Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Where did you hear not to use the supplied Nokia charger and why did they say not to use it? I either use the supplied charger or the wireless charging plate for my 920 and get decent battery life either way.

I heard not to use it because the charger is too weak to charge the battery correctly. I use my Samsung Focus Flash charger and get a better charge from that than the charging plate or the charger that came with the phone. Some people were saying to use the Galaxy S4's charger because it has the amps to charge the phone the best.
I was going to rant about my 920 here, but I guess there's no point with so many having the same problem. Time for a reset!
Something has happened in the last few days. Either one of the updates released between Nokia and Skype, or perhaps something else, but my battery life has been fantastic from what was previously not that great. I would go half a day and have about half my battery life. Now at noon I have typically 90%+. Really, really good news on the battery life front. The same can be said of my wife's 920 as well as our 2 other 920's. So that's 4 all of which have seen a big improvement. Anyone else notice this?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

No, for me nothing special, mine still gets enough for a day (7 am to 8-9 pm) with normal usage.
My battery life almost doubled after the Amber update. I can easily make it through a day now whereas before I had trouble doing so.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I haven't seen any improvement after Amber update. I did hard reset and installed it on my Lumia 920. I feel that the battery life has actually got worse. 15% drain on idle and battery lasts maximum 6 hours. I have done every possible battery saving thing known to man, but now my phone doesn't last a full working day.
I feel my battery life also improved after amber update. I can easily get around 20 hours now. More than a days worth with a bit more conservative use.

Hello. I tried to search but didn't find anything and i am so lazzy to read all 70 pages.. :D

The problem is really odd:
After charging my 920 to 100% and right after unplugging charger battery status drops, most of the time to 94-97% and discarges quickly, after few minutes it shows 92% or less.. But if i restart my phone immediately it comes back to 100% and quick discharging stops (for example today it shows 100% for 8hours already, not really using the phone).

Anyone heard anything about this problem?

P.S. using wired charger, not from computer.
using Battery app.
Hello. I tried to search but didn't find anything and i am so lazzy to read all 70 pages.. :D

The problem is really odd:
After charging my 920 to 100% and right after unplugging charger battery status drops, most of the time to 94-97% and discarges quickly, after few minutes it shows 92% or less.. But if i restart my phone immediately it comes back to 100% and quick discharging stops (for example today it shows 100% for 8hours already, not really using the phone).

Anyone heard anything about this problem?

P.S. using wired charger, not from computer.
using Battery app.

With me, the battery drain doesnt start right after i unplug can be random, but just as you mentioned for no reason begins aggressive battery drain...and requires a soft restart to fix. There are hung processor issues.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

For me, baterry drain was caused by Photo hub live tile. Seems that it scans for pics and animate live tile under lock screen too and this caused battery problems in two phones i used.

Just select one photo as favorite and Photo hub will show it for icon.

My phone is much stable after i did that, with doubled batery life, and no drain when idle anymore.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have had no battery issues until about two weeks ago I started getting the annoying random battery drain. I would drop as much as 20% in one hour! After much reading here I have my battery life back!

1. Turn off games connecting to Xbox
2. Turned off unnecessary location services
3. Turn on setting to keep WiFi on even when screen turns off (constantly reconnecting every time I unlocked my phone really drained it, I saw a good improvement with this option)
4. Only background tasks running are Battery, Weather, and Simple Calendar.
5. Check email accounts for hung syncing as well as push frequency.

The last one is what really killed my phone. I have it set to fetch new messages from my Gmail account every 2 hours. Apparently there is a bug with Gmail which causes the phone to not connect to the servers and keeps trying and trying to sync. I deleted the account from the phone, reset it, added the account back and presto! It syncs perfectly every time usually in a few seconds! My battery is back to normal and here are some pics to prove it.

I usually take my phone off the charger when I leave for work approximately 6:20am. On 9/3/2013 you can see my drain started around 7:10am. I don't usually use my phone in the morning, maybe a quick Facebook check but other than that it doesn't get used till around 11:00am. About 1:40 it really kicks in and by the time I go to bed at 11:00pm it's really done for (this particular day it actually died on me)

After the changes above it now looks like this.

Same time coming off the charger in the morning, about the same usage throughout the day, maybe just a tad less. Consistent drain throughout the day until I started a long phone call around 8:30pm. Only got down to 70% before I went to bed and put it on the charger.

