Lumia 830 Bugs + Defects

Lots of reports of that, some even without screen protectors.
Overall, my 830 (which I haven't used in a couple of months now, it's sitting in it's box on a shelf) is much less responsive, in everything, than my new 920 that I got a couple of months ago.
The 920 is much snappier to screen touchs, double tab, etc. and much snappier with the screen scrolling, etc.

I did not have any screen sensitivity issues without my screen protector, with the screen protector it used to be slightly less responsive.
Anyone out there having occasional issues "connecting" (browser, WC etc) when data and WiFi are on but out of WiFi range? Today I finally had the oportunity to actualy test, was browsing WC and kept getting a "could not connect" error, refreshed page and whilst it was trying to load I turned off WiFi, bingo it worked as should. Been having connection issues on and off for awhile and attribute to me having my WiFi constantly enabled, things load most times but the wait can be painstakingly slow, it's something I've changed in the past couple of months as I use to keep it off for the most part so might have to revert back to my old ways as a temp resolve.
I am use windowsphone 2 years from now and i upgrade my 520 to 830 and what a differnce!I was so happy with phone but after 5 days my battery drain fast. I set all settings for best battery performance for battery and i didn't help with battery saver on only 1 day then i do hard reset and install all apps again and all settings same and my battery was 1 day 20 h and its not just number i couldn't waste my battery in end of day battery was 70% and again after 2 days all start back again battery is terrible like used phone and i have this phone 10 days. Not only battery is problem my back button wont work in many apps it will work again if i use slider then press it again. My question is should i be worried about this or you guys have\had same problem? I want my phone back again i love windows so much but i need help :(
Got a new 830 today from Rogers. It is my 5th windows phone. Question- when I go to call someone and hit call the screen goes instantly black. I can not even see if it is dialing. On my 1020 or 635 if I move the phone I lights up. Not the 830 - the only way to get the phone display on is to click the power button twice, but then I only displays for a second or two then black again. To call my voicemail I have to hit the power button 6-10 times just to be able to type in my password. Is my phone a lemon or is this supposed to work like this?
Are you using a case? Is it covering the proximity sensor at the top of the phone? Try using it without the case, otherwise it might be a duff proximity sensor.
Bluetooth issues,

I have an 830, UK, EE, latest updates and a ford grand c-max with sync / sony dab radio

Despite the normal and alternative bluetooth radio options, cortana randomly goes silent on me, she'll happily do turn-by-turn directions over bluetooth but then randomly go quiet - "Cortana" still flashes up on my car's display and interrupts the music / radio, but no words come out, curiously media will carry on playing through the bluetooth connection fine.....

Also, took me ages to work this out - but if you say "dial cortana" through the cars bluetooth, like dialling any other contact, cortana replies and you have access to all the cortana functions!
Got a new 830 today from Rogers. It is my 5th windows phone. Question- when I go to call someone and hit call the screen goes instantly black. I can not even see if it is dialing. On my 1020 or 635 if I move the phone I lights up. Not the 830 - the only way to get the phone display on is to click the power button twice, but then I only displays for a second or two then black again. To call my voicemail I have to hit the power button 6-10 times just to be able to type in my password. Is my phone a lemon or is this supposed to work like this?

It is not suppose to work like that....

Maybe since you just bought it, try to do a soft reset. If that doesn't work then a hard reset...if nothing works maybe go back to the Rogers store to show them and they should replace it.
Got a new 830 today from Rogers. It is my 5th windows phone. Question- when I go to call someone and hit call the screen goes instantly black. I can not even see if it is dialing. On my 1020 or 635 if I move the phone I lights up. Not the 830 - the only way to get the phone display on is to click the power button twice, but then I only displays for a second or two then black again. To call my voicemail I have to hit the power button 6-10 times just to be able to type in my password. Is my phone a lemon or is this supposed to work like this?

My phone does NOT behave in that way. I think you need to replace the phone. I am very happy with it, get rid of your lemon and go back and get a good one!

Ive just started using my 830 and Ive noticed what seems to be a bug. When someone calls me, on their end it will ring 4 times. on the 5th ring the phone will vibrate once and on the 6th ring my phone ringtone will start. so basically i only know someone is trying to call me when its already been ringing 6 times. This has caused me to miss more than a few business calls.

I have tried various things, Ive even done a factory reset on the device and the Phone is fully updated.
Ive never had this problem before, its only been with this device. I am using the same provider and sim that ive always used. If i put the sim back in my old phone it works 100%

Any suggestions would be most welcome.
my 830 wont connect to anything by bluetooth wont even find anything to connect to driving me mad as want to use it in car with blue&me but no its having non of it any help please
my 830 wont connect to anything by bluetooth wont even find anything to connect to driving me mad as want to use it in car with blue&me but no its having non of it any help please

Did you try a soft reset? if that doesn't
work then a hard reset, be sure to back up your phone first.
UPDATE... Improvements or lack thereof since Denim update on Mar 20th:

After owning my Lumia 830 (RM-985) for a couple of months I compiled a few cons and observations, was expecting it to be on par if not slightly better than my 1020/Ativ S but to date it hasn't proved so. Did a factory reset 12 days ago with not much in the way of improvements, faulty unit I don't know but definitely not alone as others are experiencing similar issues. All three of my Windows Phones are setup similarly in regards to apps, configuration and settings.

