Lumia 928 on T-Mobile, unable to send SMS/text

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I don't have that Can't tell what exactly fixed it but now I'm able to send txt msg (not mms) First of all, I don't use that txt message, maybe 1-3 times in a month, so I don't know when it got fixed. I did hard reset about month ago and updated Access Point (didn't update it before hard reset 'cause some ppl were saying they got some problems after update). Try doing hard reset or install/update Access Point (via SysApp pusher)
I have the same problem. I tried the above suggestion and it did not work.
However if I turn on LTE and turn on International Assist, SMS works !
Still can't receive MMS. LTE On/Off
International Assist

I didn't put Access Point on the device. I can send MMS just fine, just can't receive any. I revisit the phone when ever I'm bored just in hopes of making this work. I have the Lumia 1020 and shouldn't really matter to me, but I love 928.

Even flashed it back to Black 8.0 and it still won't work. Its sheer boredom that I revisit this device in hopes that MMS got fixed.
same problem here. 928 on t-mobile (really Simple Mobile, but they use tmo spectrum) will send a few texts with SIM card set to LTE, but then it starts throwing error messages after a while.

the access point app is set to T-Mobile LTE.

putting it in 2g mode seems to solve the problem. 3g doesn't help though.

the "international assist" box was already unchecked. checking it stopped SMS from sending but did not throw the error message to let me know it wasn't working.

any assistance appreciated...
Nokia Lumina 928:
I did set the phone (inside the Carrier settings) to 2G/EDGE speeds. It worked. Now I can send messages
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