List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Feb 21, 2012
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Seriously? People whined for a week wanting this update and now that it's been out for just a few hours and one of the first things you do is start a thread tearing into it already. I'm just stunned. Some of you will never be happy with anything.

That's how it seems to be here after every big update or major announcement. Some people don't get some feature that they want and they start crying about how they are going to another platform, and how this is the death of Windows Phone. Best thing to do is to wait a week or two until the kids calm down and learn to live with some changes.


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Sep 28, 2011
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Not specifically WP8.1, but also WP8, I used to have a L710 WP7.x and the screen timeout was able to be set to 30 minutes, which is great because I always have chat open and the phone plugged into the PC USB next to my keyboard, since WP8, they reduced it to a feeble 5 minutes, constantly timing out, constantly hacing to hit physical buttons to turn it back on, or remember to touch the screen every few minutes

@MS - Where is our choice? Give us back 30 minutes or Never option in screen time out, you want WP8.1 to be closer match to Windows 8.1? Give us the same power options then

I have 30mins and Never on mine. does it differ per phone?


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Dec 13, 2012
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The WiFi toggle is interesting. It's only a shortcut when it comes to turning it OFF, but it toggles it ON without moving away. The BT setting is a true toggle, as is airplane mode and rotation lock (the only ones I've tried), so it's definitely far from useless. I'm not sure why they decided to make the OFF wifi a shortcut. Makes no sense to me, but there must've been some thinking behind it.

Agreed that battery saver is a no-brainer to have as an option there.

I hadn't thought about putting that on a toggle. I would love that. Toggle on during class, toggle off after. Battery all night!


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Dec 31, 2012
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I really cannot believe they found a way to make an already terrible user experience even worse. It's borderlin unusable. And why in the hell is the tile no longer live? Ugh. Remarkably underwhelmed by this "update."

I like everything else except the Xbox Music crap. And why did they have to make Podcasts its own app? Makes no sense to me.

I think this is a fantastic upgrade with lots of new and usable functions. But it feels good to vent about the things that are not so good. :) And Music was the one thing I used my phone for the most, and now it's been messed with in a way that is just awful. I hope they come out with an update to Xbox Music soon.


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Sep 16, 2011
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8.1, What dont you like about it?

I must say I hate that all the games are now outside of the game hub... my apps list much longer now and as far as I can see there is not setting to fix that.

I feel the same way around radio and podcasts. I understand its nice for people to see them, but I wish I could pack them away under music... I just want to tiny up a bit ya'know.

I am sure I'll find more things that bother me, but for that time being that's it. Other than that great job Microsoft.


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Sep 28, 2011
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Re: 8.1, What dont you like about it?

Didn't they do that before with the games being in the app list in a previous update? I'm sure it'll get fixed.

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