Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: Why does restart suddenly consumes so much battery?

I don't just turn mine off and on. If I need to restart my phone I do a soft reset were I hold down the power and bottom volume button for three vibrates then it boots up. Most of the time my battery is the same level but sometimes I've seen a 5% increase. Only once or twice have I seen it be lower. I hope things get tweaked for the better soon though.
Nokia Lumia battery life

It seems that my battery drains even when I'm not using the phone which is weird, I don't know if it happens when the battery is 100% or half way. Is this happening to anyone else?
Re: Nokia Lumia battery life

Perform soft reset. Search the forums. There are many battery threads on 920 with many suggestions. You need to be a little more specific. Are you in a good LTE area? What do you have running in background? And so on. There are many factors concerning 920 battery issues. If its a new phone, it will suck for couple of weeks and it will get better. Not great, but better. Read the forums and if you still have questions, then ask away.
Re: Nokia Lumia battery life

Its not a new phone I've had this phone for about to 2 months now, and the only things running in the background is wpcentral and the weather app.
Re: Nokia Lumia battery life

Its not a new phone I've had this phone for about to 2 months now, and the only things running in the background is wpcentral and the weather app.

You will get some battery drain even when the phone is in standby - how much depends on what the phone is doing (email accounts, background apps, location services etc) and how (wifi vs cellular data).

Best thing as conanheath says is to do some research here and then apply that to your specific circumstances. Start with this thread:
Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Since the Portico update on my Lumia 920 I found the battery life considerably better lasting a decent day.

However in the last 24hrs without changing my usage any differently to usual I found my battery rapidly depleting from fully charged to near empty within 5hrs.
I've tried to remember the app updates I've installed. I noticed the update of the official Twitter app caused my phone to get quite hot in the top region. Uninstalled to see if it changes my battery life.

Turned off most of my background tasks. So I'm checking my battery life now.

Has anyone else suddenly find their battery life went to crap?

Does anyone know of a good app to identify/diagnose battery use or even indicate significant battery depletion by a particular app?
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Yep, I woke up to a dead battery this morning despite having over 60% before I put it down last night with nothing running in the background. 60% to dead in 12 hours.

Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

That's a steady decrease @mathewhayward considering the phone was dormant.

Has this type of decrease started over the last day or so? Or has this type of drain been usual on your phone? Is yours a 920?
BTW what battery app are you using?
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Yep, a 920. Last night was the first night I've seen excessive draining like that. I usually see a drain of around 1% per hour overnight.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

I had this battery drain about a week ago, and it happened after I have installed EverNote. I uninstalled it, did a soft reset, then a full reboot, and my battery got back to normal, even better then it was. Also, I have noticed that for that 2 days, with EverNote installed my phone was hot in the upper part all the time. And that was really suspicious, also, the battery was draining like mad, so sorry but Evernote had to be killed!
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Interesting. I noticed a severe drain and the 920 was getting excessively hot in the upper section moreso right corner while using the new official Twitter app. I've just uninstalled it and rebooted the phone and charging it to capacity to see if the problem disappears (I test a lot of apps, so I better check if I have Evernote installed too)
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

My battery has been horrendous, on random occasion. I blame it on the phone trying to fight for a signal, which is weird because I have never had a problem getting a signal in my area with other phones! Maybe it has something to do with the poly carbonate casing.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Strange! My black 920 battery has been just outstanding for the last couple of months. Then out of no where, about the same time as ya'lls, it went to crap! Then yesterday it got back in the groove going 15 hours off the charger with 50% left. I wonder if Nokia or carrier use some kind of network data mining type process causing hard battery drains at times? I'm with AT&T. Most whacked out phone I've ever owned. Good thing I like whacked!
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

I also noticed 5 hours after I took it off the charger my phone was almost dead
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Mine was draining like crazy too. I had to factory reset the phone for it to stop draining. Nothing else I could do would make it stop.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

You guys need to understand that the OS is horrible when it comes to the battery.

Microsoft should address this in the next update.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

If you're noticing unusual battery drain restart your phone. At one point I started seeing excessive drain and a restart cured it. I'm pretty sure the culprit was a game that had been crashing excessively. It probably hadn't been properly cleared out of memory and continued consuming resources.
Re: Within the last 24hrs - battery has been horrendous

Yep, I woke up to a dead battery this morning despite having over 60% before I put it down last night with nothing running in the background. 60% to dead in 12 hours.

What app have we here, sir?

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