Microsoft Cheated Lumia Users

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There are some seriously misguided people around here that think that any old excuse will do for Microsoft.

That's an easy thing to toss out because we happen to see things different than those who would rather excoriate the company. Windows Phone is in transition, and it has been for some time. Microsoft did something different this time around - it allowed anyone who wanted in to get in on testing its product. In return, it requested feedback, and feedback it got. Would you rather the company ignore the feedback, or be responsive to it?

That feedback led them to alter what phones would update. People would grumble if the updates didn't work well, and people would grumble if they didn't get the update, but I'd bet the former would be a much larger number, and it would become a nightmare to try to rectify. Better to let the phones stay as is, workable and stable.

MS should offer an upgrade option to existing users, providing a credit based on the phone currently owned and the value of the upgrade phone. If people could get a 650 for a $100, would that make anyone happy? A 950 for 300-350?

The thing to remember is those with old phones do not have reduced capability. They deliver still what they were meant to deliver. It's hard to find fault with a company under that circumstance.
I own a Lumia 630 and I feel cheated.
It's a bit pathetic but reading this thread it seems this has to be said:
- Apple didn't tell me they would update my phone to Windows 10.
- Google didn't tell me they would update my phone to Windows 10.
- Microsoft did and evidence has been posted.

I should have not trusted them, they are free to change their objectives but they are going to lose a lot of customers. People are comparing this to updating Android or iOS but the difference is that their old OS versions have far better support with lots of APPs, etc. In Windows Phone the lack of APPs is alarming and now the few developers that care about this platform will focus on Windows 10, I'm already feeling how my choices are going down, see the news of mix radio, here maps, etc. I have few apps, I can not find a lot of apps available on other polatforms and the number and quality is going down, this is what really irritates me.

Sorry, I can not understand how people can excuse them, they provide the hardware and the software, for god's sake they are now releasing 140-230? phones with 1GB, specifications far behind the competition, at least my phone was really cheap and competitive but the new ones are overpriced, they want to sell expensive phones with bad hardware and bad software. The current problem extrapolates, if 512MB are not enought 1GB could be not enough the next time, most people in my situation can not trust this company, personally I don't like to repeat my errors.

Wish Microsoft changes a lot of things this year because I see a grim future for the platform, for now they are not an option for my future purchases or for my recommendations.
Simple. Update and get a new phone.

Simple, give me the money to buy a new phone. Not all of us are rich enough to buy a new phone every 2 years. That's why a lot of people bought cheap low end phone.

Which would you rather have? A faster phone with a soon to be dead platform of a slower phone with a working platform?
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The insider program was developed so users could try the 10 mobile OS and give MS feedback.

This is the basis for the decisions that were made.
Some phones did not advance because feedback that reported performance issues were much greater than those that were likely to recommend the OS. What kind of feedback did you give? If users just used and gave no feedback this could be the cause.

It's about stability, performance, and user feedback.. Phone specs has nothing to do with it.
Here is why the Lumia 1020 (and likely other phones) are not getting Windows 10 Mobile | Windows Central

The insider program was developed so users could try the 10 mobile OS and give MS feedback.

This is the basis for the decisions that were made.
Some phones did not advance because feedback that reported performance issues were much greater than those that were likely to recommend the OS. What kind of feedback did you give? If users just used and gave no feedback this could be the cause.

It's about stability, performance, and user feedback.. Phone specs has nothing to do with it.
Here is why the Lumia 1020 (and likely other phones) are not getting Windows 10 Mobile | Windows Central

Well I just don't get it, wouldn't MS do some internal testing of their own on "these" devices, can’t imagine they solely relied on “the insiders” to gauge their progress or lack thereof? What I’m getting at, MS should have been fully aware of the trials and tribulations of W10M on various devices months ago w/o the input from its users, suspect they thought it could be sorted so delayed, yet it became evident that the direction they wanted to go would be compromised if they were to assure every reasonably older WM device got it.
I have a 925. Because I use it extensively for work stuff and use MDM, I haven't tried the preview. I do regret not doing so and providing more ... measured ... feedback than apparently was given by lots of people.

However: looking at the *current* crop of W10/W10-updatable phones, I see phones with the same resolution, same camera, same or more memory, expandable storage, and better processors for $150-$200. At the same time, I don't feel that the 925 is *yet* lacking anything without W10 besides cosmetics. I'll probably try the best preview edition I can load, and when I'm actually in the market for a new phone, make a call then. I'm still unimpressed with iOS and very wary of Android; my last experience there was zero updates after the first 6 months in-market (thanks, Samsung).

