago sworn off both iOS and Android, but since WP/W10M was dead, I begrudgingly went back to Android (Moto G5 Plus). I do miss the W10M UX (though 8.1's UX was probably my all-time favorite....I only upgraded to 10M for the features), but otherwise, I haven't missed anything. One of Android's problems is that each device is so different, that one can be awesome specs and terrible hardware, and the next phone is the opposite. The G5 Plus is smooth and clean enough to remind me of the good ol' days of 8.1, but with actual developer support.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

Microsoft would have to demonstrate a commitment to the phone far greater than they have ever shown before for me to go back. I switched from the Lumia Icon first to an inexpensive Android phone, which I passionately disliked, and then to iPhone 6S Plus. There are still things I liked better about my Windows Phone, but I have gotten used to the iPhone and dependent on it. There are things I now do on the iPhone (banking apps, things as simple as the NYT Crossword Puzzle app) that I am not going to be willing to give up to go back to Windows Phone. Microsoft has a long row to hoe and billions of dollars to invest before they are going to convince me to switch back.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

Apple was basically paying off sales people in phone stores to hock their product. The Telco's helped with marketing and promotions because they saw a potential cash cow -- Microsoft did nothing.

Exactly! Incidentally, just last week I had to go to the AT&T store to get a new sim card to reactivate my 640 after I ditched Android, and the guy there tried to talk me out of it. I wasn't making a purchase either way -- I already own both phones, so he had nothing to gain.

I gave him an earful about how employees like him were partly responsible for the failure of WM, as they nearly refused to sell it. When I took my mom to get her a 920 back in the day, I had to insist that was what we wanted. They didn't even want to show us one (of course, there were none on display), preferring to push an iPhone or Galaxy instead. And this was not an isolated incident.
Hi there,

I`ve been using a WP8.1 for years and side by side with an Asus Zenfone running Android, I much prefer it. Problem is - I notice many providers are removing their apps from the Windows Store. Bloomberg, Ebay, Caledos and others which I use almost daily, are either not there or left unupdated and some don`t work well.

So, does it make sense to purchase another such phone in a shrinking app store and what appears to be a silent desire by Microsoft to shut off WP? Do you think its all rumours about them looking to kill the mobile version?

I am in a shaky boat - I like iOS as an OS very much. The devices work flawlessly and are very easy to use, apps are millions. But I don`t like the constant need to use iTunes and Apple`s support and policies. Its like buying a product from a company I don`t like for their values, not for their devices. I`m not going back to Android even if I`m threatened with a gun to my forehead.
Just dropping my two cents in. I would like another Windows Phone, and I know the Alcatel has been on sale for occasion around $250, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to commit to that knowing that it likely won't be supported past this fall. I really would like the Elite x3, but not for the $700 or whatever they're asking for it right now. If someone were to put out a phone that Microsoft guaranteed would get the CShell or Windows on ARM version of Windows Mobile that comes out in the future, I would happily buy that phone, but I'd more just like to wait until the next set of phones comes out.

In the meantime I've been using a OnePlus 3T and my 950 XL (which resets fairly often, but a lot of people say a new battery fixes that??). It works for me for now and I truthfully have issues with both phones, but oh well at this point. I get frustrated with Android (used to do ALL THE ROMS on my old Android phones) and the lack of any real choices for W10M kind of has me bummed out for now.

Just my thoughts. I'm excited for what is rumored to be coming, but wish it were going to be here by end of year and not sometime in 2018.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

I really want another phone to replace my 950xl. Dreading having to buy an android. So far in looking at oneplus 5 but not convinced yet.
I have both the 950 & 950XL. I love the phones. I will continue using them for as long as Microsoft provides security patching for them and Microsoft apps (Office, Films & TV, Groove, Skype) are supported. Continuum is brilliant. I have not felt the need to upgrade to a different phone since getting the 950s. I plan to purchase a Surface Phone as soon as soon as the unicorn makes an appearance. If I should lose or break one, I will first see if I can buy new cheaply, and if not, look for a used 950(xl) phone.

