List Your InterOp Tool Registry Edits Here

(...) Anyways, here's the key to change the boot screen (the image that appears briefly during booting) so you can get rid of your carrier's annoying images if you don't want to change the firmware:
Key path: HKLM\SYSTEM\Shell\OEM\BootScreens
Registry value name: WPBootScreenOverride
Registry type is string. (...)

Thanks for this! I hate the AT&T logo every time the phone boots.

Just installed Interop Tools on my 950 and can't believe I haven't done it sooner. Here's my new boot screen I just whipped up in Photoshop for anyone interested. Looks great because of the black background and OLED screen.

Thanks for this! I hate the AT&T logo every time the phone boots.

Just installed Interop Tools on my 950 and can't believe I haven't done it sooner. Here's my new boot screen I just whipped up in Photoshop for anyone interested. Looks great because of the black background and OLED screen.

View attachment 135654
Good one

Sent from mTalk
If anyone finds the regedit to disable in app vibration for the Microsoft Messaging friend please share it. I have yet to find that one and need it since the HP Elite X3's vibrate motor is so obnoxious.

Here are some I use every time I reset my phone. I use AT&T...and so certain SMS/MMS options are not enabled by default.

This allows sms to smtp (Send emails via text AT&T), and other possibly useful sms/mms settings...*Note the SIM card ID in bold. Make sure you edit that before importing.

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Enable Capture Living Images on non-Lumia phones for the Camera app.
RAW capture still does not work though even though it is an option I have not figured that one out on the other OEM phones...



Nokia Barc/DNG/Living image edits:


Navigation Bar burn-in protection...Useful for AMOLED screens, and looks cool too..

Shutter sound option...On the HP Elite X3 this is not enabled by default...

I have many others but these I use after every hard reset when needed. Maybe might be useful to someone.
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Disable WiFi Mobile Hotspot no clients timeout:

The time-out period, in minutes, after which Internet sharing should automatically turn off if there are no longer any active clients. This node can be set to any value between 1 and 120 inclusive. A value of 0 is not supported. The default value is 5 minutes.+
A reboot may be required before changes to this node take effect.


Disable WiFi Mobile Hotspot no internet connection timeout:

The time-out value, in minutes, after which Internet sharing is automatically turned off if a cellular connection is not available. This node can be set to any value between 1 and 60 inclusive. The default value is 20 minutes. A time-out is required, so a value of 0 is not supported.+
Changes to this node require a reboot.

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Additional Highest connection speed drop-down menu entries:


HideHighestSpeed3GOnly = 0, enable "3G Only" mode
HideHighestSpeed4GOnly = 0, enable "4G Only" mode
HideHighestSpeed4G3GOnly = 0, enable "Only 4G or 3G" mode

Also, you can rename modes to LTE or something else:

HighestSpeed4G = "LTE"
HighestSpeed4GOnly = "LTE Only"
HighestSpeed4G3GOnly = "LTE or 3G only"
Additional Navigation bar burn in protection example keys


The values can be set accordingly
1. 1 on 2 off
2. Time before in seconds from 1 to ...
3. Time before in seconds from 1 to ...
4. The magnitude of the eclipse as a percentage of 0 (the whole panel will be black) to 100 (the buttons are brightly white) - recommend 20
5. Replacement of black accent in percentage from 0 (remains black) to 100 (becomes color) - recommend 0
If anyone finds the regedit to disable in app vibration for the Microsoft Messaging friend please share it. I have yet to find that one and need it since the HP Elite X3's vibrate motor is so obnoxious.

Here are some I use every time I reset my phone. I use AT&T...and so certain SMS/MMS options are not enabled by default.

This allows sms to smtp (Send emails via text AT&T), and other possibly useful sms/mms settings...*Note the SIM card ID in bold. Make sure you edit that before importing.

Show status of while sending message...

Enable Capture Living Images on non-Lumia phones for the Camera app.
RAW capture still does not work though even though it is an option I have not figured that one out on the other OEM phones...



Nokia Barc/DNG/Living image edits:


Navigation Bar burn-in protection...Useful for AMOLED screens, and looks cool too..

Shutter sound option...On the HP Elite X3 this is not enabled by default...

