List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Nov 24, 2013
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Double tapping or pinching to resize mail content no longer works on Gmail. Don't know MSFT update problem or Google. It worked before.


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Nov 24, 2013
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Lock screen (5) minute limited options. I hate it I want to have unlimited phone use before it locks itself. I like reading on my phone (5) min option is not enough.


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Oct 22, 2012
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I find it strange that toggling bluetooth, airplane mode, and rotation lock work fine from the action center, but WiFi actually takes you to the WiFi settings instead of toggling.

Is the Facebook Beta app useless in 8.1 currently?

It actually enables it directly from action center, but disabling it takes you to the settings screen . . .


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Dec 26, 2011
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Bing Vision is gone from the search STUPID FREAKING IDIOTS Microsoft

Yeah when WPCentral has to run articles explaining it, you know they dun screwed up!

It's a "search" thing. NOT a "camera" thing. I use a Lens when I want a filter or something (well, honestly, I never use Lenses because I just use Nokia Camera and want the best pic I can get, but I digress from my regularly scheduled rant). Not only that, but how hard would it be to put the little eye up there next to the music note on Cortana's screen?!?


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Apr 14, 2014
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There are two things I didn't like: though the Calendar App is incredibly pretty I can't insert Emojis amongst the text. For example: whenever I had to remember to take a medicine I'd insert a pill icon on the text so when the reminder would pop up I could instantly see the pill.
The other thing is the Picture hub. What the heck is that? Where is my background picture? And it won't let me chose the standard viewing.
Everything else is perfect. I keep swiping down to see the Notification centre, even though there isn't anything new.

Vesane Vates

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Jun 11, 2013
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Losing all my music playlists was a bit of annoyance, but I can overcome that.
De-integration of facebook messaging and chat was surprising, but not a big deal.
Screenshotting only being possibly left-handed (I'm on a Lumia 920) is a bit of an annoyance.
Otherwise, pretty happy with 8.1, especially swipe/notifications/tile background :D


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Mar 21, 2013
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Ever since I have updated to WP8.1, my Lumia 820 doesn't charge as fast. Could be just me?

Otherwise it's perfect. Everything works smoothly and I love how things are beginning to be much better.

EDIT : Never mind. I rebooted the phone while charging and it suddenly jumps from 83% to 92%. NFC doesn't work though.

EDIT 2 : NFC now works.. Not sure what's wrong with my phone now lol
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2012
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Faster than:
1) Search button;
2) Bing Vision;
3) ....
4) Profit?

The apologists know its bull. There is NO way camera to lens is faster than search. If you have a bunch of lenses installed you have to hunt through them. Next the apologists will say dont have so many lenses. This site makes me puke.


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Jan 7, 2013
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You can disable it. It's in setting. I went through all of these 300+ posts and most of the things people are "disliking" are due to sheer ignorance. People go away with your phones and please play with it. Explore the new layout and menu options. Half the stuff has solutions that are better than before!! The only genuine bug is Xbox music. We have tons more option than we ever had in any WP update since 2010.

I played with it for hours starting at 4 am this morning. You can disable notifications. You can not disable quick actions. So, claiming 'sheer ignorance' is nothing more than a baseless insult.

"[ checkbox ] Show notifications in action center when my phone is locked"

I would like to disable the four quick actions in addition to the notifications. So this is unchecked and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Brightness, and Rotation remain.

Ossi V

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Mar 9, 2014
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in my 920 before the upgrade my battery indicated a 24-hour charged, with WP 8.1 now says only 15 hours...... after testing, only 6 hours of battery life :unhappysweat: :crying:

DaT Franchise

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Mar 2, 2014
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I love the build all but the Xbox music Xbox games and Xbox video just absolutely sucks now!! No live tile, no song title of track playing, no art, fm radio is now a separate app. Nokia mix it is, makes the 2.99 a month even more worth it!


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Apr 3, 2012
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You can disable it. It's in setting. I went through all of these 300+ posts and most of the things people are "disliking" are due to sheer ignorance. People go away with your phones and please play with it. Explore the new layout and menu options. Half the stuff has solutions that are better than before!! The only genuine bug is Xbox music. We have tons more option than we ever had in any WP update since 2010.
That's just for notifications. You can't disable Action Center as a whole from what i can tell.


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Mar 5, 2014
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On the whole, the update is quite good. One MAJOR qualm (other than a worsened facebook integration) is the music app.

You know, I could get over the fact that it sometimes takes twenty years to load. I could get over the fact that (and I expected this to happen) they completely f*cked-up my beautifully archived, artist background, 100% accurate album covers, etc. and MPAtool wouldn't be able to fix it immediately. Hell, I could even get over the fact that there's no longer a live tile.

But when "Metroid" (Original Soundtrack) is changed to "John Carpenter" along with a horrendous background and wrong album covers, as well as ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to turn off Xbox Music integration, that's where my irritation comes to a boil. Honestly, THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BASIC MEDIA PLAYER. How Microsoft managed to screw up such a simple (yet central aspect in my WP experience) is nothing short of astounding. I sincerely hope they get their act together and make use of the 'separate apps for more timely updates' like, now, because I can't find certain music due to completely wrong, automatic labeling.

Is Microsoft even aware of this?? Do they care?? Almost everyone pointed out that Xbox music was a waste of app space in its implementation yet they pushed it through.


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Aug 20, 2012
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My biggest complaint is the removal of FB from the People Hub. The fact that I now have to open the app just to "Like" a post makes this feel like a HUGE step backwards and runs counter to their "get in and get out" mantra of Metro. I also really cannot stand that they brought back the excessive animations between windows and all of the games being in the app list.

Hmm I don't find this as an issue :S what seems to be the problem?

The facebook app has been tailored to integrate closely with the OS - the app launches in under a second on my 1520, and goes straight to the post. I will agree that the look of the old system was better, but if you wanted to do anything outside of what the OS offered, you had to launch the app which was even more tedious. I like the improvements to be honest

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