List here what you DO NOT like on 8.1.


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Aug 17, 2013
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A few questions for fellow WP 8.1 users with Nokia 521:
- In the notification/action screen, I see 4/15 to the right of the battery charge level. What is this, and how do I access this function?
- I've seen report showing up to five items that can be switched ON/OFF in the notification/action screen. My 521 is only populated with four switchable items.
- I've read report of a "double tap off" function, but I can only "double tap wake" the phone. Does 521 support the "double tap to turn off" phone?
- I've seen video of a "USB" and "NAVIGATION BAR" menu under settings. Can't find these after updating the 521 to WP 8.1.


Ravi Ramgoolam

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Aug 4, 2013
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Well, change is always nice and as much as we would complain about the new stuff I think we will all get used to it. Couple things I'm not very happy with at this moment (which I'm sure was mentioned before) :

1) Games being in the app list
2) Xbox why I can't just have my own music collection and not have to use the store and all these things? Music app -> open app -> play music
3) Maybe I missed this but why is there still no file manager? Nothing to hide/show certain files either
4) Bluetooth no longer showing song information on my Bluetooth deck. Not sure if its a setting I have missed
5) WHY?! Did you take away the ability to post to both Twitter and Facebook? =(
6) You need to install the official Facebook app and of course the notifications suck, the Beta was much better imo
7) Almost forgot this, the Photo hub, i really don't like how it has all the photos showing together. Preferred how it was before going to the different albums. Now my whatsapp pictures go to a folder named 'other' =/

All in will take some getting used to. Its only a preview so the final version maybe totally different, will have to wait and see.


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Sep 3, 2013
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I bet Facebook was the reason they removed the integration with the People Hub, and the messaging. The reason? Not really sure but if I had to take a guess, I bet they (Facebook) don't want people using alternative ways to use their service. Figure they make money off of advertisements, and gathering your data and they can't do either if you aren't plugged directly in their app.


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Dec 31, 2012
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More modern, smoother and more stable?

It used to be. I'm not sure it will stay that way, judging by how the apps we get to WP are, I'd say that won't be the case. The apps rarely if ever use the modern UI design language - look at the MS developed FB app for example. They are probably not more stable than their counterparts in other OSs, though the overall stability of the OS might be better. But getting these apps, just so far with less features and usually way behind everyone else, is not going to make Windows Phone stand out, that I can see at least.

I guess that's why they are pushing Cortana so much, to get SOMETHING that makes it unique once the core differences are all gone.


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Jul 29, 2013
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It used to be. I'm not sure it will stay that way, judging by how the apps we get to WP are, I'd say that won't be the case. The apps rarely if ever use the modern UI design language - look at the MS developed FB app for example. They are probably not more stable than their counterparts in other OSs, though the overall stability of the OS might be better. But getting these apps, just so far with less features and usually way behind everyone else, is not going to make Windows Phone stand out, that I can see at least.

I guess that's why they are pushing Cortana so much, to get SOMETHING that makes it unique once the core differences are all gone.

Cortana is just gonna be recieved as a Siri knock-off because that's essentially all it is.


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May 1, 2012
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Regarding Facebook, I assume it's because Facebook asked to drive users back to its own app. It sucks, but I don't think the WP team had anything to do with it, since Twitter is still integrated. They would remove it too, if what they were looking for was that.

Few things I was sure were part of 8.1 -

- Sort by for the app list (Genres\Most used\New etc.)
- email attachment that are not pictures.

The main change in direction is separating the hubs into apps - this is both good and bad. It's good because it'll let them update a lot, bad because they most likely won't do so.
The new apps hubs are awful. Slow, buggy and basic. I hope it's just because it's not public yet, but a "Developer Preview", and that they will update in the next few weeks Nemours times.

Other than that, the most annoying things are the games listed on the app list, and that fact that the Calendar app ignores the 24 Hours setting and lost the agenda view...

The direction is good, but it's not polished, which is very microsofty thing to do :)

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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2) Xbox why I can't just have my own music collection and not have to use the store and all these things? Music app -> open app -> play music

I didn't notice this. I'm trying to use my Music app right now. I might kill someone, because this is a damned travesty. Like, do I REALLY need to load my music every time I open the app? It's already pulling the bull**** of retagging my music INCORRECTLY that made me want to burn Windows 8's version to the ground.

Yeah, Microsoft has totally ruined themusic experience on Windows Phone. They got rid of the dynamic tile while music is playing, and that's just stupid. They're trying to force things to sync to my phone against my will, and that's stupid. Their software couldn't tag a track correctly to save my life, so any idea of "cloud" music is completely out the window. I had to tell the PC version of Xbox Music to look for music in the wrong folder so it'd stop breaking things.

Windows Phone 8.1: Microsoft's plan to drive everyone from the platform so they can get rid of it without too much noise. That's what this looks like right now, I am SO mad.
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Dec 31, 2012
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Legit might buy an iPhone 4 or Moto G on eBay. I can't take this anymore.

I have to say, I was so excited about this update, but I guess I had not realized fully how far from the stated philosophy of WP they were moving before I started using it. The integration was the main draw for me, and they are removing that.

Since MS is putting out updates for Android quicker than for WP when it comes to Skype, and all their products seem to be available in Android too, is there a good reason I shouldn't just get an Android phone again. Note, I am not going to start using Google services, as I am very happy with what MS has. I just don't see how anything I use in WP8.1 is better than in Android. Especially the music, which is at least 50% of what I use the phone for. Spotify is a joke for WP, Xbox Music has an Android client. The one built in music player I saw in Android was tons better than the embarrassing Xbox Music.

