News: Microsoft's future in mobile?

MS has one OS across devices, they are working on improving what they have, Lumia brand is linked to Nokia, that era is over (for now) and they would be foolish to keep the Lumia brand. Surface is a successful brand, pushed to business and they will continue to do so. The Surface phone will be pushed as a business device (not consumer ad MS are not targeting consumer from what I see) . A successful delve into enterprise will have a knock on effect on consumer such as Blackberry did. They will be back, stronger OS, great devices, sadly the time for that to happen is not today, tomorrow but 'coming soon' TM
When Windows Phone 7 came out, they went ALL out on it, buying Nokia, pushing phones, top ads for a long time (first year or so), I mean every football game there was at LEAST 3-4 ads for Windows Phone. They PAID off the top 10 devs to create apps and after many billions of dollars, they didn't get a major return. After all this major push, it maxed out around 4-4.5% of the GLOBAL marketshare. No promotion for retailers so, it was never pushed (this is where MS should did a lot of focus).

The question is, will the Surface Phone relaunch of sorts get 4-5% again? It's going to flop, that I can be quite confident in predicting.

MS was never going to come out late and launch a phone OS and get immediate significant adoption of it, the problem I have is that they've had two false starts now and the realisty behind that is, the race around them has just continued while they were late to start, and then rushed back to the start line two times, and I think that's just showing why they've struggled to get any momentum. The app gap was a bigger problem back then, because there were heaps of apps which just weren't there. There was promise, though, whereas now, it's just obvious that the platform is in decline. Couple that with the strong contagion of a declining platform in the media, MS can't ignore that. Their advertising and marketing needs to address all of that.

In hindsight, WP8, while the OS was good, it was a completely wasted effort. Why did they burn up all that good will and annoy so many customers by abandoning WP7, only to give up on WP8 three years later? Why spurn so many developers too? Why waste the momentum from WP7 by flicking the reset switch? I know they were going to change names, but what I'm referring to here is how with each major iteration, there essentially is no forward compatibility. Have apple or google done that where a change to the OS makes new apps no longer compatible with older versions?

It could be made of 18K solid gold and with EVERY feature known to man that could be possable, It's still not going to change much. Microsoft is clearly not interested in promoting it and spending the money to grow marketshare. It could be the PERFECT phone, the fans will buy it but, cant see many iOS or Android users coming over. Just because the phone is perfect, it needs the support path to be PERFECT and Microsoft does not want to invest it.

Riddle me this, ...

The dream is really is..

My point was that it's a big ask, that nothing short of perfection will solve the problem, and even then, they need a large component of luck. So the reality is, like you said, it is over, and I agree with your sentiment. I don't think UWP is the solution, clearly we don't have a situation where developers are falling over themselves to release those apps, and while a surface phone that runs x86 apps would bring something very different to the table, I still don't know whether it could do it.

I entered smartphones with an android phone. I got a SGS1 and it was a heap of junk. Incredibly buggy, and completely lacked support to fix it. I'm generally not an apple person, so I went with WP as an alternative. I liked what I saw, and I got a L920 at launch, which I'm still using. I like the OS, I like the UI, initially it was missing a lot of desperately needed features, but WP8.1 fixed most of that. To answer your question, I didn't really give WP a look in when I first entered, so I seriously doubt I would now.

I want the platform to succeed, but like you've pointed out, there's absolutely no coherent message of support for it to succeed, and by the time next year rolls around, that's a lot of wasted time. If my phone dies and I have to get a replacement, in the foreseeable future, I'm out, unless I can get a W10M phone really cheap, I'll probably go to android.
With the latest news, I believe Windows Phone for consumers is definitely dead. MS may try to win corporate deals but honestly, companies don't make decisions;people running those companies do and more and more of them are starting to love Apple and its eco-system.
Biggest loss here is giving up on the possible eco-system. Windows Phone kept me in play for Windows eco-system. With no consumer centric phone device and more and more Windows services being made available on Apple and Android devices, i don't feel a need to buy any windows product now.
i don't see people excited by the concept of continuum and UWP at my workplace, i'm sure that will be the case at a good number of other places too. It may be just my disappointed self speaking but giving up on Windows Phone for consumers is not fair on the loyalists even though it may make $$ sense.
With the latest news, I believe Windows Phone for consumers is definitely dead.
I think you're right, worth all the latest news it seems that windows 10 mobile was a failure and it only be for enterprises, make sense thou

