Lumia 950 huge screen calibration problem. Please test and post results.

Let's hope they do.
I've sent to some online publications this problem and hope this will escalate to Microsoft soon and fix it with a FW update. That is, if it is a software problem (as I suspect).

Currently GsmArena was the first to write a blog post about this but I'm hoping at least one of them test their 950's professionally and draw some conclusions so we have a credible point against MSFT.
Why the heck should we care ? Both phones (950/950XL) are beta test for Windows 10 Mobile beta.
Hardware is a POS compared to my Lumia 1520 or any high end Android. Nevermind the iPhone.

And the software leave too much to be desired at this level of the game.
Why the heck should we care ? Both phones (950/950XL) are beta test for Windows 10 Mobile beta.
Hardware is a POS compared to my Lumia 1520 or any high end Android. Nevermind the iPhone.

And the software leave too much to be desired at this level of the game.

First, your 1520 is inferior in almost all aspects to the 950/XL, aside from a larger screen and better build quality.
Second, what does your post have to do with the problem here? If you do not care, why spend the energy for writing this post? Did you have a burning desire to brag abut your 1520? I really cannot understand.
But next time you'll have a problem I only wish all people help you the same: with a big "Why should we care"?

Thank you very much!
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To understand better how videos are messed up on the 950 here is a youtube video of a comparison between galaxy S3 and galaxy Note.
The S3 does not have black clipping, but the Note has plenty of it!!!
So, on my 950, the video experience is like the Note in the video. Surely, it is amplified a bit because of the overexposure, but the huge blobs of black and messed up greys are there....
START AT 6m9s point!
A simpler image to test, and a photo of how the 950 renders it (an photo made in the office with medium ambient light, phone on auto-b, brightness slider on 100% - made with a OnePlus2 ).

On the computer, both laptop screen and additional screen, I can barely see the bottom half circle (which is RGB 5-5-5).

On the OnePlus2, at full brightness I can barely see top half circle (RGB 4-4-4) and slightly slightly clearer the bottom one.

On both computer and OnePlus I cannot see any text, nor the number or the written text.

On the 950, max brightness, I can clearly see top and bottom half circles and the left rectangle with all its numbers. I can barely see also the right rectangle (RGB 2-2-2) but not the number. Also, the RGB writing, I can see it on 5,4 and 3.

At 25% auto-b, night, outside with street lights, I can see background 5,4 and 3, and only the nr 5. I can see the rgb 555 and 444 writing.

Probably in pitch daekness only RGB 1-1-1 wil be unseen.

This is HUGELY messed up color/gamma calibration.

What can you see in the test picture? Compare it with other screens also.


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at first: i dont have These Problems with the tron Trailer and not a "red 3" in the Gamma test, so there seems to be something wrong with ur devices.
I have latest Firmware and .63 insider's build on it (Lumia 950).

that s3 - note comparison Video is SOOOO bad!!!
both phones use totally different Setups! sure the iron-man Scene is much too bright on the note, but that is because she set it up like that.
if the s3 Shows Maximum brightness: it is WAY too dark, and that is why you dont see those "bad spots" the note Shows..

in the one Scene u see the bright clouds on the note, but u cant see the s3 at that Point. I am SURE on the s3 u wont even see any clouds.

I often watch movies at friends and most tv's are set up way to dark and u cant see anything at "night Scenes".

Sure the Scene Looks bad on the note, but that is also because she set the brightness way to high. On the s3 the Scene Looks too dark and if that is at 100%, too, that Display also has ist Problems obviously...

test Picture:
I think I dont really get u.
I also can hardly see those circles with 100% brightness.
As we all know, the Display is set up too bright with 100% in an area with not much light.
So if we use the "correct" brightness for the Situation, the Picture Looks as it should, doesnt it!?
And if u are outside in bright sunlight I guess u wouldnt see the circles even at 100% brightness

so this is more some Kind of theoretical Problem!?
In the end you are right, the Gamma seems to be wrong, but I doubt any Videos or Pictures would look "different" with the correct Gamma Setup.

Lets see if we get any answers or improvements with Firmware updates maybe..
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First of all, the tests must be conducted in a very poorly lit room. For the best results, it should be complete darkness an brightness at 100%.

Secondly, what do you see on all tests compared to another phone or the computer. The computer is the benchmark here, considering it is a correct calibrated one.

