List Your InterOp Tool Registry Edits Here

TLDR: Do someone know how to enable Quiet Hours via the registry? Is it also possible to turn off animations, to make the phone more snappy?

Great thread, it is exactly what I was looking for! I'm coming from a Nexus 6P and just bought a X3 and there is a lot of stuff I'm missing (which I knew I would before I bought the X3).

I thought I wouldn't need to interop unlock my phone but it feels like I need to do that now to enable some of the features I'm missing. Some are listed in this thread. I read that interop tools would make the X3 unstable and hot, but I don't really see how this could happen unless you do any registery changes, but I just want to doublecheck before I proceed with the installation. Is this true?

There are three features I missed tonight:
1. A night mode which removed the blue light to make the screen more pleasent to read at night. I understand that this does exist in Windows 10 but not in W10M, so I guess I'm out of luck here until Microsoft inplement this in W10M.
2. Quiet Hours. Since I don't live in one of the regions that have Cortana I can't use quiet hours, which imo is a stupid inplementation, and since this feature exist in code I hope it's possible to enable this via the registery. So do someone know how to enable this? I don't really care about Cortana, but if that's needed to enable Quiet Hours I will of corse enable it as well. I don't want to change to my language and region, so that's why I'm asking here.
3. Is it possible to turn off animations, to make the phone more snappy?

I am not sure how to enable Quiet Hours without Cortana...It is integrated with cortana though. I think there is a way to enable Cortana if your region does not support it. I saw someone suggest this in the forums somewhere...

I am not certain on the heat issue after unlocking. I never noticed anything abnormal on my end. But each persons phone is unique to how they use it...

Night light/Mode is not possible on Windows 10 mobile, unless maybe you consider Lumias that have Color Profile installed and are able to dial the Cool/Warm color setting all the way over to furthest Warm setting.

Animations I believe can be adjused in interop tools from the tweaks section. But do not quote me on that. They are some where near the bottom, but I have no clue how they are defined. What numbers you could set there or what they would mean. For example Hover TileFlyout Idle Timer Interval or Hover TileFlyout End Timer Interval, but I think those for when tapping an app and probably not transitioning. You will need to just dig and play around there if you so desire. If you find out something though do share it here.
Please Help Me...

I have installed Interop Tool from windows 10 mobile store. But it is asking for 'This device (through provider extensions' & I don't to how and where to install extensions for this app.
Please Help Me...
Please Help Me...

I have installed Interop Tool from windows 10 mobile store. But it is asking for 'This device (through provider extensions' & I don't to how and where to install extensions for this app.
Please Help Me...
Best place for help for that is on the interop tools thread on the xda forums. There are more than several versions of the app and the store version is more or less in beta. But it's a bit complicated if your not familiar with how the app works. . .You're better off sideloading a prerelease version and dependencies from the xda version using the guide already provided there.
Thanks for this! I hate the AT&T logo every time the phone boots.

Just installed Interop Tools on my 950 and can't believe I haven't done it sooner. Here's my new boot screen I just whipped up in Photoshop for anyone interested. Looks great because of the black background and OLED screen.

View attachment 135654

Can you share your pic specs?
I've got a new image too, but it looks a bit crappy, as in a lot.
I don't know how many pix and px/inch I need for this start up pic. :cry:
I edited the registry on a Lumia 640 to enable Static IP and it worked perfectly. I was so happy (this was on windows 10 mobile).

I tried doing the same in a Lumia 950... and the key isn't even there D: ! Also I couldn't add it, I hope someone manages to fix this.

I have seen a lot of people defending this saying stuff like editing dhcp settings on router is way better, but not everybody can do that, has access to that, or even is in that case use. There are different uses for static IPs, like testing, specific applications, etc. It should be an option, some people will use it, some people won't, and everybody will be happy.

Anyways, here's the key to change the boot screen (the image that appears briefly during booting) so you can get rid of your carrier's annoying images if you don't want to change the firmware:
Key path: HKLM\SYSTEM\Shell\OEM\BootScreens
Registry value name: WPBootScreenOverride
Registry type is string.

In the value data you have to input the location of the image you want to display when booting, for example for an image inside the "documents" folder that is called "boot.jpg" the value would be:


( The public folders are in the route \Data\Users\Public , so if your image is in any of the public top level directories (Pictures, Downloads, Documents etc) you have to append that in there, like I did for documents folder.

The image resolution has to be small enough to fit your phone's screen resolution. Also it has to be 24 bits per pixel jpg.

Good luck.

Thnx for the sublime info to change the logo/picture.
Just struggling with the height & width and pix/inch.
Any suggestions?
Anyways, here's the key to change the boot screen (the image that appears briefly during booting) so you can get rid of your carrier's annoying images if you don't want to change the firmware:
Key path: HKLM\SYSTEM\Shell\OEM\BootScreens
Registry value name: WPBootScreenOverride
Registry type is string.

