That's exactly what I'm hoping they do lol
They just took in nearly Half-a-Billion USD $$$,$$$,$$$ from investors. (
Snapchat raises $485.6 million from 23 investors: Report - Tech2) They have tons of cash and an "investment"
in Windows Phone gets them good will from the community, more users to bolster their numbers and revenue and more time in the tech press in a favorable light. So they should get paid by Microsoft to make more money from Microsoft's ecosystem than they otherwise would without? Why should they get an investment
from Windows Phone?
Do Android and iOS pay them to make an official app??? So far as I know, they do not. Perhaps they get paid under the table to NOT make an App for Windows Phone? What could possibly be their reason not to? 6snap proves it is quite possible and practical to make a Windows Phone App.
Now, I do support the community initiative to get a SnapChat solution for Windows Phone because, apparently, this social media stuff is like crack and users simply can not put it down... But that's the only reason. To keep users from fleeing the Windows Phone ecosystem just to get their favorite flavor of crack. I would never want to give them one red cent for the "privilege" of an official App on Windows Phone.
That being said, I HATE - that's right: spit in it's face and kick-it-in-the-shins, wouldn't cross the street to stomp out a fire on it's face, HATE social media. I find it obnoxious, invasive and tacky. I think it is dumbing people down whilst simultaneously spoon feeding them what the owners and managers of the services consider important as issues while blocking access to information that runs contrary to their interests. I believe it is a social disease that should be purged and put back into some logical magnitude of perspective. Too many people let it influence their actions and look at it as some sort of "necessity" to which they are untitled. IMHO it does far, far more harm than any good it inadvertently creates - and that good would be solely user to user kindnesses without any active force from the social media entity itself.
If all social media withdrew from Windows Phone it would not affect me for one nano-second.
What is SnapChat? Primarily, from what I understand, it is a vehicle used to share pictures of who-whos and ha-has. People use it because they have some false sense of security that their who-who or ha-ha will be protected from copy and dissemination. Wrong.
How to copy snapchat pics - Bing
But never mind that. As I said, this type of crack dumbs people down rather quickly.
I don't want Microsoft to buckle to extortion. I would't pay a sack of moldy oats for such a thing. I don't see how anyone "needs" this service. Especially in light of alternates that are being offered and created.
"But all my friends are there!" Doesn't bother me or sway me to your side. I'm firmly of the opinion that if social media is your only means of contacting someone they are not your friend. Move to another service and you will find just as many friends who will quickly grow to have the same closeness and importance... Which is to say they are merely acquaintances who happen to use the same service as you. If you can't call or email them they are not your friend. You don't really know them. It is an illusion. One that these social media outlets actively foster. My favorite example, the local weather person on the news begging to be "liked" and "followed" at the end of every weather segment. Why do I want to follow my local weather caster? Does it bring me better weather? No. It fosters a false sense of connection that in the end has no real substance.
So, there is nothing there worth paying for.
Now consider the long history of their outright refusal to create a Windows Phone App. Why reward that? WHY? I know the answer I'll hear; because I want/need it, because so many users will leave the platform without it? That's what makes it feel like extortion. How much money, time and resources must Microsoft use on other areas than those which directly affect the core OS and Apps? Where would it ever end? A constant effort of paying and developing for other concerns robs us of a better Windows Phone. It sacrifices advancing the OS to concentrate on side diversions which do not filter money and resources back to Microsoft. How much more of a loss before they close shop and exit cellular? I don't want to find out that I lost my mobile OS so some jackwad could look at who-whos and ha-has all day.
Things are connected, not isolated. Paying SnapChat to get an official Windows Phone App is simply too costly in more ways than one. Where is the value in it?
I'll ask again, as I always do during these rants of mine; If SnapChat does not want to support your mobile OS of choice, if they actively hinder your use based on the mobile OS you are on... Why would you want to support them? It is as if they proclaimed you some sort of non-entity, something undesirable that they choose to ignore until it dies away. How could you want to lend financial support to that? How does supporting that attitude help you?