Joe Belfiore leaks the first images of windows phone 10

Well, like I said before. If Microsoft changes the phone's UI to match that of the Surface and of the desktop Windows 8 (or, in this case, Windows 10), I will be gone. I had to help fix a problem on my friend's PC and his Surface last night (printing and sound problems), as well as help my mother with her laptop, and I for one completely hate the design. It's unintuitive, and quite frankly, it's ugly. Very ugly in fact. That sleek subway-map design language from WP7 and WP8 is what drew me to the phone, Nokia's products and the snappy response of the UI kept me on board. If Microsoft wants to go in this direction, they'll lose me as a customer.

For the life of me, I can't figure out what the huge difference is between the Metro UI in WP and Windows RT.
I really hope W10 for phones has the black or white background and not the photo background like on the startscreen of W8 for desktop. Firstly the black theme helps battery life of amoled screens. Secondly live tiles cover the vast majority of a background photo. The point of live tiles is that they use the whole screen effectively, so of course they are going to cover it. I think the transparent tiles effect introduces in WP8.1 is a really nice compromise and I would be upset if they changed it to look like it does in that video.

Also note that early on in the video Belfiore said that someone asked him on twitter if he was going to do a preview of W10 phone that day and he said he was not going to. I don't think think this is what it will look like.
I'm not sure what you mean by UI to match the surface and the desktop will drive you away. We all know that desktop is a bit different but the UI of surface is almost the same as WP. I'm a bit lost here so it is possible for you give us some examples with pictures?

It's not really something I can provide concrete evidence for. But the Surface feels absolutely nothing like Windows Phone to me. The Surface is just Windows 8.1 on a tablet... It's clunky, unintuitive, doesn't feel natural, it makes it difficult to find anything... The classification and distinction between software and apps is just obnoxious and ridiculous. I just really dislike it.
It's not really something I can provide concrete evidence for. But the Surface feels absolutely nothing like Windows Phone to me. The Surface is just Windows 8.1 on a tablet... It's clunky, unintuitive, doesn't feel natural, it makes it difficult to find anything... The classification and distinction between software and apps is just obnoxious and ridiculous. I just really dislike it.

Interesting. I got a Surface Pro as my daily driver. I liked it so much, I then got a WP (920). I have a 930 on the way, at which time I'll sell the 920.
I hope they'll give us an option WHERE to place the wallpaper... Either ON the tile or on the back of the tile...
How many times does he say "in Windows 10 we're fixing that"?

Joe Belfiore should have been sacked already with the Zune fiasco and he shouldn't be allowed to continue his career at Microsoft. Especially he should be allowed to infest a successful product with a failed product.

the zune music feature was one of the main reasons i bought,
and still use in windows phone everyday.

Well, like I said before. If Microsoft changes the phone's UI to match that of the Surface and of the desktop Windows 8 (or, in this case, Windows 10), I will be gone. I had to help fix a problem on my friend's PC and his Surface last night (printing and sound problems), as well as help my mother with her laptop, and I for one completely hate the design. It's unintuitive, and quite frankly, it's ugly. Very ugly in fact. That sleek subway-map design language from WP7 and WP8 is what drew me to the phone, Nokia's products and the snappy response of the UI kept me on board. If Microsoft wants to go in this direction, they'll lose me as a customer.

Aww shucks...
Everyone needs to calm down and wait for January. If all goes wrong, that's when we rage on Twitter to @joebelfiore (the guy behind WP and vice president of windows too interestingly)
'If that hamburger button in a WP app replaces the ellipsis menu, then it's in conflict with metro. If it contains menu entries that are traditionally elsewhere, like "settings", then it's in conflict with metro. If the button is used for navigational purposes (as was the case in the criticized OneDrive app), then it's also in conflict with metro.' Agree with this.

Can you please tell me what other things a hamburger button can do?

Facebook App
This is not some new Windows 10 design for phones, this is a portal for company employees to launches company approved apps.
The UI in that imagine looks very similar to the images they used on one of the presentation slides at the Windows 10 event, which showed a new Start screen (background image, one-colored tiles, group headers) on phones and tablets. It was not exactly the same Start screen as this one - the background image and the tiles were different ones - but the general design is the same.

Since both this mockup and the one shown at the Windows 10 event were made months ago, it's safe to assume that they are early internal design mockups used during the development of Windows 10. It's possible that some elements of this design will be there in the final build.
Everyone needs to calm down and wait for January. If all goes wrong, that's when we rage on Twitter to @joebelfiore (the guy behind WP and vice president of windows too interestingly)

In case you never notice, that puppet Joe Belfiore almost never replies to Twitter tweets...

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