Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or is it dead?

Nope. Was forced to switch to Android a few months back because of the rapidly disintegrating app ecosystem and shant be back unless they demonstrate their next phone effort is viable. And by viable, I mean have a representative list of apps available for use.

I do miss WP, but the current iteration of the platform is dead as a dodo.
Nope. Was forced to switch to Android a few months back because of the rapidly disintegrating app ecosystem and shant be back unless they demonstrate their next phone effort is viable. And by viable, I mean have a representative list of apps available for use.

I do miss WP, but the current iteration of the platform is dead as a dodo.

I think this is the way most people feel.
Re: Is it worth going for another Windows Phone or its dead?

I actually recently purchased the alcatel idol 4s. Its a great phone, thin light, and runs great. Continuum is cool as well. Might return it because of the app gap, and stated before, no support. I agree Microsoft is only focusing on windows 10 on arm, and is going to do something amazing with that, but will most definitely get rid of windows mobile 10. Which is a shame because it had some great features.
Will hang to my 640 as long as possible... so sad and disappointing how much Google and Apple out 'competed' Microsoft...
If you're comfortable with the fact that your device won't get any new features, go for it. Can't stop you.

Otherwise, don't bother. WM10 is still buggy, despite CU introducing hardly anything and FCU being a bunch of bugfixes only. The latest insider build goes wonky with the display brightness on my 640XL, which didn't happen before. Edge still keeps on freezing and reloading tabs for no reason. On top of that, it still doesn't support the things I want (extensions, notifications, popup blocker), despite the feature request for extensions having 15k+ upvotes.

Just get Android. It might lag, but so does WM10. There's a pretty good chance your system won't be getting new features, but then again WM10 doesn't either. All in all, at least you'll have plenty of apps and actual app developer support.
I'm going to rock my 950XL until it gives up the ghost. If the Massively Screwed-up dis-Functional Team (MSFT) doesn't have something else out there for at least 6 months before mine dies, then I'm gone from MSFT for good.

A phone is personal whether we like it or not. Part of that is the phone and part of that is how the phone maker and service provider treat you. I'd get the same service level or better if I switched but I'll call it a wash.

The part that isn't a wash is how the phone maker or OS maker treats its customers. MSFT doesn't and I don't think has the capacity to ever really get the individual consumer. XBOX was really a freak and is the only thing that is successful coming from a consumer standpoint. They have products that were successful in the consumer market but those products were coming from the Enterprise and could translate to the consumer.

It has been too dysfunctional on MSFT's part. I really think they are just throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping that they get something to stick. The other problem is that they have no staying power if the spaghetti doesn't get taken off right away. I can see "retrenchment #15 " coming.
I'm planning to wait until the next version of Windows, but if my current phone breaks beforehand, I'll probably hit up eBay and buy a used Windows Phone. The question for me is: "Will there be any large screen Windows-based phones in the future that don't cost as much as a laptop?"
I use an iPhone for work and an Galaxy S8 for personal use. I would have gone with a flagship windows phone (there was not one earlier this year) and the app gap also became an issue for me. So I am reluctantly using the S8. Should the next generation of a "Windows Phone" be a success, I will re-consider in 2 years, but I will not be an early adopter.

--Former Nokia 520 and Alcatel OneTouch Fierce XL user. . .
My wife is currently using a Lumia 950 (an upgrade from her 830). She is mostly happy with the 950, although she has run into the dreaded "this app is no longer available/supported" on a few occasions. I left Windows 10 Mobile when I swapped my Lumia 1520 for a Priv. I liked the Priv and it got better as the software became more refined, but it never approached the smoothness of the 1520. I recently picked up a Mate 9 and it is a big, easy to see and use, fast, and buttery smooth device that reminded me why I enjoyed my 1520 so much. I guess what I am trying to say is that I still quite like Windows Mobile and use it on occasion (we have the old 830 and it was updated via the insider program to Win10 Mobile). However, with so many good and relatively inexpensive Android devices now available, I find it hard to recommend Windows 10 Mobile devices (although I will seriously consider the Surface Phone when it makes its appearance). Especially considering that Outlook, OneDrive, Office, and the host of additional MS apps that I use on a daily basis work so well on Android devices.
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I recently purchased a Lumia 950xl coming from a Lumia 830 (W10M), which the capacitive buttons broke (still under warranty and currently being fixed). I was thinking of going for the X3 but for the price, i think its not that worth it for what i need.

So here is what I think of the Lumia 950xl.

- From what i heard, it feels and looks cheap but for me its not. if feels to to the hand and it looks simple but not cheap.
- Multitasking is a breeze
- Display and camera is great (we all know that already)
- Volume-power button placements was odd at first but when I took a screen shot it all make sense. I can take screen shots with only one hand, how convenient was that! also soft resetting is much easier if you ever need to.
- Using the dock while away from my main computer for light uses is also very convenient. I left mine at my parents house so i can use that when i visit. And I recently discovered that you can plug in a USB speaker/headphones to the dock!

