Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

I've had my phone for about 6 weeks now, and like others battery life goes up and down from day to day. I found out that if I turn off my WiFi if I'm not somewhere where there is no WiFi helped a lot. But also when ever I update certain Apps or there are several updates in the same day it seems to drive it crazy and the battery drains really fast, the phone will go from 90% to 40% in 3 or 4 hours. If I restart my phone it goes back to normal, which for me is when I take my phone of the charging plate at 6am at around 10pm it will still be at 60% but I don't use my phone that often a few times a day and will use it for a wireless hotspot at lunchtime.
Well mines seem to be doing better, I did a soft reset, put on airplane mode and let it charge to full, then took of charger and let it sit for an hr. It was getting like 4hrs. Seems now it has the potential to get 8hrs. I will know in the next 2 days, drainage seems to have slowed. Phone is only 8 days old. I'm trying to ride out and listen to everyone saying battery needs to cycle a few or else I'm going to get a 1020 lol....great excuse to upgrade hahaha.
I've had my new Lumia 920 for one month now and have only experienced two bad battery drains on two separate occasions. The first time it happened, I was trying out Nokia HERE Drive for directions. Only used it for less than 5 minutes. Had close to a full charge before using it. A few hours later I noticed the battery draining rapidly. I figured it could be related to a new app (Wallpaper Sky) I had recently installed so I later uninstalled it. On the 2nd occasion, I figured it could be another app (TV Show), that I had used both nights that the battery drain happened. So I removed TV Show as a live tile and I'm not using it for now.

Prior to these drains I usually keep everything off including LTE & Wi-Fi connections when not in use and only have one app (Amazing Weather HD) running as a background task. Battery life is pretty good most of the time but I don't use a lot of apps and don't play games. Still really not sure what could have caused either drain. It could have been Facebook for all I know. I've started using the People Hub more often for notifications lately. I've also read somewhere that e-mail syncing can get hung up and drain the battery. I have mine setup to sync daily but I manually sync it several times a day just to be sure.

Overall, these are the only minor issues I've had with this phone so far :)
Well count me as one of the many with this finicky software. Seems to me that any app will hang up the CPU, making it warm and thus draining the battery. Take this pic for instance, my phone like everybody else's probably heats up from the same location on the upper right corner right where this black chip is which i'm assuming is the processor.

What our phones need is a major update to fix this issue so when an app is closed, it's closed. No running in the background or making cpu go bonkers.

Actually in the upper right part, as Lumia 920's instruction says, is the telephone antena, so what I think is that the Lumia series has a critical issue handling the network connection. When I face a battery drain is when I'm using my data, only with that my phone heats up in the area that you just have mentioned.
I think I may have found the Battery drain/heat cause. 4 days ago I disabled "connect with Xbox" and "Xbox music+cloud" since then the phone has been 100% NO heat no battery drain. I 'm not sure which one may have fixed the issue. Before I made this change I would have sporadic battery drain and heat from the upper part of the phone. The only other change was removing the Accuweather app and replacing it with the Microsoft weather app, but I am certain I tried this once before and still had issues. 920 for sale anyway Ready for the 1020 on preorder!!!
Earlier today I was playing Halo and the phone is getting too hot, about 20 minutes with about 50% battery left, the phone died. I had to wait for about 10 minutes for the phone to boot again. When I checked the battery status, it drained down to 0%. Now, I'm not very sure if this is still normal. But draining half of the battery's maximum in merely 20 minutes is very disappointing. I had a Lumia 820 (got stolen) and I never had issues with heat and battery drain. The 920 is just two weeks old.
Hi there I'm new to the forum and I must say so much helpfull info.had my 920 for 2weeks now and love it to bits by far the best phone I have ever owned ios android and so on.battery life has been fantastic almost 2days with moderate to heavy use and almost all things turned on,NFC,wifi,Bluetooth and so on.cant explain it don't now why but its been great.must have got a good one.cheers
Hi there I'm new to the forum and I must say so much helpfull info.had my 920 for 2weeks now and love it to bits by far the best phone I have ever owned ios android and so on.battery life has been fantastic almost 2days with moderate to heavy use and almost all things turned on,NFC,wifi,Bluetooth and so on.cant explain it don't now why but its been great.must have got a good one.cheers