And I can't tell you how sad I am to say that.


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Jul 29, 2013
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I have to say, I was so excited about this update, but I guess I had not realized fully how far from the stated philosophy of WP they were moving before I started using it. The integration was the main draw for me, and they are removing that.

Since MS is putting out updates for Android quicker than for WP when it comes to Skype, and all their products seem to be available in Android too, is there a good reason I shouldn't just get an Android phone again. Note, I am not going to start using Google services, as I am very happy with what MS has. I just don't see how anything in WP8.1 is better than in Android.

And I can't tell you how sad I am to say that.

This is how I feel. I left Android because I really, really hate Google. Then Windows Phone came along with its affordable prices and SUPER snappy interface. I just couldn't say no. I've found a few guides on how to de-Google an Android phone, so that's very likely going to be my next move.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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And the failure continues. Now you can't uninstall your games from within the Games hub. You have to go to the app list to do it. It's almost like it's an attempt to hint at future removal of the Games hub or something.

I am so mad right now. This is stupid beyond reason. Every 10 minutes, I find something catastrophically bad about WP 8.1. I didn't think it could ever get bad enough to make me consider Android again, considering how much I dislike it. Like, if I knew all of this stuff was here beforehand, I not only wouldn't have signed up for the developer preview, I'd have never gotten 8.1 AT's that bad.

Heck, I'm installing Nokia Mix Radio to handle my local music library because Xbox Music is just a piece of garbage now. At least Mix Radio will give me a tile that matches my theme, I guess.


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Dec 31, 2012
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This is how I feel. I left Android because I really, really hate Google. Then Windows Phone came along with its affordable prices and SUPER snappy interface. I just couldn't say no. I've found a few guides on how to de-Google an Android phone, so that's very likely going to be my next move.

The thing is, I need to cool my head a little... almost all of the things I hate about this update are because of Xbox Music and the sucky FB app. The problem is, those are the two things I absolutely use the most (well, I used the hub for FB, but can't now). So I will have to evaluate and see what happens on that front before I make a decision.

I just don't understand how Microsoft could treat Xbox Music this way. It almost singlehandedly destroys the WP8.1 experience. How is it possible that they let this be released this way?


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Jan 31, 2013
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I didn't notice this. I'm trying to use my Music app right now. I might kill someone, because this is a damned travesty. Like, do I REALLY need to load my music every time I open the app? It's already pulling the bull**** of retagging my music INCORRECTLY that made me want to burn Windows 8's version to the ground.
It only searches for music one time... then everytime you open it it checks for any new music or music that's removed. App is still usable, and it only takes 2 seconds. I dont know what you mean by "retagging" in the windows 8 version, but ive never had any of these issues.

Yeah, Microsoft has totally ruined the music experience on Windows Phone. They got rid of the dynamic tile while music is playing, and that's just stupid. They're trying to force things to sync to my phone against my will, and that's stupid.

Force what to sync against your will? Are you talking about when you plug your phone into your computer? All you have to do is check the box that says manually select folders.

Their software couldn't tag a track correctly to save my life, so any idea of "cloud" music is completely out the window. I had to tell the PC version of Xbox Music to look for music in the wrong folder so it'd stop breaking things.

Still confused by what you mean here... Shouldn't all of your music already be "tagged" with the correct artists/album/song name... Does none of your music have this info in it already? Never seen this EVER. I have almost 300GB of music and it all works in the PC version without issue. I have it organized very well tho in the directory.

Windows Phone 8.1: Microsoft's plan to drive everyone from the platform so they can get rid of it without too much noise. That's what this looks like right now, I am SO mad.

More of your typical posts... They are always so difficult to read. I really dont understand what you are doing here half the time.


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Jan 31, 2013
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And the failure continues. Now you can't uninstall your games from within the Games hub. You have to go to the app list to do it. It's almost like it's an attempt to hint at future removal of the Games hub or something.

I am so mad right now. This is stupid beyond reason. Every 10 minutes, I find something catastrophically bad about WP 8.1. I didn't think it could ever get bad enough to make me consider Android again, considering how much I dislike it. Like, if I knew all of this stuff was here beforehand, I not only wouldn't have signed up for the developer preview, I'd have never gotten 8.1 AT's that bad.

Heck, I'm installing Nokia Mix Radio to handle my local music library because Xbox Music is just a piece of garbage now. At least Mix Radio will give me a tile that matches my theme, I guess.

This is something you label as CATASTROPHIC? You are 100% incapable of change. OMG SOMETHING IS DIFFERENT?!??!?!??!? **** EVERYTHING!


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Mar 3, 2014
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The thing is, I need to cool my head a little... almost all of the things I hate about this update are because of Xbox Music and the sucky FB app. The problem is, those are the two things I absolutely use the most (well, I used the hub for FB, but can't now). So I will have to evaluate and see what happens on that front before I make a decision.

I just don't understand how Microsoft could treat Xbox Music this way. It almost singlehandedly destroys the WP8.1 experience. How is it possible that they let this be released this way?

Remember. This is a preview. Hopefully some the major issues will be dealt with at the final push. Its kind of the reason it goes out to developers first. It is a loophole but its not exactly the final build. I hope.

I'm pretty satisfied.

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