So, a bit disappointed, but not overly so.

So those leaving will get better update cycles on Android? Please! I got 2 OS updates in about 3 years on a Galaxy S4!
Cheated? I 'm not sure about that.

When you bought your phone did it say "Upgradable to W10M"? Mine didn't

Microsoft stated at one point that it planned to upgrade all windows phones. They also have the right to change that position as circumstances change. They did not cheat anyone because they did not charge a fee and then not deliver the product they promised.

It would be more accurate to say they "disappointed" people who thought they were getting W10M. Big difference.

You do know that newer apps wont be supporting wp8 and though its not official technically it would mean the end of support for those phones. Its always more than an update. And yeah they kinda did. If there is gonna be a windows 11 announced sometimes in the later half of this year and releases after two years current 950 owners will be pissed too if they dint recieve the support . Do you know the actual no of updates these phones recieved in the time period that matters too.
36 months of support does not mean 36 months of updates. If you want Windows 10 mobile on your device stick the insīders build on it. you will then we able to get the UWP apps on your older device and get a bit more use out of it.
I this so Serious, Microsoft keep promising from the earlier release of windows 10 mobile, saying all lumia will get the windows 10 mobile OS for compulsory update.
But now , no update for 512MB devices. I will keep away from lumia devices. Microsoft told, they provide windows 10 has a service. and after some time, this gonna be stoped, by giving some bad reason. RIP MICROSOFT whole bunch cheaters. If you can't keep up you'r word , don't lie to the consumers.

we heard really bad news from Microsoft
Windows is as alive as it has ever been for me. And sales are pretty good too. I've purchased 3 640's in the last 6 months and couldn't be happier! And i don't care if the lovely AT&T updates my phone ( they probably won't). All platforms have phone update issues, that's just a fact of life and it always will be.

Do you think anyone in the industry consider less than 3% market share (and in fast decline) as "pretty good"?
If this is "pretty good" what did you think of the 10% they had in Europe in 2013?

So those leaving will get better update cycles on Android? Please! I got 2 OS updates in about 3 years on a Galaxy S4!

That's right, Android is probably worse concerning updates, maybe except the Nexus line.
But when you look at the app store with your S4, it looks pretty good, right? And most of your apps still get updates from time to time, correct?
Now, do you think this will also be the case with WP8.1 6 to 12 months down the road? Look at what happened with the WP7 store.
Microsoft showed me (and others?) that they don't care about me as a customer, twice (my L800 was a great phone, but soon condemned to collect dust in the drawer :(). Do you think I want to risk that a third time? I'm not really a masochist.
It depends on how often you change your hardware I guess. I have bought 4 Lumia's in the last calendar year for instance (i generally move them on after a while to get some money towards the next purchase). I couldn't see myself using the same handset for more than a year (the rate things are changing) so all these issues of continued support drop away. I would love to know how long the average user keeps a handset now. Especially as the 2 year contract cycle is becoming less and less dominant. One thing is clear, there is little mileage in manufacturers providing continued support for old devices beyond a couple of years as margins become tighter and tighter in the industry. Any expectations of the same may seem reasonable to some but are becoming increasingly unrealistic.
And in other news, old man yells at cloud

I commend Microsoft for making the best business decision here. My 1020 was a tire fire of a phone when running any builds of 10. My 1520 even janks from time to time, but is far more acceptable.

Microsoft said they plan to update all phones, but after several builds handed out to the masses to test the OS on a large scale they learned, from our feedback, that those low end and older phones simply cannot handle the OS. So they made what I am sure was a tough call and will be better off as a result of it.

Sure it sucks, but look at Android - their phone update situation is a mess. With iOS, yes many models get the latest update, BUT, those older phones are stripped of many features that the newest hardware will have available due to their age.

That's mobile, deal with it.
Sure it sucks, but look at Android - their phone update situation is a mess. With iOS, yes many models get the latest update, BUT, those older phones are stripped of many features that the newest hardware will have available due to their age.

That's mobile, deal with it.

I don't really care about android, i don't own it. What I do own is a Lumia 820. Stop comparing to other platform. My concern is after a while all the apps wont work anymore on 8.1. Features being stripped of is a small matter really. I lot of people can live with that. But not a phone with a dead platform.

The best decision MS could make is to release the update to all. Let users experience for themselves then let them decide to use it or not. Some might not like it and buy new Lumia instead, some may buy android, some might even buy iphone. Just let us decide.
isn't win10 mobile a bit of mess?
there will be pre-redstone and post-redstone apps
just because you got win10 mobile via insider doesn't mean you will get newest apps
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