Lumia 920 camera bug after Amber update

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Did a lot of photos today on our family celebration and yes, I still have this bug also. Images get blurry and the colour changes somehow. Didn't notice this before as the preview was switched off. But didn't nokia already adress the issue? Some rumors told, there is a firmware update and it had to be fixed in Portico. Or it was much worse than it is now?
You're welcome. I know some people praise the latest algorithm but maybe they haven't encountered this un-favorable condition yet

By the way, are these soften pics only happen while we view the photo on the phone? What if we view it from PC?

In my experience this has always been a problem... it varies in severity (from shot to shot) but I was complaining about this problem when I first got my 920 (only weeks after they were released). The problem is clearly connected to their compression algorithm. Bleh!

In my experience this has always been a problem... it varies in severity (from shot to shot) but I was complaining about this problem when I first got my 920 (only weeks after they were released). The problem is clearly connected to their compression algorithm. Bleh!

Same here, I always take a few shots of the same subject just to get a desirable result. Maybe I should ask some friends that have several Lumia phones to test it.
ha, I'm quite happy with the amber camera and pro shot, compared to pre amber... I think I've gotten used to the post processing and my current contentedness is due to the fact that the post processing is better now than before.

Last year I was complaining about some snow shots I had that were getting too blurry after the pic was saved. I liked the pic while taking it... less so after reviewing the actual saved picture.
I have the same problem too.While taking the picture,it looks fine.But when I view the picture,I can actually see the picture being processed with green or yellow filter.
So it's much sharper if we view it from PC?
By the way, here is another test done by All About Windows Phone with Lumia 920 Amber: Amber-powered Nokia Lumia 920 and 925 camera optics, head to head

Not necessarily, that is depending on what type of pc monitor you are using. The best I have is 21" 768p so it's still kind of not sharp enough :straight:
I guess maybe due to the close up situation, the noise reduction algorithm had treat the small fine lines as noises and blend it together with the background. Considering both subjects in the photos are quite small, which may lead to further confusion.

By the way, that's one good comparison between 920 and 925. I thought the camera will perform the same regardless the latter have 6th lens or not.
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I have exactly the same problem, and I guess we ALL do after Amber.
Any news concerning this bug?
Lumia 920 here.
I no longer have the 920 but I noticed on my 1020 that I was getting a yellow tint on some indoor pictures from the post processing. From testing I found that changing white balance from auto to indoor (the icon looks like a light bulb) it was perfect and not yellow.
Hi, I just tested this and set the WB to lightbulb. The post processing still adds yellow tint to the picture..

Another annoying thing: if I press the hardware camera button I have to unlock the phone first (type in my code). This happens only with Nokia Pro Cam, not with the default photo App.
I no longer have the 920 but I noticed on my 1020 that I was getting a yellow tint on some indoor pictures from the post processing. From testing I found that changing white balance from auto to indoor (the icon looks like a light bulb) it was perfect and not yellow.

This sounds promising. I'll give this a try.
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