Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates

As far as I understand they have kies but thats probably just for their Android/feature phone lines

As for a camera problems I remember reading that some people were able to update their cameras fw thru the diagnosis app
As far as I understand they have kies but thats probably just for their Android/feature phone lines

As for a camera problems I remember reading that some people were able to update their cameras fw thru the diagnosis app
- Kies work only with Galaxy line phones and Note.
- No thats not true, that's totally different thing and it works for WP8 with interop unlock devices. (about the cam fw through Diagnosis)
- Kies work only with Galaxy line phones and Note.
- No thats not true, that's totally different thing and it works for WP8 with interop unlock devices. (about the cam fw through Diagnosis)

Sorry for bothering you, just one question:
What is your opinion, will my problem get fixed if I flash my ROM? I found a way to install GDR3 with flashing but I am not sure to do it or to wait till official releasing. :)
Sorry for bothering you, just one question:
What is your opinion, will my problem get fixed if I flash my ROM? I found a way to install GDR3 with flashing but I am not sure to do it or to wait till official releasing. :)
If you understand what flashing WP ROM means and you are 100% sure you know what you are doing, than YES, do it. It will probably fix your problems.
If other wise..... DO NOT! Chances of you end up with a bricked phone are BIG (може да го заглавиш на скроз телефонот)
Alternatively you can bring it to some phone service and ask them if they can do it. I am not 100% sure of this, but downgrading by flashing a ROM will probably void your warranty.
If i was on your place, I will wait for the firmware, the damage is already done on your phone, don't make it worst. My ATIV S is still on WP8 GDR3, I didn't upgrade it on Developers Preview, since i never install non-official or beta software on my phone and on my PC. :)
And, you are not bothering me, we are here as one family, helping and learning from each other and the best way to do that is by asking questions. :))).
Few years ago I was the most hated person on XDA-Developers cuz I was constantly asking questions for what i didn't know, but today I am the one who answers the questions for others. It's the circle of knowledge :)
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I'm sorry to post a question that is probably answered already on the forums and I'm just too lazy to properly use the search function, but here goes:
- will Samsung Ativ S receive the official Windows Phone 8.1 update from Samsung? If yes, are there any news regarding the time frame?
- is using the developer preview of WP 8.1 safe on this device? What problems should I expect if I decide to install it? I've read there are problems with the camera - what happens exactly?
- what kind of enhancements to Windows Phone 8 does the Samsung firmware have?

Thank you for replying or pointing me in the right direction to lookup these things quickly :)
I'm sorry to post a question that is probably answered already on the forums and I'm just too lazy to properly use the search function, but here goes:
- will Samsung Ativ S receive the official Windows Phone 8.1 update from Samsung? If yes, are there any news regarding the time frame?
- is using the developer preview of WP 8.1 safe on this device? What problems should I expect if I decide to install it? I've read there are problems with the camera - what happens exactly?
- what kind of enhancements to Windows Phone 8 does the Samsung firmware have?

Thank you for replying or pointing me in the right direction to lookup these things quickly :)
Samsung Ativ S will receive official windows phone 8.1 and we don't have any information about date.
Using 8.1 DP on Ativ S is pretty safe, but you may need to do hard reset to make it work as expected. Problems with camera are camera force close or camera black screen, or flash turns on even if you turned it off. You may expect battery drain or random freeze of phone too, but it's gone by hard resetting (at least for me)
Did you mean 8.1? Well for 8.0 only enhancements we see are apps from samsung (correct me if i'm wrong)
Thank you for replying so quickly.

So the only difference between the developer preview of 8.1 and the final/official release is the camera issues?

There's one more thing unrelated to the firmware/os: my brother recently bought this phone (and I'm considering changing my Lumia 620 to it, too) and he complains about call volume, he thinks it is too low. Is it normal for this model or is it something we should look more closely into (closer inspection of settings used or warranty and stuff)?
I'm sorry to post a question that is probably answered already on the forums and I'm just too lazy to properly use the search function, but here goes:
- will Samsung Ativ S receive the official Windows Phone 8.1 update from Samsung? If yes, are there any news regarding the time frame?
- is using the developer preview of WP 8.1 safe on this device? What problems should I expect if I decide to install it? I've read there are problems with the camera - what happens exactly?
- what kind of enhancements to Windows Phone 8 does the Samsung firmware have?

Thank you for replying or pointing me in the right direction to lookup these things quickly :)
I don't mean to be harsh, but the answers for all your questions are here in this thread, it only has 4 pages and 88 posts to read. Next time don't be so lazy, cuz we who answers to this questions for the users of WP, can be "lazy" too to answer one question for 10 or more times. That way we over-bulk the forums with lots of pages to read and making harder to find the real answer. If you know what i mean. Now, when we clear that, lets see what you wanna know.
Basically everything what megadragon998 is true and i will just add a bit more info to his comment.
1. Yes, Samsung ATIV S will get the official WP8.1 every WP8 phone will get it (unfortunately WP7.8 devices will NOT, since they are not compatible with WP8, yet along with WP8.1)
2. Everything what megadragon998 said and a few minor more
3. If you meant "what kind of enhancements to Windows Phone 8.1 does the Samsung firmware have?", then the answer is: There is still no Samsung firmware for WP8.1 OS, soon to be expected. Once they are out with a FW for WP8.1, the updates will be pushed for Samsung WP8 devices.
4. Start using the Search button and the Bookmark This Page button, don't be lazy a.s.s, lol :winktongue:

