With tihis guide you can have the last PFD and the last Samsung firmware
Work on My Ativ S
Can you translate please? I already have an interop-unlocked Ativ S
With tihis guide you can have the last PFD and the last Samsung firmware
Work on My Ativ S
Can you translate please? I already have an interop-unlocked Ativ S
?ściągamy paczkę z plikami do podmiany
?uruchamiamy edytor rejestru, edytujemy wartość:
"DataStore"=z domyślnej "C:" na "\EFIESP"
?po zmianie podłączamy telefon do PC
?następnie przechodzimy do folderu i kopiujemy do niego pliki z wcześniej ściągniętej paczki(podmieniamy je)
?kolejno przywracamy wartość domyślną w kluczu kt?ry wcześniej zmienialiśmy np. na "C:" "C:\Phone\Data\Users\Public", jak kto woli
Teraz pozostaje na wymusić aktualizacje. Oczywiście musimy mięć włączoną opcje PfD
?uruchamiam edytor rejestru i przechodzimy do klucza,i zmieniamy dwie wartości blokujące nam aktualizacje. RM dajecie jakie chcecie.
"PhoneManufacturer"= zmieniamy z "SAMSUNG" na "NOKIA"
"PhoneManufacturerModelName"= zmieniamy z "GT-I8750" np. na "RM-937_eu_euro1_970"
?teraz wystarczy że sprawdzicie dostępność aktualizacji
?po całym procesie przywracamy wartości w zmiennych wartościach na domyślne.
As far as I can understand the thread on windowsmania.pl describes a way to
1) remove the cause of the loop when booting
2) allow to download (once again) the blocked updates on an Ativ S
Yet Google translator is not good enough to make me confident ...
somebody should make a good translation of this :
Bro, i did use Bing translation and here is what i got, hope it make more sense than Google Translate (which i didn't tried with this text):
Download the package files for substitution
• start the registry editor, edit the value:
"DataStore" = the default "c:" to "\EFIESP"
• When you change the connect phone to PC
• then go to the folder and copy the files from the previously downloaded package (overridden them)
• go to bring the default value in the key that was previously changed eg. on the "c:" "C:\Phone\Data\Users\Public", if you will,
Now remains on the force updates. Of course we need to have options enabled PfD
• run the registry editor and go to the key, and change the two values to block us updates. RM you give what you want.
"PhoneManufacturer" = change of "SAMSUNG" on "NOKIA"
"PhoneManufacturerModelName" = change with the "GT-I8750" for example. on the "RM-937_eu_euro1_970"
• Now you just have to look for updates
• After the whole process we bring the values in variables to the default values.
I think this requires interop unlock for Ativ S (in other words flashing some custom rom with higher priviliges) to edit the registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MTP
How did you done that? I have a hard time understanding that polish guide, did you had to install custom rom or interlop unlock phone? Or you could edit registry just without that?
You can increase font side in settings, but having 5 buttons sounds as positive side effect.
I had to give higher priviliges to the registry editor using an hack from XDA ... it's not a proper interop unlock
I'll write the details as soon as I fix everything ... btw this way is not for everybody ...
EDIT : I managed to fix everything
IMHO This is not for everybody. What has to happen is Samsung/Microsoft release an official patched update. Anyway if you, like me, don't want to wait for them ...
View attachment 97159
1) Free Develop Unlock your Microsoft Account
2) Download and Install WP8 SDK Tools Lite
3) Register your phone and unlock it using your Develop Microsoft Account and the SDK lite you just installed
4) Use the SDK lite to deploy WPSystem_Folder_Unlocker_Release_ARM.xap
5) Use the SDK lite to deploy CustomPFD_0003.xap
6) Install Files app, Metro Commander app (free version), Preview for Developers on your phone from the store.
