Latest Samsung Ativ S firmware updates

Did you flash GDR2 with the flasher tool? If so the only CSC pack that had ATO did not have the NZC CSC. Try and put your providers MMS details in manually in the mobile+sim settings.
Well, I've had the official 8.1 for two days now and didn't really like it. Apart from some minor improvements like notification bar I could not really see the advantages. I thought that the picture quality wasn't as good as before plus I had the impression that the UI wasn't performing as smooth as before. So I reverted back to 8.0 gdr3. OMG, I was so eager to get 8.1...:-)
The third row was one thing I was waiting for but the tiles were too small for my fat fingers and my weak eyes :-) Another thing was if you opened the Facebook news in the peoples hub and you klicked on an entry it opened always the Facebook app instead of showing the comments etc in the peoples hub itself (with the to my eyes more appealing dark background). Don't know really - liked the old design just better (apart from the lack of notification bar.
I think it's a matter of habit. New compatible apps, tile folders, new ie11 and calendar, new sync etc. not only are worth it, they will get more and more necessary to me
do u guys get the music+videos folder after updateing by default. thers is FM radio app, but say it has not been configured. i try in diagnosis with *#9999# code should get to test mode with some options and *#0 should oped radio. my test mode is blank.
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Well, I've had the official 8.1 for two days now and didn't really like it. Apart from some minor improvements like notification bar I could not really see the advantages. I thought that the picture quality wasn't as good as before plus I had the impression that the UI wasn't performing as smooth as before. So I reverted back to 8.0 gdr3. OMG, I was so eager to get 8.1...:-)

I have the exact same feeling!
Animation is slow and the whole system is a bit slower then the Developer preview
How is it possible that i got windows phone 8.1 upgrade but still have gdr3 firmware even if i didn't use PfD app?
EDIT: Region is ATO and when trying to check for update from current 8.1 it says the phone is up to date
How is it possible that i got windows phone 8.1 upgrade but still have gdr3 firmware even if i didn't use PfD app?
EDIT: Region is ATO and when trying to check for update from current 8.1 it says the phone is up to date

That is strange, I really hope Samsung will launch the updates for every CSC soon. For WP 8.1 DP it will need only an update with the fw.
I double checked that my PfD is disabled and it still happened, i am confused :S
EDIT: Actually nvm, i guess i will just wait for it...
Well i wanted to go to gdr2 but it had some warning about partition size so i gave up :/
That's a known problem, partition size was different for 8.0 GDR2. But if you flash it, it will be set right for GDR2, and the automatic update to GDR3 will adapt it to GDR3 again.
So I did it. Not problems what so ever and everything is running smoothly. All bugs are gone, UI is much more responsive and smooth (with DP it used to stutter some times when scrolling, not anymore).

Also the camera is focusing better and faster than it was on DP.
APNs were set automaticly which didn't happen with DP.
Some apps that I had problems on DP, (like sometimes I had to try several times because they crashed right after opening them) are working fine. Didn't test the Live Lock Screen Beta because I believe that's an app problem and not a firmware one.

As for new features that we didn't have on DP, the pointer above the connection we are using. Not really important but it's still new (at least I didn't have it on DP). I don't remembre this, but when I turn off wi-fi it gives me an option to set the wi-fi to be turned on automaticly within an hour, 4 hours, when i'm near my favourites or mannually. I don't remember if we already had those options. Also when I booted my phone with DP it used to show me the Windows logo with the words "Windows Phone" to the side and right after "Samsung Mobile". Now it just shows me a big Windows logo in the center and then "SAMSUNG". I think that changed already to some people with DP, but this was the first time for me.

In conclusion, in my personal experience everything is running fine and smooth on my end with no complaints what so ever. I used intensly the phone for the last few hours so I could test everything I could remember and to get the battery to die, so I can fully charge (0 to 100). To do a kind of reset to a battery. Not really a reset, more like a calibration.
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