I have a Lumia 950 but ran into a problem. I'd like to scoot some fiddles under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\SHELL\OEM\] but that's as far as I can go. Under \OEM\ there's only Go Back. There are so many fun tweaks I'd like to make. What can I do?
I thought it was a Region and/or Language issue. But I changed Region on the phone to USA and Language to English, but I still can't go further.
I have a Lumia 950 but ran into a problem. I'd like to scoot some fiddles under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\SHELL\OEM\] but that's as far as I can go. Under \OEM\ there's only Go Back. There are so many fun tweaks I'd like to make. What can I do?
I thought it was a Region and/or Language issue. But I changed Region on the phone to USA and Language to English, but I still can't go further.
So you see no other keys or values there?
It looks like you need to use the vcreg method on XDA to further unlock your 950. Did you unlock the 950 with this method yet? You won't be able to edit much of the registry until you do.
I have a Lumia 950 but ran into a problem. I'd like to scoot some fiddles under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\SHELL\OEM\] but that's as far as I can go. Under \OEM\ there's only Go Back. There are so many fun tweaks I'd like to make. What can I do?
I thought it was a Region and/or Language issue. But I changed Region on the phone to USA and Language to English, but I still can't go further.

It seems you dont have a carrier logo.Add the rest and you are good to go...
Protect your privacy by reducing the level of collecting data (telemetry):
-> Go to...
--> Add the following key...
--> With value
Further information about telemetry can be found here:

This keeps going back to 3 for me. Are you on insider? I'm trying to get out of insider and remove all diagnostics without formatting because I have apps that no longer exist.
This keeps going back to 3 for me. Are you on insider? I'm trying to get out of insider and remove all diagnostics without formatting because I have apps that no longer exist.
Is it interop unlocked? Interop unlock your device and try again. You might be restricted from editing in that location.
Is it interop unlocked? Interop unlock your device and try again. You might be restricted from editing in that location.

It seems to work for changing other values so i thought that it may do a check to see if it's insider and then that will override any changes. It's an unlocked phone I bought straight from MS. 950XL in Canada. I do have the region set to U.S. though because the store is much better for real reviews. Most stuff in Canada doesn't even have reviews.
So your trying to get out of the insider program from the phone options and its not working?
Interop unlocking a Windows phone is not the same as factory unlocked (sim unlocked) as sold from a retailer. Interop unlocking a device allows regions/areas of the phone to be accessed by the user that were normally locked down by certain policies.
So your trying to get out of the insider program from the phone options and its not working?
Interop unlocking a Windows phone is not the same as factory unlocked (sim unlocked) as sold from a retailer. Interop unlocking a device allows regions/areas of the phone to be accessed by the user that were normally locked down by certain policies.

Yes but I don't want to use the nokia tool to format or lose my stuff. I can backup everything but there are apps that got removed. That's the only reason i got the interop tools. Is there a way to take an installed app on your phone and turn it back into an appx file for install through sideloading?

If I could do that then I would just format and then sideload the app.

Thanks for that info. I don't really want to interop unlock as we believe we are safe from malware when I don't believe it to be true. Even my friend had a movie app that downloaded a bitcoin miner right into the cache of the UWP app from the store. And it was mining coins until MS windows defender finally found it while scanning.
If you have another windows phone. Sign in with your account and see if that app is available in the library. I have an app that is no longer available either when searching. But it shows in my library on any device I sign in to and I can install it. If it was completely removed, then you are stuck tring ot repackage all the files and zip them. InteropTools can register an appxbundle unpacked. Maybe you could try that on a spare device to see how it goes.
If you have another windows phone. Sign in with your account and see if that app is available in the library. I have an app that is no longer available either when searching. But it shows in my library on any device I sign in to and I can install it. If it was completely removed, then you are stuck tring ot repackage all the files and zip them. InteropTools can register an appxbundle unpacked. Maybe you could try that on a spare device to see how it goes.

It shows in my library but it's gone when I tap it. I'm going to move them to my SDcard. If I format will it find all my apps in the sdcard when it loads back up?
In theory it should. I have never done that. Go to Settings Update and Security and then Backup. In more options check if it is an app listed to restore from a backup. If so backup after you have moved the apps to SD card. Before you reset though you should look into a plan B. There is a thread where someone with a Lumia 520 did this but did not back up first and the apps did not restore as planned. But there are other posts of this not working at all...https://windowsphone.stackexchange....d-on-an-sd-after-resetting-my-phone/7417#7417
In theory it should. I have never done that. Go to Settings Update and Security and then Backup. In more options check if it is an app listed to restore from a backup. If so backup after you have moved the apps to SD card. Before you reset though you should look into a plan B. There is a thread where someone with a Lumia 520 did this but did not back up first and the apps did not restore as planned. But there are other posts of this not working at all...https://windowsphone.stackexchange....d-on-an-sd-after-resetting-my-phone/7417#7417

Thanks for your help. A factory reset kept putting me back into windows insider and the apps on the sd card were installed but the movie ones were ignored. I guess because it tried to acquire the license from the store or they are marked as bad apps. I had to use the lumia tool to reset to the original software and go through all the updates again and not restore backup. At least i'm out of the insider program as now it's only there to keep collecting data from us. After all the original intent was to release these phones and get more data for ARM for their next version of windows. I hope eventually someone can hack android oreo onto this phone. I feel it has a great camera and i paid over $1k for it when it first came out. In canada of course, with taxes. I thought I would have a cool version of continuum by now yet nothing was done. It's a shame but it's my own fault for thinking MS was actually going to do something. They like to show things off to garner hype but then they don't do it hehe.

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