Lumia 920 camera bug after Amber update

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This is what I did.....I took a screenshot when it was saving the pic and the pic itself and increased the sharpness in the third pic and made a collage of it. The damn post processing sucks! >:(
Either lets all the picture of Nadia Syed (if he/she allows it) or make our own Before,After and edited and send to Nokia (and i mean to the same address) I would even send it every day, if we don't get boring no one will hear it.

P.S Was now looking at the pics posted in the L822 thread well seems like the "child" has surpassed his "father" :'( (or at least is very close to do that)
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Either lets all the picture of Nadia Syed (if he/she allows it) or make our own Before,After and edited and send to Nokia (and i mean to the same address) I would even send it every day, if we don't get boring no one will hear it.

P.S Was now looking at the pics posted in the L822 thread well seems like the "child" has surpassed his "father" :'( (or at least is very close to do that)

We should keep this thread alive. Have you tried to tweet the Nokia Camera people in twitter? I do not have twitter
Hopefully the jailbreak in the Lumia 920 can allow us to change the algorithms. I don't think Nokia is going to fix this or give us new algorithms anymore. Either that, or the new algorithms are not ready and maybe they will fix it on 8.1.
I already contactet them over twitter, he responded me with improvements forbL925. Look at the other thread for camera.
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to those experiencing 'issues', have you posted about it on the official nokia discussions forum? Nokia Lumia - Nokia Support Discussions

i've searched but can't find a thread about it over there. i would have thought the offical nokia forums would have at least its own thread. are nokia more likely to read their own forums or win phones forum?
to those experiencing 'issues', have you posted about it on the official nokia discussions forum? Nokia Lumia - Nokia Support Discussions

i've searched but can't find a thread about it over there. i would have thought the offical nokia forums would have at least its own thread. are nokia more likely to read their own forums or win phones forum?
I have already created a thread there. The problem with Nokia Discussion is that the threads are cluttered. I think moderators and other users are the only people who read those threads. If I have another camera to record how post processing kills the image and then post it on YouTube I think I may get their attention.
ok. so regardless of how many other threads there are over on nokia discussions, if it is/was a widespread 'issue' surely the quantity of people posting about it would be high/on the increase and the thread wouldn't get
I had to make a twitter account just to bug him =| lol done btw
There is no point. That blind ***** has already answered to someone that this problem is not a bug and he does not see anything he needs some pairs of glasses.
People do not bother with Nokia forums because Nokia does not give shhh... about this.
Posting these issues on youtube will attract Nokia's attention much more than posting in their forum.
I will gather some photos and post a video on youtube. You should do the same, is the only thing that will count a little in this whole mess Lumia cameras are.
There is no point. That blind ***** has already answered to someone that this problem is not a bug and he does not see anything he needs some pairs of glasses.
People do not bother with Nokia forums because Nokia does not give shhh... about this.
Posting these issues on youtube will attract Nokia's attention much more than posting in their forum.
I will gather some photos and post a video on youtube. You should do the same, is the only thing that will count a little in this whole mess Lumia cameras are.

You are right sir. YouTube videos on how processing kills the image in 920 will definitely have their attention and will PM you as soon as possible
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