Lumia 635 Bugs and Defects

Well I learned that my data issue in fact was because of network congestion in my area. Are there any known memory leaks in WP8.1? I just experienced my first random reboot just now and I have no clue as to why. No apps were open apart from Windows Central... Unless Windows Central has a system crashing bug but I doubt it since there was no error log when I reopened the app after the phone booted up.
I was looking through the usability settings (like high contrast, text size, etc) on my Lumia 635 and my phone started making these yellow boxes appear on my screen and stopped recognizing touches. I took out the battery and restarted and they are still there. I can't use the phone AT ALL. I can't even unlock it because it doesn't register touches. WHAT CAN I DO TO FIX THIS. I REPEAT, THE PHONE IS COMPLETELY USELESS AT THIS TIME.

Seriously, has anyone had this problem?
I have a problem with IE. My websites I frequently are not available. I tried desktop and mobile mode. If I go to my doctors website I can't log on since it is not supported. is say way. I emailed Geico and they stated working on codecs for windows phone 8.1. How can something be released as 8.1 but not all 8.1 programs work. I connected my PC and tried my apps from PC to smartphone and get is not compatible. I went to a popular video page and video won't load. Went to news channel to watch live and not supported. This is on an on. About ready to throw this in garbage. Please fix IE at least.
Listening to the Music App with headphones. When I get a text message, Cortana asks me to read it or ignore it. After ignoring it, the headphone volume increases dramatically and the audio begins to also play out of the phone's speaker.
I have tried it. Does same thing. Even wrote to one site and they stated working on problem. Claim windows doesn't support there site but they will get with windows to see what is needed. BS is what I think
I have a problem with IE. My websites I frequently are not available. I tried desktop and mobile mode. If I go to my doctors website I can't log on since it is not supported. is say way. I emailed Geico and they stated working on codecs for windows phone 8.1. How can something be released as 8.1 but not all 8.1 programs work. I connected my PC and tried my apps from PC to smartphone and get is not compatible. I went to a popular video page and video won't load. Went to news channel to watch live and not supported. This is on an on. About ready to throw this in garbage. Please fix IE at least.
I just got off the phone with ATT and they informed me that these sites are certificate secure sites that Windows 8.1 doesn't support. Come on and get your certificates authorized.
I also have the problem with the Skype screen turning off(black) when I try to press any of the buttons (to end a call or switch to speakerphone). If I lock/unlock the screen it will then sometimes let me end the call. Along with this issue, the phone will also allow buttons to be pressed when talking with the phone up to my ear. It has dialed out and/or muted the call I was on.
After 5 calls to CC a 2nd level tech got LTE to work. The Lumia 635 Go Phone kept rebooting though and I ended up sending it in to Nokia for repair. A replacement came back instead. Another call to CC to give them my new MEID to get it working but it only shows 4G now again. I think it is provisioned incorrectly on their side but they insist not. Any advice and what the Internet and MMS APNs should be? I can't remember what the tech had me set them to for the first phone to work.
Today I had a rep at the local AT&T store insert one of the active Sims from a display into mine and LTE lit up so I know the LTE radio works. Unfortunately the APN settings from the newly inserted SIM will not show in the settings screen. The rep told me that this is common for Windows phones.
@John Lord66,

I also initially had issues with the LTE working when I first got my Lumia 635 on AT&T. I talked to Customer Service and they said it was because the SIM I swapped into it was still provisioned to my old L520 IMEI number, so they took my IMEI number and supposedly changed it. It didn't fix it.

Went in store and the rep there was able to pretty quickly determine that the IMEI number was still provisioned to the L520, the CS rep did nothing. The store rep fixed it on the spot and I was ready to go. He actually gave me a new SIM with the proper provisioning, as the original SIM wasn't working right.

This rep knew a lot about WP, and had no trouble with getting it all together. Turns out, he's had a Windows Phone for a couple of months. Then I found out that it was his "business phone" and that AT&T issued Windows Phones to all the reps in that store. I traveled to visit the in-laws in another town about an hour away to help them get their new Windows Phones set up. We went to the AT&T store there, and turns out they had all gotten WP issued as well. They said that AT&T had previously issued them iPhones, and were now giving WP to employees.

I don't know if that is just for the local stores here, or if AT&T is changing this. It could be that AT&T is trying to save some money on supplying phones to the reps. They were all sporting new Lumia 830s at both store locations in both cities.
Got a lumia 635 yesterday.

I have a few concerns.

1. My phone does not set date and time automatically. There is no option in settings for this. I can only set it manually. Am I missing something?

2. If I turn the phone off and on again my date and time resets to factory time and date every time.

3. I can't login to the facebook app. Its says something is wrong with connection however i can still download apps from the store and browse the internet.