• Random freezing followed by a reboot while using apps, 7 reboots to date with no particular pattern other than app usage, have not encountered an idle reboot that I’m aware of.
Prior to the Denim update it had been a few weeks since last reboot occurred, close to 10 days now after updating to Denim and still stable (fingers crossed)(

• Capacitive buttons (“back” mostly) sometimes unresponsive, have iShieldz protector installed
Buttons "were" gradually getting better prior to Denim (touch sensitivity set to "HIGH"), after the update the back button has gotten considerably worse w/same screen protector installed and still set to high, definitely strange but at the same time annoying!!!

• Screen a tad too sensitive to the touch at times (set on high), in normal mode “back” button not sensitive enough
"Back" button worse w/no change in overall screen sensitivity, settings same

• Occasional screen lag or jitteriness while scrolling or when returning to home screen
No noticeable change

• Noticing “Resuming” is more prevalent on 830 compared to my 1020/Ativ S
Other than the camera pretty much the same

• Lumia camera on par speed-wise with my 1020 yet was expecting it to be slightly better, using the MS camera makes it comparable to my Ativ S
Much improved although can't say it's earth shattering, an improvement none the less

• Camera physical button overly sensitive, somewhat better w/gel case on but still find myself constantly launching camera
Same... Waiting for a new case to arrive and hopefully it will provide a little more resistance to alleviate unintentional camera launch

• Battery slow to charge, takes about 2-2.5 longer than my 1020 or Ativ S

• Battery falls of rapidly from 100% charge by 5-8% within first 20-30min, seems to balances out after that
Improved by 1% WOOHOO!

• Battery drain under medium to heavy usage is 1.5-2 times faster than that of my 1020/Ativ S
Smidgen better yet not enough to be considered an improvement, keeping WiFi off helps of course

• Slow to shutdown, takes approx. 4-5 times longer compared to my other WPs, 1st 1020, 2nd Ativ S and lastly 830… Latter is the faster of the three on start-up but only by a smidgen
Vastly improved, may be superficial in that the "Goodbye" disappears faster but good enough for me

• With cellular data and Wifi on at the same time once in a blue moon it'll be slow or refuses to send emails or load certain app data (ie WC), turning off Wifi usually resolves, have had issues in the past sending text too but that hasn't occurred for months.

• Occasional notification sound distortion when plugged in and charging
No reoccurrence for weeks prior to update and none after

Just to be clear, contrary to how the above sounds the phone is not a complete lemon yet comparing it to my Ativ S and L1020 it is definitely a step backwards, most of these issues are more annoyances than detrimental to its daily use and do find the overall "fluidity" of the L830 to be lacking, a stark contrast to my two other WPs.
I'm very happy to report that the full Denim has solved my daily random reboots. I have never had any button or battery problems. Lumia Camera is extremely fast on startup but slow to save images, so no instant peeking after taking a shot.
Just got my L830 to replace my old L920. Overall the experience is good, but I have a quick question. When I launch the camera, I always hear two click sound, just like the shutter sound, but much lighter. When I close the camera, there is one click sound. Is it normal? Since I have never heard this kind of sound on any other smartphones.
Camera OIS does not work on the first shot upon loading. You can test this by launching the camera and focusing on one point and lightly shake phone. Then compare that to the second shot. Then OIS doesn't smooth things out until the second shot. I have confirmed this on 3 different 830.

Wow this is true... I was searching why some pictures on my 830 are blurry (yes, my hand shakes a lot XD) and I just make the test... no matter how long the app was open, before the first shot and shaking my hand on purpose the image moves a lot in the screen... after the first shot... shaking is not that obvious, the move is more soft... another curiosity is that in the pictures in my gallery when I took more than one picture, the first one is blurred
Just got my L830 to replace my old L920. Overall the experience is good, but I have a quick question. When I launch the camera, I always hear two click sound, just like the shutter sound, but much lighter. When I close the camera, there is one click sound. Is it normal? Since I have never heard this kind of sound on any other smartphones.

That only happens to me when I unlock the phone with the camera button... the same sound happens when I unlock the phone normally... is not the camera is the unlock sound... if you open the lumia camera app by touching the live tile it do not make any sound.... if the problem persist could be because your country is a country when laws force companies to put sound in cameras
On an unrelated note, I have noticed that very rarely when I get a facebook sound notification, this sound is very distorted, almost as if the speaker was broken or the sound was slowed down or something. So far this happened 3 times but it doesn't do it again when the next notification comes in... Just weird, anybody else experiencing this?

I am having the same issue... It seems that it's been a while since this happened to you, are you still facing the same issue? I am thinking of replacing the model? It would be a bummer, if this is a software bug...
I found on my screen these two bright spots (left and right below) that are only visible with the white background. I had the same issue with my Lumia 720. Does anybody have the same problem?

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