P.S. Samung ATIV S are scheduled to get support up to December 2015, so if by that time Microsoft came out with Windows Phone 9, we will eventually get it too. :-)
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Not at the moment, I got the stock answer about problems with my device so I'll email them again 😉
Samsung doesnt have a tool like Nokia to go back to WP 8 right? Not that I want to, just out of curiosity

Yes Samsung has a flash tool, just like Nokia. No, not Kies. And NO this does not void your warranty, no one can see if you have flashed your device, anyone claiming something else are talking nonsense. Of course, if you brick your phone while fashing your warranty might not cover it, if they find out what happened. However flashing is easy, follow instructions and dont do anything stuoid and youll be ok.

I have posted instructions and links to files in to this forum.
How about post the links so we can jump right on instead of searching the forums?
[Update] As i search through internet and mostly XDA-Developers and later asking two of recognized WP developers and tweakers, GoodDayToDie and WOLF, they did told me that for Android Samsung devices there is such a tool, and for WP there is no official recovery/flashing tool like NOKIA has. Yes, those 3rd party tools can do the trick. But i am wondering, my friend got back from WP8.1 DP to WP8 GDR3 with that method and later had some problems with the phone (not connected with the re-flashing) and bring the device to the official T-Mobile service and after 2 days they return him the device and they told him: The warranty is not covering this, cuz you updated to WP8.1 DP (which is fine and acceptable, since that's an official update), but you did reflashed back to WP8 GDR3 (altho the rom was official). So how can they know that? And they told him exactly what time he updated for Developers preview and when he reflashed back to WP GDR3.
Later I ask one of the service guys how did they know that? And he told me that every official carrier tech service got that tool from the OEM so they can find anything what was going on on the phone. I am not confirming this is 100% true, maybe the guy just lie to me, but it is what he told me.
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The point was that there is a flashtool and a way to flash official firmwares by Samsung, to your Ativ-S. I.e if user wants to revert back. This is super easy and does not need any special skills or equipment.

I have never heard about any flash counter existing in devices, so I doubt it very much. This DP voiding varranty has been blown way out of propotion by people who just dont understand. Why DP preview "voids your warranty"? Because the service centers are not owned by Microsoft. period. If Microsoft releases something that causes a problem, does Nokia, ATT, T-Mobile or whoever pay for this service? Of course not, thats why it "voids the warranty"

If you however have revert back to a stock firmware, thay have no way to see that you were on Developer Preview.

Like I said the instructions for flashing your device are easily found here at WPC also.
Damn God....why samsung its not rolling wp 8.1...they make regret that i bough ativ s and not lumia 820....
The point was that there is a flashtool and a way to flash official firmwares by Samsung, to your Ativ-S. I.e if user wants to revert back. This is super easy and does not need any special skills or equipment.

I have never heard about any flash counter existing in devices, so I doubt it very much. This DP voiding varranty has been blown way out of propotion by people who just dont understand. Why DP preview "voids your warranty"? Because the service centers are not owned by Microsoft. period. If Microsoft releases something that causes a problem, does Nokia, ATT, T-Mobile or whoever pay for this service? Of course not, thats why it "voids the warranty"

If you however have revert back to a stock firmware, thay have no way to see that you were on Developer Preview.

Like I said the instructions for flashing your device are easily found here at WPC also.
you have some good point here, but:
1. I asked you to point the links to those forums where YOU said you posted tutorials. I don't see those links yet (I did a little search about your posts and threads and didn't find such links you posted somewhere, maybe I overlooked). So, one more time, please provide the links.
2. You should really read some posts 2-3 times before you replay. I never said in my posts that installing DP will void your warranty. About the flashing tool, the question that that guy asked is there any OFFICIAL Samsung tool for that like NOKIA has the Recovery Tool. Everyone knows that there is 3rd party tools for that. Back in the days I was a Windows Mobile 6 developer and ROM chef, so I know what voiding warranty and bricking your phone means.
3. I didn't said with 100% sure that going back from DP will void your warranty. I said what the guys from the T-Mobile tech support told my friend. So how come they told him exact time when he went on DP and when he rolled back to GDR3? I don't think they are psychics, cuz the dates were correct. I don't know if that really voids the warranty as they told my friend or they simply put a techy lame excuse not to bother fixing his phone.
4. You should be more polite and try to explain things you are saying instead going around and proving others how wrong they are from what they say, choose your words. And you haven't provide proves that what you are saying is correct.
5. About what you said that is easy to flash an official ROM, yes it is true and yes it is easy.... IF you know what you are doing (like you, me and people like us), and you also didn't said does this flashing what you are talking about need the phone to be like it is, or to be interop unlock? Cuz if it's interop unlocked .... there goes your warranty. :cool:
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