Lets get the Snapchat situation trending

Awesome. But I read that a previous petition to get snapchat on Windows Phone also reached 10,000 signatures yet here we are... :/

That is true unfortunately but it's still worth another shot. We are trying to organize our requests into a more targeted approach across a few days in a thread. I linked to this petition in the contact methods. A few other contact methods are listed as well.

Perhaps they were asked by google to stop any apps for wp.
From Windows phone

Forget Google. If that's what happened then let them show their true colors. They aren't "the enemy" and even if they were we wouldn't want to consider them as such. We love our haters haha. However, I sincerely doubt that they have anything to do with us not getting certain apps other than their own.

Check out this thread where we are focusing on one or two apps per week and requesting the application together but separately. I think it has potential to make some small waves. We are a large group but are regarded as "no one". Check it out and consider participating weekly.

$485m and they can't bother to write an app for a platform with 70 million and growing customers...

Which would cost them well below 50'000. Likely closer to half that. Basically, between 1/1000th or 1/2000th of what they just raised, not to mention what was raised before that.
I've always said snapchats non-participation is neither about the lack of market share nor money. Those are just excuses for other reasons that aren't discussed publicly.
Which would cost them well below 50'000. Likely closer to half that. Basically, between 1/1000th or 1/2000th of what they just raised, not to mention what was raised before that.
I've always said snapchats non-participation is neither about the lack of market share nor money. Those are just excuses for other reasons that aren't discussed publicly.

Where are these exorbitant estimates for developing an app coming from? Is that the price over a year of maintenance or just to get it published? I doubt like Rudy Huyn invests 50,000 for each and every application he puts out.

If it actually costs anyone that much to port an existing application to another mobile platform they are mismanaging their funds.( conjecture ;) )

I get that they have to plan and write code and pay their employees, but lets say they port an app in a months time, how many employees are they allocating and how much are they paying them?

They could probably do it with less people involved and the number of users gained would be worth it.

They're weren't meant iPhone or Android users when those platforms launched but they're were plenty of companies willing to invest whatever it cost to make those apps.
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Where are these exorbitant estimated for developing an app coming from?

My experience as a software engineer and what I hear from IT managers. Someone also posted a link a while back, a very bare-bones tool for estimating app development costs, and the most trivial of trivial app was estimated at around $20'000.

Possibly you're making the mistake of estimating only software implementation efforts, which in most projects represents less than half of the total development cost.

What are you basing your estimate on, or what makes you think that is exorbitant? I've personally seen apps cost well over 100'000, without a lot of mismanagement, but of course it depends on what you're looking to build. Something like snapchat is certainly on the simpler side of what you might want to do with software.

Ultimately, I chose 50'000 just to be on the safe side, because I too am certain it's a lot cheaper to port snapchat. The point is that even then, it's still only 1/1000th of what they just raised.
My experience as a software engineer and what I hear from IT managers. Someone also posted a link a while back, a very bare-bones tool for estimating app development costs, and the most trivial of trivial app was estimated at around $20'000.

Possibly you're making the mistake of estimating only software implementation efforts, which in most projects represents less than half of the total development cost.

What are you basing your estimate on, or what makes you think that is exorbitant? I've personally seen apps cost well over 100'000, without a lot of mismanagement, but of course it depends on what you're looking to build. Something like snapchat is certainly on the simpler side of what you might want to do with software.

Ultimately, I chose 50'000 just to be on the safe side, because I too am certain it's a lot cheaper to port snapchat. The point is that even then, it's still only 1/1000th of what they just raised.

I apologize, I meant where are these companies coming from saying it isn't worth their time/money. I wasn't questioning your specific estimate. I figure anything that they need to do on the backend such as hosting servers and even the design of the app itself should be trivial considering its already been done twice over. Porting an app should be relatively simple considering most of the time consuming thing like the creative aspects would have been done.

I really don't understand it enough but I'm just wondering how one person app studios can do it without breaking the bank. In this case, "it" means writing the application and publishing it to the store. I'm sure there is more that I don't get, but that portion would seem to be easy/cheap enough if you've got teams that have done it for you already.

I've also corrected part of my last post to clarify where I'm coming from LOL. You'll see it...
I apologize, I meant where are these companies coming from saying it isn't worth their time/money. I wasn't questioning your specific estimate. I figure anything that they need to do on the backend such as hosting servers and even the design of the app itself should be trivial considering its already been done twice over. Porting an app should be relatively simple considering most of the time consuming thing like the creative aspects would have been done.

Ah, okay, sorry. Misunderstood that. Well, beats me. With the money they have, it's definitely not due to a lack of funding. Whatever it actually is, we will probably never know.
So the hashtag isn't trending and I don't think it ever did but have you all seen how that petition reached 12,000 and is on its way to 13,000? If you have twitter, send a quick tweet out sharing the petition. It surpassed it's goal but we can still keep it going. Here is the link:


Ask people in your feed to sign it. I tweeted it to Ben the PC guy LOL. I doubt he will share it but that'd be kinda cool :)
We need to change the wording on the petition letter. We can't expect them to make an app if we blatantly insult them.
Re: Please go sign the snapchat petition

The petition maker needs to reword the letter. We can't expect them to make an app if we blatantly insult them.
This reminds me... I'm wondering if anyone wants to take the time to write up a generic petition that can be used for multiple apps to go in each one of the Requested App of the Week posts. I'll try my hand at it if no one else does. No one responded to my request in the thread itself... :(
I'd love to help but English not being my first language,I feel it'd be better if some one else did the writing :P
Is Snapchat going to make an official app?

So ever since snapchat decided to be weird and ask to remove "all third-party apps" from the windows store, I started to really think that snapchat was finally going to make an official app for us wp users. Well, it doesn't look like that right now; Rudy Huyn (a guy who makes big contributions to the wp users by making amazing "third-party" apps) even asked snapchat on twitter if they wanted the source code from 6snap to make an official app for wp. In return snapchat hasn't even said anything (yet). What do you guys think; will snapchat make an official app for wp, or will we be left in the dark?
Re: Is Snapchat going to make an official app?

Use the search button and find the metric boatload of existing discussion on this topic. All you have to type in is "Snapchat" and watch the results pour in.

But anyways, my suspicions are this point are:
A. Not wanting to do anything
B. paid NOT to make an app
C. waiting for MS to pay them a LOT
D. personal M$ vendetta

eh, I'm a Deus Ex fan.
Re: Is Snapchat going to make an official app?

Thanks will do. And I agree; 1) snapchat doesn't really see wp as a usable os for their app and 2) I agree that they are waiting for ms to pay em. I mean, I'd do the same but at least give us users a leak.
Re: Is Snapchat going to make an official app?

With all the chat and message apps on the market who cares. Don't have it on my Android phone and if they make it for WP I won't have it there. Not a big deal.

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