I'm really thinking that's the case. By next year, they just won't have anyone to push to. Are they going to rely on bored android or iOS users? or hipsters who want something that no one else is using? So many users have switched already, that they'll launch a product to a market which actively chooses against the platform in favour of its competitors.
I'm really miffed about the whole approach from MS, as there's a lot of stuff that's really good with WP, and they just seem to be so stubborn in their ways, that it seems like as if they want to kill it. I think the thing that really hurt it is the chopping and changing. They haven't been able to choose a direction and stick with it..
When Windows Phone 7 came out, they went ALL out on it, buying Nokia, pushing phones, top ads for a long time (first year or so), I mean every football game there was at LEAST 3-4 ads for Windows Phone. They PAID off the top 10 devs to create apps and after many billions of dollars, they didn't get a major return. After all this major push, it maxed out around 4-4.5% of the GLOBAL marketshare. No promotion for retailers so, it was never pushed (this is where MS should did a lot of focus).
So many dreams came out of Microsoft's mouth for Windows Phone and if everything came to light, it could of been what they wanted and all the dreams WE have for the OS...
Trust me, I feel your pain and agree with you. I was one who was here from the VERY start, I came DIRECTLY from a PocketPC 6.1 device. Microsoft all the way for MANY YEARS (started with a HPC 1.0 all the way up to current)....
The surface phone needs to be nothing short of perfect. It needs to be revolutionary. It needs killer features that no one else has. It needs the app gap sorted too. Currently the strategic problem with apps is, I don't think many people are developing apps for windows platform and turning a significant profit from it. This needs to turn around, because it currently looks like developers are doing MS a favour if they develop for the platform. Obviously, you can't have developers working for free, so it really needs to become profitable to develop for the platform.
It could be made of 18K solid gold and with EVERY feature known to man that could be possable, It's still not going to change much. Microsoft is clearly not interested in promoting it and spending the money to grow marketshare. It could be the PERFECT phone, the fans will buy it but, cant see many iOS or Android users coming over. Just because the phone is perfect, it needs the support path to be PERFECT and Microsoft does not want to invest it.
Riddle me this, If you were not a Windows Phone fan, FIRST time Smartphone buyer, As you look at the options.... Android has about 65%, iOS around 15-20%, and Windows Phone around 1.5% of the market, No local apps, No tap to pay features, outdated other apps. Then you look over your other options, vast hardware support, every app that you can dream of. Would you sign a 2 year contract or pay $500+ on a phone with support like this ?
Personally for me, I dont think I would buy another Windows Phone unless Microsoft shows that they want to grow it and it's sad to say, with cutting 1850 jobs and No promition at all, by the time they change their mind and want to promote it, it will be too late...too far to start over.
The dream is over...it really is..