7) Move Files app from the SD card to the phone storage (if it is not so)
8) Move Preview for Developer from the phone storage to the SD card (if it is not so)
9) Move CustomPFD from the phone storage to the SD card (if it is not so)
10) Move WPSystem_Folder_Unlocker app from the SD card to the phone storage (if it is not so)
11) Use Preview for Developers to enable the preview, you need to login with your Devel Microsoft Account. Reboot your phone
12) Use WPSystem_Folder_Unlocker to unlock WPSystem folder
13) Use Files to browse inside SD Card, inside WPSystem folder and rename the Apps folder to Appx folder
14) Use Files to browse inside Appx renamed folder and find the folder {178ac8a1-6519-4a0b-960c-038393741e96} (this is the Preview for Developers app folder) and delete everything inside it (you should delete a total of 5 subfolder)
15) Use Files to rename back "Appx" folder to "Apps"
16) Use Metro Commander and select on the left panel the folder {27d6a090-50d2-4337-88cb-41d97597757a} (this is the CustomPFD folder) inside the SD Card WPSystem/Apps folder
17) Use Metro Commander and select on the right panel the now empty folder {178ac8a1-6519-4a0b-960c-038393741e96} (this is the Preview for Developers app folder) inside the SD Card WPSystem/Apps folder
18) Use Metro Commander to select the left panel, then "Select All", then "Copy". This will copy the CustomPFD app content inside the Preview for Developers app folder
19) Open the modded Preview for Developers (it is now CustomPFD in disguise to tell the truth, even the icon should be changed)
20) Use the modded Preview for Developers/disguised CustomPFD to change the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MTP "DataStore" from the default value "C:\Data\Users\PUBLIC" to "\EFIESP"
21) Connect your phone to a PC using USB
22) Download the patched package files to the PC
23) Unzip the downloaded file and move and override the 4 XML files inside Phone\Windows\Packages\DsmFiles (using Explorer)
24) Use the modded Preview for Developers/disguised CustomPFD to change the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MTP "DataStore" back to the default value "C:\Data\Users\PUBLIC"
25) Use the modded Preview for Developers/disguised CustomPFD to change the key HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo "PhoneManufacturer" from the default value "SAMSUNG" to "NOKIA"
26) Use Preview for Developers/CustomPFD disguised to change the key HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo "PhoneManufacturerModelName" from the default value "GT-I8750" to "RM-937_eu_euro1_970" (this is the code for Lumia 1520)
27) Check for new Updates
28) Download the new Updates (this is the boot looping update, only download, do not install yet)
29) Before clicking Install Updates, UNINSTALL Preview For Developers (the CustomPFD disguised)
30) Install the Updates
31) Pray during the installation (the phone will reboot shortly after and the usual gears will show off)
32) The phone will reboot a second time and it should pass the boot loop point. Wait until the end of the process (you should see the incremental % as usual)
33) To not panic after the first login : you will see strange things as 5 action center buttons, 3 columns of Tiles, smaller font. It is OK since we used the Lumia 1520 code. It will be fixed before the end. Wait for the phone to fix the installation of every grayed out app.
34) Say Hello to Cortana and be polite with her
35) Reinstall Preview for Developers, reinstall Files and Metro Commander if they stay grayed out.
36) Move again Preview for Developers to the SD Card (if it is not so)
37) Move again Files from the SD Card to the phone (if it is not so)
38) Repeat from step 12) to step 19)
39) Use the modded Preview for Developers/disguised CustomPFD to change the key HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo "PhoneManufacturer" to the default value "SAMSUNG"
40) Use the modded Preview for Developers/disguised CustomPFD to change the key HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo "PhoneManufacturerModelName" to the default value "GT-I8750"
41) Uninstall Preview For Developers (the CustomPFD disguised)
42) Reboot your phone
43) Reinstall Preview for Developers
44) Everything should be back to normal ... except now you have Cortana
- The main reason behind the substitution of the files inside Preview For Developers is to give CustomPFD the same execution privileges Preview For Developers has. Indeed, Preview For Developers is a Microsoft app with privileges higher enough to write the registries we need to. To be accurate the privileges are assigned to the folder, so we change what's inside the folder with something that wants to read and write registries, in other words we copy CustomPFD inside Preview For Developers folder to steal its privileges.
- If Files cannot rename Apps folder it means you have some running App installed on the SD Card. Close every other app. Remember Files app must be moved to Phone for this very reason. A reboot could help.
- If you forget to uninstall the modded Preview for Developers / disguised CustomPFD before installing updates/rebooting you won't be able to find that app again in the app list. You won't be able to install it again either, since Store will say you have it already installed on the device. To fix this you will have to use Files, rename the "Apps" folder to "Appx" and delete the folder {178ac8a1-6519-4a0b-960c-038393741e96}. Also, remember to rename back "Appx" folder to "Apps". After a reboot you should see a grayed out Preview for Developers in the app list. You may normally uninstall it and reinstall it from the store.
Guide from Marass82 from WindowsMania.pl
Several XDA Topics
If the OP wants to set it in the first post it is OK for me.
Dunno if it is proper to start another thread about it ...
I think it should, nothing I've done is specific for Ativ S
EDIT: YET I do NOT know the firmware situation you have for T899m.
You are using custom firmware for your device, that is specific to your version of ativ.
I supposed so. The last T899m firmware caused boot looping too ?