4. When I open the onedrive app it thinks I am not connected to a network.

I am writing this post on my laptop tethered to my lumia 635 and the internet is working.
Got a lumia 635 yesterday.

I have a few concerns.

1. My phone does not set date and time automatically. There is no option in settings for this. I can only set it manually. Am I missing something?

2. If I turn the phone off and on again my date and time resets to factory time and date every time.

3. I can't login to the facebook app. Its says something is wrong with connection however i can still download apps from the store and browse the internet.

4. When I open the onedrive app it thinks I am not connected to a network.

I am writing this post on my laptop tethered to my lumia 635 and the internet is working.

Just activated my 635 on TMobile.

1. Settings->Date&time->Set Automatically->on

2. See answer to #1.

3. I have not experienced problems logging onto Facebook either through the app or through the People Hub. It took an hour or so for People Hub to catch up.

4. I have not experienced this problem either. Do these problems occur on wifi as well as cellular data? Check your settings in "Cellular+Sim" and "Data Sense".
Is there any reason as to why this phone seemingly randomly reboots for no reason?

I'm going to keep posting this seeing as a handful of people mentioned it in this thread and EVERY person was completely ignored
Can't answer this as mine never has randomly rebooted. Did you see over on the 635 screen thread a person named drhere said tmobile versions from amazon are defective and rebooting. Is that what you have?
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Is there any reason as to why this phone seemingly randomly reboots for no reason?

When does yours restart?
Is it while the phone is idle?

Mine has done this a few times after surfing with either IE or UC for around 30 minutes.
It also restarted once while scrolling thru OneDrive.

Both times I was connected via Wi-Fi.
I'm thinking memory handling randomly freaked out and shutdown the phone.
Nokia Lumia Problems

1.)Loading issue - its slow 🐌 by the time I'm scrolling down on a certain page of a website it slows down freezes and cancels out my internet

2.) Freezing On Me - Somehow this phone likes to play the freezing game with me especially when someone is trying to call me 📱 I can't even press the answer no matter how hard I press the answer button.

3.) Cant figure out where da hell I can create a new contact rather than dial in a friends phone number and save it T.T

4.) Most Apps are useless except probably facebook. T.T

5.) The phone glitches n freezes I had to take out da at&t SD card and put it back in order to unfreeze the phone it then reset the time to a time that's not US East T.T

6.)Cortana is annoying ***** and shows up anytime I'm playing a fun mini game she shouldn't exist EVER I don't like being interrupted during my game time she is useful for news 📰 and weather ⛅
Re: Nokia Lumia Problems

3.) use the + button in the people app

4.) What do you want to do on your phone? Be more specific and people can suggest apps, e.g. MetroTube or MyTube for YouTube
When does yours restart?
Is it while the phone is idle?

Mine has done this a few times after surfing with either IE or UC for around 30 minutes.
It also restarted once while scrolling thru OneDrive.

Both times I was connected via Wi-Fi.
I'm thinking memory handling randomly freaked out and shutdown the phone.

I'm thinking that's what's happening as well considering the phone locks up a little and you can see it coming
Is there any reason as to why this phone seemingly randomly reboots for no reason?

I'm going to keep posting this seeing as a handful of people mentioned it in this thread and EVERY person was completely ignored

It was probably ignored because no one has had an answer to it.

Never had that problem with my 635, however, I had that problem with my 520. I traced it to my microSD card. I had a bad one. When I moved everything from Card to Phone, then removed the card, everything started working and it went a week without rebooting. I put the card back in, moved a couple of non-essential apps to it, and started saving pics to it again. It started misbehaving that day. Got a new SD card, and never had the problem since.

The SD card in question never showed any errors when checking for errors on my Desktop machine. I worked with the cards maker for nearly 6 weeks troubleshooting the issue, because they were going to replace it under warranty, but the second card they sent had the same issues. They finally determined it was a batch of cards (both cards I tried had the same batch number, and were off by "6" on the serial number) that had bad controllers. The memory was fine, it was the memory controller that was bad. They gave me an upgraded card for the trouble, so I went from a 10MB/s read/write to 40MB/s read and 25MB/s write, which is okay for me, considering I had only paid $23 for a 64GB card in the first place.

Try using the phone without an SD card and see if the issue goes away. If not, then you may have a defective RAM controller or defective RAM in the phone, and your phone will need to be replaced. It happens. Could also be a defective CPU.

Try the SD card test first, as it will keep you from going without a phone. If that fixes it, then great, just get a new card. If not, then get a new phone, preferably under warranty.

Let us know how it turns out.
Has anyone lost pixels on the 635? First time for me and the phone is 3 weeks old... Never dropped it. I can live with that since I don't want to go to the carrier, report it and wait 3 or 4 days for a new one and use a nokia 1100 in the meantime but should I expect more pixels to follow?

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