Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

App related problem. Had similar issues with 'Battery level for WP8' on both my 920 and HTC 8X. A restart usually fixes the problem for a while, but if you keep the app the problem returns.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

This is my only gripe/issue being right at a month to switch back to windows phone and the nokia 920. Today, I am working from home and taking a break and after unplugging at 8 am, at 4 pm it is at 48% haven't done much at all. Some days it it in the 70s or higher some days not. Just really weird the battery and I find a reboot can squash that. I had like 40% last week and went into a movie with my wife, came out and phone was dead as a doornail and off. Really silly. Nokia needs to fix this one issue so this phone keeps being the go to phone for windows phone 8.

App related problem. Had similar issues with 'Battery level for WP8' on both my 920 and HTC 8X. A restart usually fixes the problem for a while, but if you keep the app the problem returns.

Really? I ran that and now the other app Battery. I BET these are causing this as all I run in the background is weather and battery. Hmm, might have to get rid of this. I will do that tonight when I go to bed, uninstall, reboot and put it on the charge and will see how battery does.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Same problem here. I have had my 920 since last December. I have had WONDERFUL battery life. I have not installed any apps since January. Over the past week or so, I have been having (what seems) random battery drain. I usually can go about 2 to 2.5 days without needing to recharge. Now, I am lucky if I can go 8 hours without a recharge. Not sure what is happening, but it is reassuring that other people are having the problem as well.

On another note, I have noticed a consistent issue with one app. I have seen this problem for a long while. Soundhound. If I ever use this app, my phone's battery will drain rapidly. Even after I close it. The only solution is to reboot the phone. To me, this clearly means that Microsoft is having issues with the way they are handling apps. We need an update from Microsoft.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

i only have TvShow running in the background...and turn off WIFI and everything else when i'm not using it...battery doesn't seem to be discharging when i do that maybe 1% in 4 hours
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Well phone didn't last yesterday and I then took Battery off and rebooted and charged. Looks better now and I think it is around 80% after all day off the charger so much better.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Well phone didn't last yesterday and I then took Battery off and rebooted and charged. Looks better now and I think it is around 80% after all day off the charger so much better.

I sometimes expirements this battery issue, it depends on the day, I have uninstalled skype, soundhound and Battery app to control the use of the phone (Battery | Tienda de aplicaciones y juegos de Windows Phone (Espa?a), sorry if I can't post the external link), what do you think battery app is better??? I'm going to control the battery during the next days... Thanks!!!!
Mystery battery drain

Yet another post about a mysterious battery drain. I've had 4 or 5 happen since I've owned the phone. These are drains that happen when you start off at 100% and don't really use the phone for anything.

I just had one today and the only thing I can think of is perhaps one of the buttons was getting pressed down while in my pocket. I wonder if this could be the cause of many of these reports?

There is only one problem with this theory. One of the times this happened to me the phone was on my desk. However, it could still be the cause of some.
Re: Mystery battery drain

Yet another post about a mysterious battery drain. I've had 4 or 5 happen since I've owned the phone. These are drains that happen when you start off at 100% and don't really use the phone for anything.

I just had one today and the only thing I can think of is perhaps one of the buttons was getting pressed down while in my pocket. I wonder if this could be the cause of many of these reports?

There is only one problem with this theory. One of the times this happened to me the phone was on my desk. However, it could still be the cause of some.

I don't have an answer? The very same thing happens to me! Yesterday was a good day. Today is a poor day. This phone has a life of it's own. Just turned WiFi off, and plugged the charger in. I love this phone! Don't really have any problems with it. It'll keep me checking on it's status. I just don't really know?
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

I've got a replacement, brand new 920. At first the battery life was great, then after installing apps over time the battery life got worse. I'm going to try uninstalling Battery Level for WP8 first.
Re: Mystery battery drain

It's how the OS is designed.

Hopefully it will be fixed in an upcoming os update.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

I've said this time and time again that it's random.

We don't know if it's a random hardware fault... e.g. phone shorts when upside down or something.

Or an OS/firmware bug.

Nokia aren't saying. Time will tell. Perhaps the latest 1308 firmware will help, but till they go live to people like you and me, we won't know.

I'm pretty convinced it is an OS/firmware bug that is getting activated by certain programs (like many programs). I have come to appreciate the posts complaining because MS (or Nokia) does need to figure this out. My own solution has been to turn the phone off and back on after using 3rd party apps. So far that seems to work.
Re: Mystery battery drain

For me, the signal is what drains my battery. My signal is always at 2 or 3 bars (never full) when I'm at home or the area I live in. I recently went to a different city to spend time with a few friends and my signal was full bars with 4G on and I rarely lose battery. I had the same setting and my phone lasted me for more than 18hrs while at around 60%. I really hope the next update fixes this.
Battery drain to the core

wp_ss_20130322_0001.pngI have 920 with me since 3-4 days im facing tremendous battery draining issues and heating
my 100 % goes to 90 % without using phone in 10 min
i dont no what is the main reason behind this
can anyone help me out
is this soemthing serious ???
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Re: Battery drain to the core

If you have tried a hard reset to no avail, I'd say its time to get a replacement .... There has been some bad batches of phones that get really hit and have horrible battery life no matter what you do.
Re: Battery drain to the core

WhatsApp is the problem, uninstall it and your phone'd work like a charm. And also, drop an email to neeraj at whatsapp dot com listing your problems.
Re: Battery drain to the core

few min back my phone went blank i saw here n there how to get on ?? so read somehwhere else i need to hold " Volume button down " and "power button" for 10 seconds and i did and my phone starts when it got switched on my battery touched to 70% :'(

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