Lumia 950 huge screen calibration problem. Please test and post results.

So we have 5 people that have problems with their screens that posted here, but only 2 votes for bad screen and 1 for not so bad.
Where are the other 2 with problems, and where are those 4 that voted no problems?
.29 with new FW, Clear Black baby (?


So you have the problem too...

The first one looked better , probably due to the short exposure.

I've looked on different phones and on my computer, I must really strech my eyes to read the numbers up to 7.
from 7 to 0 I cannot read them, the background is too dark.

On the Lumia 950, everything up to 4 included are clearly visible. 3 a bit harder but still clear, rest imlossible to see. The gradients are badly messed up.

I've put the same test on Microsoft community forum, I see that sometimes people from MSFT read themcand offer answers.

If we could have a way to calibrate the screens ourselves the problem would have been solved...

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My gradients look fine on the 950 aside from 1-4 as others have noted, which are clearly wrong compared to the perfect gradients I see on my 920.

That said though, I haven't noticed any actual real-world issues with the screen. Videos are as gorgeously sharp and vivid as I care for them to be.
Have a look at this wallpaper, downloaded from the web.
Boost the brightness to max, go in a dark room (essential), and look on the left side of the image at the background.
There is a huge stain in the background. This is only visible on the 950.
On the computer is perfect. However, if I boost the gamma level from 1.0 to 1.5/1.8, I see it in all it's glory.


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Have a look at this wallpaper, downloaded from the web.
Boost the brightness to max, go in a dark room (essential), and look on the left side of the image at the background.
There is a huge stain in the background. This is only visible on the 950.
On the computer is perfect. However, if I boost the gamma level from 1.0 to 1.5/1.8, I see it in all it's glory.

Sent from mTalk

I see the stain even on my IPS Monitor. And in the right too.
On the laptop with 50% brightness - no stains;
On the tablet (IPS - windows 10) - In the pitch black room with 100% brightness I can see some stains in both right and left, but very hard to spot and the background is altogether way darker than on the 950.If I let the brightness at 50% there is no stain visible on either part.
On the 950, even on 25% brightness, the left stain is clearly visible. In the rest of the background is a perfect uniform dark brown, no signs of gradients or any other color difference. Which is a bad thing, because the background is a big gradient ....

That wallpaper I used on my Dell laptop at work for a couple of weeks and as a wallpaper for my ex Z3 Compact and for the Galaxy S6 that I borrowed from a friend (when waiting for the 950 to be shipped). Needless to say, the first and only time I've seen that left stain was when I've put the wallpaper on the 950.
I managed last night to post this also on the XL forum.
First one that tested didn't have the problem.
This looks more and more like a FW problem, probably a bad driver.

I also managed to post it on MSFT community forum and I'm planning to get in touch with WC, Wmpoweruser, GSMArena and WinBeta to test their handsets and see the results. Maybe also write an article about this so MSFT doesn't ignore us.

This topic also appeared on the first page of WC, so maybe we will draw some more testing and traffic.

Sent from mTalk
I managed last night to post this also on the XL forum.
First one that tested didn't have the problem.
This looks more and more like a FW problem, probably a bad driver.

I also managed to post it on MSFT community forum and I'm planning to get in touch with WC, Wmpoweruser, GSMArena and WinBeta to test their handsets and see the results. Maybe also write an article about this so MSFT doesn't ignore us.

This topic also appeared on the first page of WC, so maybe we will draw some more testing and traffic.

Sent from mTalk

Not really, if you check (right XL):


1-3 extremely dark, and brown tint. Even my 950 looks better (950 has better color accuracy on reviews).

BTW Samsung 1 to 3 are extremely dark too.

My 950:


There is the same "issue" on the XL.

This is on my l950. Picture is made by l920.
View attachment 121112

Very noticeable.
In extremely dark situation the black seems like brown and the gray like black.
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The color depends also on the color profile chosen in settings. Changing the profile also changes the tint.

What I can see from the XL is that 8 to 0 has progressive darkness in small steps (just like the note).
On the 950 (yours included) there is an sudden change in darkness from 4 to 3. 4 is too bright, 3 is too dark. Also untill 4 the colors are too bright, more than normal.

In the end the problem is the sudden switch from a color to the next. It suppose to be just one shade (whatever the tint) but on the 950 the difference is too big, that is why we see things like stains of different dark colors.
The color depends also on the color profile chosen in settings. Changing the profile also changes the tint.

What I can see from the XL is that 8 to 0 has progressive darkness in small steps (just like the note).
On the 950 (yours included) there is an sudden change in darkness from 4 to 3. 4 is too bright, 3 is too dark. Also untill 4 the colors are too bright, more than normal.

In the end the problem is the sudden switch from a color to the next. It suppose to be just one shade (whatever the tint) but on the 950 the difference is too big, that is why we see things like stains of different dark colors.

Yes, but my 8 still in vivid is gray (and if you see from a side there is a green tint in XL).

Not at all for me, that's depends in the camera shoot, he should shoot more slow to note this "issue". But the 3 is really different.

Waiting for that picture and a shot with the wallpaper.
I don't see that the pool results reflects what we all agree about l950 calibration problem....
I have the same "Problem" (and also voted for it).
But some time ago I read in a Review, that with automatic brightness, it can get a lot brighter (measured) than the 100% non automatic.

Please test the following:
go into a dark area and turn on one light. turn the phone in automatic brightness with maybe 100% (also works with less).
get the gamma-test Picture on the Screen, hold the phone in front of the lamp for a few seconds.
now take the phone away from the lamp or turn the lamp off - immediatly look at the test-Picture!
on my 950 it Looks EXACTLY as it should, I can see the numbers 1-3 with clearly different darkness-steps.

So I GUESS the phone was programmed like that. Maybe they want to have the Amazing black that only a amoled Display can Show and have Chosen a specific "darkness" from that on the Pixel just gets turned off (that would be the reason for not really seeing anything at the 1st three fields).
maybe they thought, in area which is so bright that the user sets the Display to 100%, they have to get some dark Areas to look really black (for a good contrast!?) and so they decided to turn off the Pixels at that darkness.

I am really sure that "Problem" has to do with the amoled (turning off Pixels for black/really dark) technique and the decision to Show not only black but also really dark Areas with turned off Pixels.

As I said, test it with automatic brightness and get the Display to be really bright and the gamma-Picture Looks as it should.
When the phone realizes it is not that bright anymore the Display gets darker and one number after the other "disappears".

I think the fact that the test-Picture Looks perfect during the "automatic-brightness-test" Shows, that definatly cant be a Hardware Problem at all.

(btw. I cant see the bad looking Areas next to vaders helmet in the star wars Trailer - no matter what brightness Setup I use. So maybe your phone HAS a Problem if u see those. I tried it with edge and metrotube)
I think the fact that the test-Picture Looks perfect during the "automatic-brightness-test" Shows, that definatly cant be a Hardware Problem at all.

That's "good" news! I noticed this post a few hours ago and got a little worried. Good work with the experiment :wink:
I managed last night to post this also on the XL forum.
First one that tested didn't have the problem.
This looks more and more like a FW problem, probably a bad driver.

I also managed to post it on MSFT community forum and I'm planning to get in touch with WC, Wmpoweruser, GSMArena and WinBeta to test their handsets and see the results. Maybe also write an article about this so MSFT doesn't ignore us.

This topic also appeared on the first page of WC, so maybe we will draw some more testing and traffic.
Great, I contacted two heads of WC myself, so I really hope it will get noticed and fix.

I don't see that the pool results reflects what we all agree about l950 calibration problem....
Because people don't understand what they are asked about or don't even bother.

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