Lumia 720 AMBER update INDIA release date 12-Aug-2013

I just got notifs for update on the store. Turned out it was for Here Maps(v 3.4.437.8) and Here Drive(v 3.0.4121.0).

After having contacted Nokia Care this is the info I was provided with:

"Amber update will roll out late in the evening today."
"You may update the phone over WiFi."
"Sorry but we can't provide any information on how big the update will be."

Fingers crossed. Hope we're not disappointed this time as everyone is getting the same response from Nokia's end.

But this response is better than
It will arrive sometime in august
I just got notifs for update on the store. Turned out it was for Here Maps(v 3.4.437.8) and Here Drive(v 3.0.4121.0).

After having contacted Nokia Care this is the info I was provided with:

"Amber update will roll out late in the evening today."
"You may update the phone over WiFi."
"Sorry but we can't provide any information on how big the update will be."

Fingers crossed. Hope we're not disappointed this time as everyone is getting the same response from Nokia's end.

The size of the update is around 1 gb.
Even i was told by the nokia executive that the update will roll out late evening today.. She said its 100 % confirm... LOL m happy nd excited

Guys it's confirmed that Amber update is going to be live late evening today and they confirmed about few features but they are not sure about data sense.
Also i confirmed on chat that update will be released for all windows phone 8 devices , not just 920 :) so fingers crossed and hope we get data sense. Please post here if any of you get the notification about it. See screenshots attached of my conversation with nokia executive
yes It is 100% confirmed news for lumia 720 for both gdr2 and amber update.
Today evening everyone getting Amber and GDR2 update for lumia 720..
I got this news through nokia customer support.. :) :smile:
One more new information he said it's only for india not worldwide and size may differ from device to device. I hope that data sense will be there. What about people who flashed the ROM , they can confirm about datasense is there or not on indian ROM?

Sorry guys, i lied bout the update thing. Just like the op, stirring things up a bit. So sorry lol. But australia telstra claim they will push the update tomorrow. I checked their lumia 920 software release and found amber update

Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk 4
Sorry guys, i lied bout the update thing. Just like the op, stirring things up a bit. So sorry lol. But australia telstra claim they will push the update tomorrow. I checked their lumia 920 software release and found amber update

Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk 4

That was so very kind of you. You JACKA$$!! :grin:
I just had a chat with A Nokia Executive guy named, Tanuj. and he confirmed that the Amber update would be released for all Lumia Devices including the 520. All i have to figure out is, when "Late Evening" exactly is, lol. I asked him will it be after 7? He repeated like a parrot "LATE EVENING" .
Nokia Holland replied this to me on Facebook today:

De Lumia Amber update wordt in de loop van deze zomer verwacht. De beschikbaarheid is vervolgens afhankelijk van het type en de variant, maar je Lumia zal zelf controleren en aangeven wanneer deze update beschikbaar is.

translation: The Lumia Amber update is expected to arrive over the course of this summer. Availability depends on your phone type. Your Lumia will check and notify you when the update is available.

There is nothing about amber update for lumia 720. No leak image or video what so ever. Lumia 920, 820, 620, 520 taking all the spotlights

Sent from my X909 using Tapatalk 4

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