Lumia 950 huge screen calibration problem. Please test and post results.

Since I saw a XL that looked perfect in the same conditions and same source content, next to the 950 that looked like crap, I cannot deal with it.
This issue is an exception, not a norm. So it must be fixed.
It's sad that this is occurring for you all. I haven't experienced these issues myself. However, that may be a matter of use case. This is especially unfortunate given that the Lumia 950 scores extremely highly for it's display color and greyscale accuracy.
Not yet I think. The LumiaHelp finally said they will escalate the problems up. Gabe Aul didn't respond (yet).

So for now, I don't think they acknowledged the situation. It takes some time to hear about it, than test, then acknowledge and react. So we will have to wait and see.

However I'll try and inform as many as I can. This has to be fixed, either by software or by changing our screens/phones.
Not yet I think. The LumiaHelp finally said they will escalate the problems up. Gabe Aul didn't respond (yet).

So for now, I don't think they acknowledged the situation. It takes some time to hear about it, than test, then acknowledge and react. So we will have to wait and see.

However I'll try and inform as many as I can. This has to be fixed, either by software or by changing our screens/phones.

Thanks a lot for your activity escalating the issue! You're doing a great thing for all 950 owners (even for those who haven't noticed this yet). Hopefully it will be resolved:)
You're right, it has to be fixed. But hey, they are working on it since 25 July 2014.
You're right, it has to be fixed. But hey, they are working on it since 25 July 2014.

We are not talking about purple tint here (it's kind of AMOLED thing). The main topic is awful displaying of dark gray shades due to bad screen calibration (probably).
@Alexander - you are right.
What can be seen in this clip (check the sky, the ground, the disney logo when darkened - it is like is surrounded in black fog....) about the N8 screen it is exactly what happens to the 950:Again, go into a dark room, with whatever brightness you want, auto or not....

And since Luma 930 also have same issue, which totally proved my theory that some of Nokia (and later Microsoft) 's AMOLED (or its supplier) may be the issue. which softwarely it could somehow "fix it"
From what I've seen, the 930 had a problem with purple tint more than messed up gradients.
Now it is perfectly fixable software wise if all 950's have the same panel. Which I think they have.
This is what mine looks like

That's what the screen goes through when set to automatic with brightness in sunlight. Looks about the same as brightness set manually 100%

Not good :(
Is this really a problem with calibration or is it an artifact of AMOLEDs? Has anyone compared with AMOLEDs from other manufacturers?

My understanding is that these displays have a wide gamut so they should be able to produce very smooth gradients. I think it's at the dimmest levels that there might be more of a falloff, but from what I've tested there's banding across the board.
Well I've personally checked a Galaxy S3 and a S6 edge and they are fine.
Also, from the Note 1 that had this problem, they didn't repeat it again..
It is not the "Mura effect" that amoleds suffer from.
Just very bad calibration here.
This can be fixed in the next firmware IF microsoft find out about it. I do not think they are aware yet, or if they are, they do not whisper a word about it....
So far, except a blog post on GSMArena everybody ignored me.
Even Windows Central.... I'll try and engage Daniel Rubino on twitter, maybe it will be successfull....
WC ignored my PM's too, wrote to a Dan, did not get any response.

So far you done a great deal with your effort, really hope for response from MS and a proper fix.
This DOES NOT sound good at all... :(
If they really spoke with tech and did a bit o testing, their answer sounds terrible.

Where the f****k do I find a replacement 950 that actually looks good since all that I seen (and heard of) are bad....

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