The gamma IS the key.
If you boost your gamma on the computer, you'll se these artifacts in videos also on the computer.

Incorrect gamma level renders the dark greys too bright. since pure black means switched off pixels, the difference between black and dark grey gets way too big than it should.

Pay close attention and compare again the 950 to another screen with the same content on all, and the same conditions. You'll find very different results.

And the video of the Note: do not take it like exactly how it is in the video. The camera sets the exposure a bit wrong. The Note is overexposed and the s3 is underexposed. The S3 looks stunning. The overexposure exagerated these black blobs but they are there and ruin every video with dark scenes.

Again: complete dark room, have another screen for comparison, take those .png samples and observe the differencies.

In the end maybe you are lucky and have a good screen, but I doubt it....

What happens in bright light is not important, because the eye is calibrated to very bright conditions, much brighter than the screen, so this problem is not noticeable.

The problem is with dark environments. The eye works just like the camera. In dark, it opens wider for more light, kind of longer exposure. Thus, the problem is more and more obvious as the environment is darker.

So it is a real problem! One that it is not suppose to happen. I've seen a XL look perfect, next to my regular 950 and the store regular 950, which were crap....

Sent from mTalk
excuse me for my english (I'm french ... ) .
I did not understand everything in this topic but it is obvious that there is a problem with the black on playing video .
If some doubts I do not understand .
Take several mobile and make basic tests and you will see the problem.
I have a Note 3 , a Nexus 6 and Lumia 950 DS ( 10586.63 in insider but from the first day the problem exists).
Whatever video I run on the 3 machines the dark scenes are pixelated on the Lumia 950 and not on other devices .
This shocked me from day one and I do not understand why we have to make as high tests to convince people that there is a real problem .
Do not call in the engineers of NASA to prove that ..
I hope someone in charge of the development of the range Lumia 950 will have the courage to tell their leaders that there is a real problem (not a big) about this and that it is not a false problem from 5 stupid or requiring users to their product.
In short it is just to my support to the person who opened the topic .
Peace from France
@Alex - That is completely off, totally wrong greys... :(

@FrenchLumia Thx for support!

I've engaged on Twitter the Lumia support but it is like I say something and they tell me to do smth completely different, unrelated and they simply do not understand the problem....

I've also engaged Gabe Aul... Let's see if that gets us some more attention...
@Alex - That is completely off, totally wrong greys... :(

@FrenchLumia Thx for support!

I've engaged on Twitter the Lumia support but it is like I say something and they tell me to do smth completely different, unrelated and they simply do not understand the problem....

I've also engaged Gabe Aul... Let's see if that gets us some more attention...

It's pointless talking to LumiaSupport, those guys don't know anything besides some steps read from a doc file: hard reset, reboot, check for updates. You'll find better answers here on the forums.
Marius, my point with Lumia Support was to make them escalate the problem to the technical guys in charge. There is no way for anyone to help us except the ones that buils our Firmwares. That is the place I want to make aware of our problem....
Marius, my point with Lumia Support was to make them escalate the problem to the technical guys in charge. There is no way for anyone to help us except the ones that buils our Firmwares. That is the place I want to make aware of our problem....

I see your point. I was saying that those guys don't seem to know their way into this. I hope that at least they escalate the issue.
Hello there! I also noticed some problems with the screen on my L950 and I am not sure if this is a calibration issue or a hardware issue. I have even contacted the care center and after they looked at the sample images of the screen they answered: "The difference in the coloring of the display of your Lumia 950 XL should be regarded as insignificant."


The best way to see the issue is on a gray background. Now the problem is that the settings menu in W10 has a gray background and I see the color difference all the time.
@mirondanro - I really do not know how that background it is supposed to look like. However, it seems too gray and with an obvious tint.
You can grab the test images from this thread, test them on your phone and computer and compare results. If you can, find another phone (different model, best if it is a samsung, they also have amoleds) that looks good and compare. Make some photos and send them these and see if they have the same opinion.

You can also run some videos with dark scenes (some examples are in this thread), and if you see the things described in here, you have the same problem.

Let's hope that MSFT handles this problem soon....
This is how the background should look like:
and it looks like this:

The screen should display the same gray all over the screen. Not purple gray on top and washed out gray on the bottom.
I think this is the same problem we all have. Gradients. That grey should be a lot darker and more uniform...... The tint unfortunately is kind of present in all amoleds, but here is too intense....

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