It's September 15th - Mango Day!

You are aware of that you'll have to restore to your NoDo backup to get the real Mango later?

Yeh i know, no big deal though as all i'll lose is changes i've made in the dev version of Mango (which isn't much at the moment). I'll be using it for development more than anything else, still nice to see all the new features though, looking forward to the final release.
Oh really? Someone's upset because a rumored date didn't come into fruition? What about android shipping phones with FROYO still when 2.3 is about to quickly turn into 2.4 with ANOTHER rumored update following shortly?
the front page comments are pretty bad with this too.

Not surprised at all. People simply need to get over it. Of course they're going to compare it to iOS cause they KNOW if they utter ANY comparison to Android's update schedule, it'll be null and void
I would LOVE to know just exactly what it is that the carriers are "testing", and how many critical items they've discovered that had to be sent back to Microsoft to be fixed.
I love the fact that Belfiore tweeted a link to site where it tells you when fall starts on North America lol
No idea

My husband has gotten so many updates since he got his HTC HD7 a couple weeks ago and another one today but we have no idea if its Mango cause we don't have a computer and he hasent downloaded any of them!
Oh really? Someone's upset because a rumored date didn't come into fruition? What about android shipping phones with FROYO still when 2.3 is about to quickly turn into 2.4 with ANOTHER rumored update following shortly?
the front page comments are pretty bad with this too.

Wow, no kidding. Was just reading the front page and amazed at how pissed people are at Microsoft when they aren't the ones who built up all this expectation, it was the speculative tech journalism hype machine. If there's to be any vitriol maybe it should be directed at them instead. Pointing a finger at the person in the mirror for buying into it in the first place would not exactly be misplaced blame either.
In all the comments I kept posting the 15th isn't the day. It's not even Fall yet. I got downvoted. :/. I think we'll see it in two weeks.
Microsoft wont release mango untill AT&T are ready just so they can be the first.

Th press release for ATT said that they would be AMONG the first it did not say they be THE firs and it's coming this fall which I believe Saturday or 9 days at the least. If yo want it now move to Taiwan they get it on the 16th but they have to take it to a store to get it installed and it takes20 minutes.

It would nice if everybody would bepatient but most people given the way the postings are on all windows phone sites are a petulant impatient glass half empty lot!
Dammit. Reading through all this speculation has made me feel antsy. I'm gonna go find something else to do before my head explodes from the anticipation. Here's hoping they don't adhere to Blizzard's definition of "soon".
I'm a WebOS fan. We OWN the definition of "coming soon" or "in the coming months"
I guess it's not mango season yet... Those mangoes are not yet ripe.
Still have to wait...

But I don't want to eat my apple ... and I don't like blackberries...

I guess I'll just have to eat my melon for now....
here we go again pronk... lol. first of all MS has never specified a date, but saying it will be this fall? guess what, its not fall yet... so if we get it here soon, it will be early. secondly ios has one phone to update and had one carrier ... but they control their updates because it doesnt get released to manufactures... that has pros and cons. my thoughts are, since you are always referencing to iphones and ios, just go buy one... im sure you would be happier. then it will match you mac and your ipad if you have one... it would complete that boring eco system. personally, i am going to continue to wait for mango because even w/o it, my phone still blows an iphone out of the water.

removable battery, zune pass, xbox live , FB & tiwtter integration, choice of phone, expandable memory, MS office, skydrive, list goes on....

Right. So you think this situation:
1. The Mango update is available in Taiwan RIGHT NOW (is it Autumn there? Do seasons start early in Taiwan only?)
2. The most high-spec, advanced WP7 handset running Mango in the world is available to buy in Japan today
3. For the rest of the world - you know, the people who have bought into and are supporting the fledgling WP7 ecosystem RIGHT NOW - we can't even get a solid date for FINISHED software to be released. In fact, we can't even get a month out of MS. This despite Mango apps flooding the marketplace, mango promo videos being released, mango teases coming almost daily, many carriers already reporting being finished. All that and the best we get as existing customers is a season.

You honestly have NO disappointment with that? No sense that this, as a roll out, could be handled better?

And yes, I do reference iOS a lot, because I came from an iPhone 4 and I own an iPad. And do you know why I do? Because Apple are the people to beat, and you don't beat a product in the market by not doing things as well as the no. 1. I have no particular allegiance to any platform - I buy what works best for me and what is well designed, well supported and elegant. WP7 is well designed and elegant. But it doesn't mean MS get a free ride when the support falls short.

As for Android roll outs also being bitty - so? Does that make it OK for MS to do things poorly as well? This is a company that allegedly wants to be no. 1 in smartphones. If that's genuine, and you want to see the WP7 user base grow (and I assume you do) then if anything you should be more harsh on them than I am when they don't do nearly as well as they should do, as has happened with this fiasco. As an obvious fan, you've got a lot more to lose if they disappoint.

And just a final point - how many new users do you think will stick with the system if you basically tell them to get lost just because they're not as forgiving of MS as you are?
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Sorry guys.. but I was very dissapointed because of "No mango day" yesterday, so I decided to install the leaked ROMs available at xda. Since I had an unbranded HD7 (Europe) it worked. Not without problems, but thats another story :)

I am the proud owner of OS version 7.10.7720.68
Th press release for ATT said that they would be AMONG the first it did not say they be THE firs and it's coming this fall which I believe Saturday or 9 days at the least. If yo want it now move to Taiwan they get it on the 16th but they have to take it to a store to get it installed and it takes20 minutes.

It would nice if everybody would bepatient but most people given the way the postings are on all windows phone sites are a petulant impatient glass half empty lot!

I wasn't being impatient i was just stating what i think may be happening.
I was never confident about today and i wouldn't be surprised if Mango was released on the first day of fall

P.S The glass is half full ;)
1. The Mango update is available in Taiwan RIGHT NOW (is it Autumn there? Do seasons start early in Taiwan only?)

I think in alot of places (most places??) seasons start and end at the start and end of months, three months is a season (or at least that is how it is in australia). Before last week i thaught everywhere in the world was like that, so i figured it was already fall. oops.
Actually, I was just joking a bit. I suspect the seasons start and end there the same as everywhere else. The point being, though, Microsoft can't say "we told you mango will be released in Autumn" and then point to calendars showing when Autumn starts as if that's some sort of explanation for the lack of any other information when they've already released mango elsewhere. Were they hoping we wouldn't notice? Mango is out via official channels in some places. So "we're not launching yet" is bunkum. It has launched, it's underway, it's started. Finished ROMs leaked weeks ago. At this stage, keeping everyone else hanging on for information and pretending it isn't done and dusted is silly. They don't have to flip the switch on demand, but the wall of silence tactic is just bizarre.

And if it's the 23rd, say "It's the 23rd". DON'T have some weasely "look at this calendar" thing! That says one of two things:
1. we still don't know (which is bad)
2. we do know, but aren't telling you for the sake of not telling you (which is worse)

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