That's awesome for you bro (Y) but do you face a quick discharge when surfing on 3G constantly?
So I got my 920 this past weekend. It is not a new phone. I think my pops got it as soon as the cyan ones were released. I haven't really been paying attention to the battery levels until today. So I took my phone off the wireless charger last night around still had 83% battery at 11am today. I have taken some photos using ProShot, downloaded a few apps and played some WordswF as well as texting...I sit at 70% battery with estimated 2days and 4hours remaining. I did plug the phone into my PC twice to check some photos, but that totaled 10min maybe.
As for what I have running under background tasks...Amazing weather lock screen, Here Drive, LinkedIn, My FitnessPal, WhatsApp, Bible, Flickr. Lock Screen Time Out is 1min, Location On, Bluetooth I toggle, Brightness Low+Auto.

I havent tried a bunch of movies yet like Netflix of Youtube. Battery life while playing music is really good it seems too. I'm sure I'll get a better picture with more use. Also want to see how long it lasts while taking video.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Charged to 100%. 15 mins later I am down to 92. I have been whatsapping on WiFi, no other connectivity is turned on and Amazing Weather HD is my only background task. Any ideas?
LOL...I haven't used the phone basically all morning...battery at 98% after 4 hours...and 9days left to go :P
I think the software tries to project based on average usage. So I've done nothing but a couple text messages in a good service area...of course it should last a while.
LOL...I haven't used the phone basically all morning...battery at 98% after 4 hours...and 9days left to go :P
I think the software tries to project based on average usage. So I've done nothing but a couple text messages in a good service area...of course it should last a while.

Mine is the same until I use my 3G :/
So I had my Lumia 920 since April. I turned off all background services except for the battery app and removed most of the apps that came with the phone so I was down to bare minimum. I was able to figure out that when the phone can't find a good signal, the phone heats up at the top (CPU?) and starts draining the battery quickly. Rebooting takes care of the draining. It would mostly happen in my purse at home if the phone got buried, or if I set it somewhere where there was practically no signal. Turning off wifi during screenlock didn't seem to make a difference. I did a hard reset when I called AT&T, and it still continued,so they sent a replacement.

So it's been about 2 weeks since I've had the phone, and so far, only 1 battery drain incident, and it happened in my purse again. It doesn't happen all the time though. It's weird - I work in a basement and get 2 bars of LTE at my desk for the most part. The phone sits at my desk untouched, and it change between 4G LTE, 3G and Extended throughout the day. The battery does seem to drain a little faster at work than when the phone gets a really good, constant LTE signal. It lasts about 2-3 days with a few calls per day and minimal Internet surfing. I don't text much.

Hope this hellps someone.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Ok, just to be clear, is it normal for my phone battery to rapidly drain while using hspa?
Been having moments of battery drain. For me it seems that it happens when I have live tiles working (i.e. background apps) and weak cellular or malfunctioning wifi connection. My work has a wifi login in a way that it expires after 2 hours. I won't have battery drain then (wifi set to always on), but after that 2 hour mark when I get booted off the wifi and need to relog in (still stays connected to network, but cannot access internet), battery drain is bad. I notice this also when I'm in department stores and there is almost no signal. Battery drain goes down quick. Why do I attribute live tiles? When I set battery saver on, battery drain goes to zilch.

Edit: Been using my phone with data off (near my data limit for the cycle), and wifi on, and everything else on. Didn't touch background tasks (I have quite a few running), and battery has been stellar these past few days. Easily make it through a day with light to moderate use. Playing games causes an instant drop obviously, but these past couple days have been great. Can't wait to test with data on to see how much of a hit it takes.
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I spoke too soon. I turned off wifi during screenlock, and the battery started draining almost immediately with bad cell signal. I think I'm going to call AT&T again and have them give me a new phone! Not another 920! I love Nokia phones. I wish Microsoft and Nokia would work together to solve this!
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Had my Lumia 920 for a month now. I took it off the charger at 11:30 PM last night. Woke up, dead by 6:30 AM. I had my WiFi and data on. Background tasks are WPCentral and Swapchat. Considering it lasted me 10 hours during that day with heavy use, it shouldn't have died in 7 hours in standby. Answers anyone? I got nothing and I'm a wiz when it comes to these things.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I noticed battery drain when turn on email me on response to my quote from wpcentral settings turn it of battery back to normal

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