If Microsoft stops supporting Windows Mobile - by which I mean security patching & Microsoft apps - then I will likely go with whichever phone brand has the best camera and Microsoft eco-system integration at a reasonable price. Camera is key. I will be gutted if Microsoft stops supporting Windows Mobile and doesn't provide a Films & TV app for other mobile operating systems. I have a lot invested in the xBox Windows Film store and like being able to play them back on my 950XL to the Microsoft wireless TV adapter.
i dont change phones easily but since my 930 has problems recently i send it to service shop without any luck of fixing it so im even considering buying online a 950. Seems asian market has stock after looking around but my concern is if its real and not some fake replica. hell i would even buy another 930 but if i dont have a choice a chinese android would be my choice at max 200-250 euros. Im not giving 500+euros for the "hot/cool" phones. If i change ill come back if there are windows phones again.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

I want to buy another Windows phone. The Lumia 950xl is excellent with an amazing camera 📷. I really hope a Surface our Windows phone is coming out. I'll buy one. I just don't know apple our android systems.
It depends. Personally I have recommended a family member to go for a low end windows 10 mobile device. I would recommend them a nokia or microsoft lumia device, simply because they are the most around, people have the most experience with them and they are overall reliable devices. I wouldn't recommend a high end device. Specs might be a bit better and you might get a bigger battery, but they're not worth the investment. The high end devices are good for one thing and that is a better reading and viewing experience due to the larger screen.
Camera's are decent but there are better camera's out there. Overall my expereince is that windows 10 mobile camera's tend to be more on the warmer side. iPhone and Android are more on the bluish tainted side. It's a personal preference what looks better.
I would not invest in any windows 10 mobile device because of continuum. The expereince and productivity in my experience is half baked. There are too few uwp apps accessible via continuum at this point in time. Secondly access to only one app at a time in continuum on a secondary monitor is not very productive for business use. I think the minimum should be two. Cshell is just around the corner, but will likley not be compatible with all current devices on the market at official launch. I think having the option to open more than two windows is not perse necassary in this mobile formfactor for windows 10 mobile. I think it is better to look forward and wait what windows 10 on arm brings to the table. I think a minimum of two apps that I can snap side by side in windows 10 mobile would suffice my personal an business needs to seriously consider moving from the laptop or tablet pc to a windows 10 mobile device for personal and business use. But windows 10 mobile is not ready in its current form, and the indirect message, I think microsoft is sending, is that they really want to start with a clean slate of hardware experiences with the fall creators update. In that regard I don’t think its wise to invest in any windows 10 mobile device (nokia, hp, alcaltel, acer, hp or any other brand) at this point in time.
But if continuum doesn’t matter then it is still a good experience to buy into. I can’t speak for brand relcognition in mobile for windows 10 mobile for hp or alcaltel, because they are still relatively new in the windows mobile ecosystem and still have to prove their reliability.
There have been some worries about apps disappearing from the store. In my region of the Netherlands, Europe, I have not noticed this to be an issue to date. The top 10 apps I really need are provided in the windows store. The apps are regularly updated and work fine for my needs. The killer feature I still love over the other platforms are the live tiles. A great experience on windows 10 mobile. I am hoping they will expand this feature with more features in the near future. It would give a boost to the overall experience on any windows 10 device.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

Exactly! Incidentally, just last week I had to go to the AT&T store to get a new sim card to reactivate my 640 after I ditched Android, and the guy there tried to talk me out of it. I wasn't making a purchase either way -- I already own both phones, so he had nothing to gain.

I gave him an earful about how employees like him were partly responsible for the failure of WM, as they nearly refused to sell it. When I took my mom to get her a 920 back in the day, I had to insist that was what we wanted. They didn't even want to show us one (of course, there were none on display), preferring to push an iPhone or Galaxy instead. And this was not an isolated incident.

What do you expect, sales people are not agnostic. Sales people are coin operated, always have been and always will be, they sale what provides the most return to them. They sale what provides the biggest commissions and incentives. Microsoft is VERY familiar with this process, they have just chosen to to work with mobile networks and providers to provide incentives and commissions.
Microsoft is not helping its own ecosystem by building apps for other platform when Windows Mobile is on a terminal deathbed. It will be a bad investment to even consider sticking around hoping for a better tomorrow.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

The OP makes a good point about the disappearing apps in the Windows Store. At this point with all of Microsofts missteps and with Nadella telegraphing to the shareholders and investors his focus on AI and cloud I wonder how stable even Windows is going forward Google and Apple are at this point eating their lunch in education ect you begin to wonder if I should even be invested in their ecosystem just for the mere fact of much they don't get that mobile is where people are and will continue to be all the more in the future. I'm not feeling Microsoft much at this point. Sad in a way that I may have to find another platform in the near future if they don't turn things around in a hurry.
Good luck finding a Windows phone to buy. I have a 735 that I got after I dropped my 928 and broke the screen. I like the phone, and find the start screen and dark theme is much superior to iOS home screen.

However, there are several apps that I need that aren't available on Windows 10 Mobile. My phone will no longer notify me when I have an incoming email (and yes, the settings are correct), and at times when I leave wi-fi coverage and return it doesn't see the internet until I reboot the phone. Just too many little problems starting to crop up. Coupled with the fact that you can't buy a new Verizon-compatible phone, my next phone will be an iPhone.

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