I have many others but these I use after every hard reset when needed. Maybe might be useful to someone.

going to try a few of these. god knows the phone cant get any more buggy, so why not!
ok... maybe i missed something. i side loaded the app but i cant find half of these entries on my x3. example: the one with changing the name of LTE. are there some that just wont work? Id like to get rid of the H and H+ if possible. And living images would be great.
If a key is missing then you need to add it first then the value.

Or put them all into a compliant reg file and import it.
I really mean any phone without having Capture Living Images by default. Most lumias have that feature and all other OEMs do not.

So to be clear, the Living Images feature is NOT able to be added to an Elite x3? Sorry, Ive done registry edits before but it sounds like I need to ADD to the registry. Would it be possible to get a list going of the reg edit/add features by phone? If there are some that aren't possible on some phones, might help others too.
So to be clear, the Living Images feature is NOT able to be added to an Elite x3? Sorry, Ive done registry edits before but it sounds like I need to ADD to the registry. Would it be possible to get a list going of the reg edit/add features by phone? If there are some that aren't possible on some phones, might help others too.

Ok Gotcha. I have tested the living images on the Idol 4s for North America and the Elite X3 and it works. If you cannot add those entries at all then you might be able to try the store version of interop tools and side load the provider file packages to edit/add more than what you are currently capable of.

I tried to only add what I felt folks might want to try, and whether it is phone specific or not I cannot tell. If it is not there by default then that phone/device would need to be tested to see if it works. Some reg edits are global in that they map to global os settings and do not require Hardware, drivers, or services. Like the icon remap for H+ or H. That can be changed on any phone. The living images may or may not work on every phone but I have no idea which ones it won't work on yet.
Well I got the option on the camera settings for living images!!! However, no living images are being taken with it toggled on. The files are tagged with LI at the end, which is nice to see. Is the Nokia edit part required? Perhaps my "BarcVersion"="100.10" was wrong? I have it as a String(REG_SZ)
Well I got the option on the camera settings for living images!!! However, no living images are being taken with it toggled on. The files are tagged with LI at the end, which is nice to see. Is the Nokia edit part required? Perhaps my "BarcVersion"="100.10" was wrong? I have it as a String(REG_SZ)
Yes. It's a string. Make sure hdr is on. Also hit the three dots on the photo to see if there is an option to "Show as living image". Could swipe and reopen the camera and photos app to or doe a reboot/soft reset...
Yes. It's a string. Make sure hdr is on. Also hit the three dots on the photo to see if there is an option to "Show as living image". Could swipe and reopen the camera and photos app to or doe a reboot/soft reset...

Just took a couple more after a forced restart. The ... menu doesn't have an option for living images but Edit has save photos from living image but when I tap it it errors and says something went wrong. I did a couple other edits in the list and they work fine, so at least I know I was able to do those right haha.
Just took a couple more after a forced restart. The ... menu doesn't have an option for living images but Edit has save photos from living image but when I tap it it errors and says something went wrong. I did a couple other edits in the list and they work fine, so at least I know I was able to do those right haha.
What are the registry edits you have added so far? Actually, send me a PM I'll try to help you.

Did you add just these for the camera?
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What are the registry edits you have added so far? Actually, send me a PM I'll try to help you.

Did you add just these for the camera?

PM sent
TLDR: Do someone know how to enable Quiet Hours via the registry? Is it also possible to turn off animations, to make the phone more snappy?

Great thread, it is exactly what I was looking for! I'm coming from a Nexus 6P and just bought a X3 and there is a lot of stuff I'm missing (which I knew I would before I bought the X3).

I thought I wouldn't need to interop unlock my phone but it feels like I need to do that now to enable some of the features I'm missing. Some are listed in this thread. I read that interop tools would make the X3 unstable and hot, but I don't really see how this could happen unless you do any registery changes, but I just want to doublecheck before I proceed with the installation. Is this true?

There are three features I missed tonight:
1. A night mode which removed the blue light to make the screen more pleasent to read at night. I understand that this does exist in Windows 10 but not in W10M, so I guess I'm out of luck here until Microsoft inplement this in W10M.
2. Quiet Hours. Since I don't live in one of the regions that have Cortana I can't use quiet hours, which imo is a stupid inplementation, and since this feature exist in code I hope it's possible to enable this via the registery. So do someone know how to enable this? I don't really care about Cortana, but if that's needed to enable Quiet Hours I will of corse enable it as well. I don't want to change to my language and region, so that's why I'm asking here.
3. Is it possible to turn off animations, to make the phone more snappy?
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