Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates

Hardware revision-
Radio sw version is blank
Radio hw version is blank
Soc -1.5.32
Hardware revision-
Radio sw version is blank
Radio hw version is blank
Soc -1.5.32
Oh crap, you have the WP 8.1 Developer Preview. Can't help you with the specific issue, cuz i stayed on WP8 GDR3, cuz as an ex programmer, designer and beta tester, i learn my lesson to never install beta products, or products in similar stage. I always wait for the official version. Probably some of the guys who understand WP8.1 DP better, for example neo185 could help you.
But just in case, use some of your free time (if you have it), browse through this forum, you might wind a solution among the threads and comments.
Windows Phone 8.1 Preview for Developers - Windows Phone Central Forums
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It's Samsung never assume. Because it was mistakenly available to download doesn't mean it was meant for the Ativ S and there will be a firmware update to make it work with the Ativ S.

Considering that the ATIV S is still in its 36 month support cycle I fully expect it to get a firmware update.
Considering that the ATIV S is still in its 36 month support cycle I fully expect it to get a firmware update.
Me too, their brand new ATIV BizCard App makes my ATIV S on WP8.1 go dark, needs a battery removal to become functional again. Really needs new firmware!
I've emailed Samsung Support to try and get an answer as to when we will see WP8.1 on our devices.
Subscribed to this thread. I have the ATIV S Neo but I feel since they're the same family of devices, any info from the S is good for the Neo. I haven't updated it to 8.1 Dev and im hesitant to since there's no rollback option, unlike for my Nokia. How's the experience on the ATIVs?
Subscribed to this thread. I have the ATIV S Neo but I feel since they're the same family of devices, any info from the S is good for the Neo. I haven't updated it to 8.1 Dev and im hesitant to since there's no rollback option, unlike for my Nokia. How's the experience on the ATIVs?

Fine here on my i8750, aside from little issues like the stock camera app and the ringtone and device name amnesia on reboot that it seems to have.
Fine here on my i8750, aside from little issues like the stock camera app and the ringtone and device name amnesia on reboot that it seems to have.

Mine is just like that. But I think I read somewhere here on WPCentral that it is not recommended to download the DP on the NEO. It seems that it had a lot of nasty bugs. I don't know if that is still the case.
Mine is just like that. But I think I read somewhere here on WPCentral that it is not recommended to download the DP on the NEO. It seems that it had a lot of nasty bugs. I don't know if that is still the case.

Yeah i read something about the SE, because apparently there were some massive stability issues with the Dev Preview. Since there's no straight-forward way to roll back to 8.0, I guess I'll just wait for Samsungs 'alleged' firmware update.
Considering that the ATIV S is still in its 36 month support cycle I fully expect it to get a firmware update.
Hey neo158, how's it going bro? :)
Anyway, yes ATIV S have that 3 years support cycle, but i am bit confused, does it count from the date that was announced August 2012 or the actual released (available) date December 2012? I think is the release date :)
And for the others: Do not get concerned, ATIV S WILL get the official WP8.1 and all updates that will come later with it :)
Subscribed to this thread. I have the ATIV S Neo but I feel since they're the same family of devices, any info from the S is good for the Neo. I haven't updated it to 8.1 Dev and im hesitant to since there's no rollback option, unlike for my Nokia. How's the experience on the ATIVs?

(For me) getting the 8.1 Dev preview has been like getting a new phone. With the exception of camera glitches and an initial battery drain, my Ativ S works great. I realize that is not the case for everyone, though.

Posted via Windows Phone Central App
My Ativ S works almost perfect now and only bug i have is Loading or resuming but that happens only once in a while.I used to have bugs like battery drain, camera flash, but it's all sorted by hard reset. :)
Hey neo158, how's it going bro? :)
Anyway, yes ATIV S have that 3 years support cycle, but i am bit confused, does it count from the date that was announced August 2012 or the actual released (available) date December 2012? I think is the release date :)
And for the others: Do not get concerned, ATIV S WILL get the official WP8.1 and all updates that will come later with it :)

It's from the release date, so we get support until December 2015.

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