For buying another windows phone, its a yes for me. i just love the simplicity of it. I dont really care about apps, i just want a phone that can do it with this level of simplicity. But suggesting one to others, currently, is another story.
Hi there,

I`ve been using a WP8.1 for years and side by side with an Asus Zenfone running Android, I much prefer it. Problem is - I notice many providers are removing their apps from the Windows Store. Bloomberg, Ebay, Caledos and others which I use almost daily, are either not there or left unupdated and some don`t work well.

So, does it make sense to purchase another such phone in a shrinking app store and what appears to be a silent desire by Microsoft to shut off WP? Do you think its all rumours about them looking to kill the mobile version?

I am in a shaky boat - I like iOS as an OS very much. The devices work flawlessly and are very easy to use, apps are millions. But I don`t like the constant need to use iTunes and Apple`s support and policies. Its like buying a product from a company I don`t like for their values, not for their devices. I`m not going back to Android even if I`m threatened with a gun to my forehead.

I believe MS have the best overall package or at least their prospect is the most promising, besides apps and the fact their mobile platform is in somewhat of a left arm development stage ATM.

The reasons you mentioned for not going Android or iOS apply to me as well, and I want to support MS developing their mobile platform.

I'll buy Windows phones as long as it is possible to do so. However, my next phone will most likely be a Windows 10 for ARM device. Just hoping the SD830 is powerful enough to make the experience fluid enough. Yeah, and that somebody actually make a handset with it.
If my phone suddenly died. I would - off Amazon or something.
If it is late 2018 and my phone died and MS is in the same boat - hello Android!
(Good bye MS and their services)
Extremely unlikely I'll buy another Windows Phone unless Android/iOS end up being on the verge of collapse, and don't see that happening anytime soon.

To me technology is about moving forward and that includes mobile phones, yet MSFT obviously thinks differently. Guess that's what happens when you have too much $$$, do what you want, when you want, and nobody is going to tell you different.

The 3 remaining Windows Phone's we own will probably end up in same drawer as my BlackBerry's, think they'll make a great couple, living happily ever after. :winktongue:
I'll preface this by saying I have used WP for the majority of the years I've used cell phones.1st smart phone, after using several Nokia flip phones was an LG Quantum.
Having said that, I sold my 950XL some time ago and currently use a Galaxy S8.
I felt that Microsoft was unable and/or unwilling to commit to Windows mobile. That made me feel as if I was on a sinking ship, so I jumped. Also, I hated Edge on mobile. I don't require a lot of apps, so that was not an issue. Just did not see a viable future in WP. I admit that I like high end phones and it didn't look like anything was on the horizon after the 950's and the HP.
I miss WP's UI and its fluid simplicity. It is absolutely my favorite. I REALLY miss Cortana (Android version just doesn't work as well). The day they introduced "Hey Cortana" I was hooked. I miss all of my WPs, especially my favorites...Ativ S, 950XL and especially my 1520 (Rumorednow knows what I mean...the beast).
I miss this site and the friends I made. WC is a very friendly place.
Guess I simply lost faith that Microsoft would continue to move forward with WP.
Anyway...."hey" to anyone that remembers me and I sure wish MS would have a chance to get back into mobile in a strong way. Not holding my breath though.
BTW-I Still have my little $30 Walmart Closeout 640 as a backup and do break it out from time to time. What a great deal that was.
If you are In need to get on with apps that are not present on the windows store then definitely switch on to the other platform.
But the fans like me, I really don't care about the apps. Even I am waiting for the best outcome from the Microsoft.
I've used WP since WP7, and currently use all three platforms, and I have to say W10M is the most unreliable garbage ever. I recently had my mom switch to android because her 650 bootlooped due to that dumb preview update MS released, and even after the recovery process and losing most of her data, some of the apps didn't want to work anymore. Why was it in preview in the first place? Because the official build had an annoying Japanese keyboard bug that was only fixed later in the fast ring builds. Sure, maybe I should have taken the phone off of preview immediately after updating to the newest fast ring build, but none of this would have happened in the first place if MS put more effort into their OS (especially their official builds), or if they didn't release an update that bricks everyone's phones. But now at least she won't have to deal with all that nonsense anymore. Plus she'll get better app support. I mean, I personally still use my 950, but mainly for its camera and for browsing the internet.
I left Microsoft after the cancellation of the McLaren with the intentions of returning when (a) a compelling enough device came around(as much as I admire the cameras on the Lumia 950/XL and the sheer power of the Elite X3 they weren't compelling enough to leave what I had on Android) or (b) Microsoft gets developers to fill in the gaps that Android so easily filled. Neither scenario has happened and it seems that Microsoft is set for yet another reboot of its mobile OS. I will return when and if the Surface Phone lives up to years of dreaming and wanting despite the app situation especially if the camera tech is improved even more so. Microsoft's strategy and snail's pace progress has given me no reasons to come back to their mobile efforts. I was also holding out for a Lumia 1020 successor with the specs of a SD820/835 but for some reason they decided not to follow up on such a legendary device that would still benefit from today's faster, beefier processors amd smarter camera processing. I still have the Lumia 1020 and I just used it on vacation last week. Other than that I will hold out temptation of getting a L950 just for the camera and curiosity of W10M. Its just not worth it. I really need to see Microsoft commit HARD to whatever they have next.

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