I'm not saying this will work for everyone but the hung email syncing was 75% of my problem. I plan on slowly adding the other services back (location, Xbox, etc) to see if any of those really make a difference. I just wanted to share my findings in case someone else could use this to help their battery life.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have had no battery issues until about two weeks ago I started getting the annoying random battery drain. I would drop as much as 20% in one hour! After much reading here I have my battery life back!

1. Turn off games connecting to Xbox
2. Turned off unnecessary location services
3. Turn on setting to keep WiFi on even when screen turns off (constantly reconnecting every time I unlocked my phone really drained it, I saw a good improvement with this option)
4. Only background tasks running are Battery, Weather, and Simple Calendar.
5. Check email accounts for hung syncing as well as push frequency.

The last one is what really killed my phone. I have it set to fetch new messages from my Gmail account every 2 hours. Apparently there is a bug with Gmail which causes the phone to not connect to the servers and keeps trying and trying to sync. I deleted the account from the phone, reset it, added the account back and presto! It syncs perfectly every time usually in a few seconds! My battery is back to normal and here are some pics to prove it.
I usually take my phone off the charger when I leave for work approximately 6:20am. On 9/3/2013 you can see my drain started around 7:10am. I don't usually use my phone in the morning, maybe a quick Facebook check but other than that it doesn't get used till around 11:00am. About 1:40 it really kicks in and by the time I go to bed at 11:00pm it's really done for (this particular day it actually died on me)

After the changes above it now looks like this.
Same time coming off the charger in the morning, about the same usage throughout the day, maybe just a tad less. Consistent drain throughout the day until I started a long phone call around 8:30pm. Only got down to 70% before I went to bed and put it on the charger.

I'm not saying this will work for everyone but the hung email syncing was 75% of my problem. I plan on slowly adding the other services back (location, Xbox, etc) to see if any of those really make a difference. I just wanted to share my findings in case someone else could use this to help their battery life.

When you said that you've deleted the account for step 5 and reset it, you mean that you've reset your phone (soft reset or hard reset) and then added the email account?
I've noticed a major drain after using TuneIn radio. I played a stream under 3G connectivity for 30', killed the app, paused the stream and killed the music agent using an app but battery kept going down approximately 6% per hour while idling. I have to try to stop streaming from TuneIn itself tapping the stop icon instead of pause + kill audio service. It's not the first time I notice a power leak, it happened pretty much only when I used that app.
Well,I was one of the first to receive my 920 and has never posted on the battery issues.

My battery performance up until the amber update was probably best described as mediocre.8-10 using it very sparingly.

After amber update,and I have waited up until now to make sure it was not a fluke,I can get easily 30 hours of moderate to hard use.Including a couple of minutes of gaming at least two hours of Bluetooth while driving,Wi-Fi also a couple of hours a day and way to much time spending surfing the web.

My only issue is,why could it not have been this good from the start if a simple software fix has sorted it?

I also have 5 background tasks running with no issues,including whatsapp.

The one really noticeable gain was in Nokia Drive,where in the past even with the phone connected to the car charger the battery would drain with what I would assume was just a battery intensive app,running with location and Bluetooth. Used it a couple of times since,without the charger and had very little drain even in a half 45 minute drive.

Also while the phone does still from time to time build up some heat it is not of the same intensity it used to be,not even close.
My battery seems like every other smartphone battery. It last a day or two. Depends on how much I'm using it. Oh and this might come as a shock to some of you, but battery % indicators and estimates of the time left LIE ALL THE TIME. And they always will. Well at least until we hit that next milestone in battery technology. I just hope that we'll hit it soon :)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

When you said that you've deleted the account for step 5 and reset it, you mean that you've reset your phone (soft reset or hard reset) and then added the email account?

Just a regular reset, not even a soft reset. Just hold power button down and swipe down. I've learned from experience that after any changes made to an OS you should restart, or any setting changes at least. We should all know that after using Windows for years, you always restart to allow changes to fully take effect.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Just a regular reset, not even a soft reset. Just hold power button down and swipe down. I've learned from experience that after any changes made to an OS you should restart, or any setting changes at least. We should all know that after using Windows for years, you always restart to allow changes to fully take effect.

Yeah did that tonight since I got a couple of app updates and then my battery was draining like crazy. I did a soft reset and now my battery is working good!!!
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

finally i had mine more than a day.. i used nokia music for 4 hours.. ( within two days) but still i had a decent battery.. i didn't play any game but used 3G for watch few videos (not more than 30 Minuits) but used Wifi all day.. wp_ss_20130912_0001[1].png

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