Microsoft Cheated Lumia Users

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I love this thread. Lol

I have been running Wp10 insider for awhile and to be honest, even though it works on my M8, 8.1 ran better. I am sure that this time net year Wp10 will be as stable as 8.1 is now but in the meantime if your phone doesn't get the upgrade stick with 8.1 and be happy. ☺

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It looks like a business decision where saving extra cost and time outweighed losing trust over a part of their tiny market share which cannot do much damage
It looks like a business decision where saving extra cost and time outweighed losing trust over a part of their tiny market share which cannot do much damage

3 months.

3 months of additional time they needed for optimizing Windows 10 Mobile. What happened though? Windows Insiders still said it wasn't enough. Could Microsoft spend any more time on the Mobile OS? Nope, or we'd never see Redstone release to the public.

Insiders spoke truthfully, and that's the result.
It looks like a business decision where saving extra cost and time outweighed losing trust over a part of their tiny market share which cannot do much damage

or so they thought.

I don't think we can really calculate any net loss or benefit, although I'd love to see some try.
I think this guy puts it perfectly:

"I get that Windows Phone is dead. Any indications to the contrary are down to the fact that Microsoft has strung the corpse up marionette-style and is feverishly puppeting it to make it look like it still has life in it. I also get that most of the user base is made up of fiercely loyal supporters who are in denial about the state of the platform. But what I don't understand is why Microsoft feels that it's OK to continue to disappoint those users, doubly so when promises were made."

From the article "The Windows Phone upgrade model is so broken, even Android makes it look bad"
The Windows Phone upgrade model is so broken, even Android makes it look bad | ZDNet

This shows how "the promise" I was talking about wasn't something I concocted in my head.

Of course, now I expect the "fiercely loyal supporters in denial" keep defending a company that has let us down time and time again.

Please stop saying that we could just join insider to install windows 10, and that it's just the same thing. If we could do that, why not just release the upgrade to all. Like everyone said, it's just the same thing.

Microsoft said they did not release the upgrade to older phone because it will make their phones not working as they expect, and that they will be angry at Microsoft. But it is okay to make them angry now by not releasing the upgrade that could make them angry later.

Most people that bought low end Lumia are people who cannot really afford a more pricey phone, what made people think they can afford new ones just to get windows 10, and the phone is still working perfectly fine.
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Because you simply don't let someone screw you over and keep silent. Is that how you treat those who do that to you? :)

Have you contacted Microsoft about your disappointment?
Complaining here on Windows Central means nothing other than causing others to present challenge to your plight.

I'm hoping you find resolution and solace for your anger.
ms can't even make somewhat usable system apps for windows 10 mobile
do you expect they can make good os?
quality of apps/os has gone downhill after wp8.1
The awkward moment when the Lumia Icon (929) is nearly identical other than carrier modems to the supported Lumia 930, getting Windows 10 Mobile. How about the insider FEEDBACK app was suppose to HELP fix issues and not say, oh crap we shouldn't develop this because we can't have too many builds/issues with it. The icon is just over 2 years old now, Apple has been supporting the 4S and above for years beyond it. They have IOS9. I get at some point there lacks updates. I get it, but really sours the mouth when there are no products available from your company on said network. Not our fault, theirs.

MS is just running from issues for the older phones. Feedbacks should help FIX things, NOT abandon them!

Have you contacted Microsoft about your disappointment?
Complaining here on Windows Central means nothing other than causing others to present challenge to your plight.

I'm hoping you find resolution and solace for your anger.

It is well past contacting Microsoft. We screamed at the top of our lungs in the last 3 years or so and we managed to make Windows barely usable again in the form of Windows 10, as a U turn from Windows 8. Most you guys called us "a vocal minority" and yet Windows Phone kept losing market share and Windows 8 is in fact considered a failure akin to Vista; something this "vocal minority" foresaw.

There is simply no more hope left for Windows Mobile. I'm only here to understand the reasons behind such extreme fanboyism and denial.
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Put a sock in it....512MB devices perform like crap with they did you would complain about how slow it is...
Do some good investigation if you're going to buy a phone.

And i dont see the problem with all the people complaining. If you just picked up a phone i can understand. But otherwise. Some devices are 2 year old, near the 3 years of support. And you still can use the insider preview which is fine. (at least at my device 735)

And if you really want w10 so much you know it likes 1gb of ram. If you were on android you only had a update a year too late, and sucks your device. Making it you want to rollback.
Folks way back when Microsoft made Windows phone 7 smart phones Microsoft made OEM's make Windows phone 7 smart phones with certain specs microsoft knew would enable it's users to have a good smart phone experience. Microsoft screwed up when it allowed itself and it's OEM's
to make Windows smart phones with less than a 1 gig of ram when it knew some apps would not run on such a Windows phone 8/8.1 device.
notice Microsoft itself no longer makes NEW Windows smart phones with less than a gig of ram. Microsoft must again stress to it's OEM partners to make Windows smart phones with Ram and CPU's that will properly run Windows 10. Satya Nadella of Microsoft should step up to the Plate and get
Windows 10 tech preview builds capable of being put on any windows smart phone without restrctions . Microsoft will just tell the windows lumia
smart phone owner they will take at their Own risk but can roll back to their original OS. also Windows 8.1 smart phones should get updates and
support for 2 years to give Folks time to upgrade to a Windows 10 mobile smart phone if they choose to do so.

So the excuse for the high end Icon and M8 is.....?

HTC who have to pay to have the OS tested/engineered on their devices and then literally pay Verizon (and AT&T, others) to test it on their network and then release it.

Turns out, not many of you bought the HTC One m8 and/or are still using one. Result: simple economics. HTC can't even throw a proper launch party for their new flagship Android phone. Times are tight.

Takeaway: That was not Microsoft's decision.
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