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Been a windows phone user for quite sometime. The days of the Treo & Samsung Blackjack running Windows mobile 4 & 5 to be exact. This current news of consolidation & writing off the Nokia purchase is definitely a backward move after slow progress forward. My take here is that now Windows mobile has returned to the days of the past. One or two random consumer phones will be released for diehards. The rumored Surface phone will be the equivalent of a Treo tablet. Microsoft is smart to focus on retaining its PC customers because the bottom line is essential & development is far more promising in this area. In a strange way, Microsoft may be ahead of the curve as phablets evolve. Anyone else been a user for sometime? What are your thoughts on the future? Glaze into the crystal ball & bring the noise
Don't forget that Microsoft's current strategy is to strengthen Windows 10 as the One Core and focus on widespread adaptation of Universal Windows Application (UWP). It doesn't matter if the Lumia name is abolished, it's just some kind of shell. The most important thing is the inside. When it is launched, Windows 10 will cross any hardware barrier and any devices with any Windows 10 iteration will run the same apps because of UWP. At least this is what I understand from what Microsoft has told the public. Try for once to get out of the bodily(shell) attachment and see the big picture. Microsoft is a software company first but they also have the high competency in producing high quality hardware like the Surface, X-box and Lumia products. So for them to roll out another great product like the Lumia was is doable. Have faith and have fun :wink: Its not that I'm a Microsoft fanatics but sometimes I am put off by those who advocate the Windows Phone / Mobile is dead campaign and the pessimists in Windows mobile users. Chill out, keep giving Microsoft those usage feedback and just relax and wait for it to unveil.
Very well said. The big picture is what Microsoft is focusing on here. The dead/alive discussions are generic at best & often end in arguments. Carpenters don't argue over which tools should or shouldn't exist. They embrace the diversity of tools to add to their arsenal. Microsoft has a very solid plan here simply by adapting to change.
It was painful going on tech sites and reading all the misinformation about how Windows Phone is dead, and reading things written almost in a celebratory tone. Even the windows phone sub reddit was painful to read today with all of the trolls coming out of hiding and having a laugh about how WP was dead.

I just hope MS gets some kick *** hardware out soon to shut the idiots up.
It was painful going on tech sites and reading all the misinformation about how Windows Phone is dead, and reading things written almost in a celebratory tone. Even the windows phone sub reddit was painful to read today with all of the trolls coming out of hiding and having a laugh about how WP was dead.

I just hope MS gets some kick *** hardware out soon to shut the idiots up.

Sorry... I'm certainly not a ***** and I firmly believe that the phone division is dead. Way too much time has passed, too many people let go, and too much money has been spent with nothing to show the shareholders for it.

They may come out with a enterprise solution in a 6-8" tablet but I sincerely doubt that they will release another phone. There's no real money in it for them. All they have to do is to keep farming out their software so that it can be used on any Apple iPhone or Android smartphone. They can continue to bundle their cloud services along with them.

I look to see Cortana to be able to move in on Google more than ever before now so Microsoft can take efficient usage stats from the largest market too.

IF this tablet doesn't work fully and can use all of the apps that the Surface and PCs use I don't think it will be widely accepted,but I suspect that for Enterprises wanting another dumb portable terminal it may work well. They certainly don't want to cannibalize Surface sales in doing this.

It's really sad to see the consumer phone division killed off. I had high hopes of it really being energized with a flagship Surface phone.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I think mr Nadela is not giving a damn about W10M. It's all about the money. Problem for MS is that they didn't understand that the future stands in Mobiles. Their cloud approach is on the edge, because allmost every IT company can do a cloud server service. I think (hope to be wrong) that the future of the MS company itself is in danger. For the fans I have an advice: don't get drunk with plain water !
Finnish shop steward says that they were implementing the previous new strategy. New products didn't get out before decision to ditch consumer and value devices and now all the plans are down the toilet.

Hopefully someday we get to know what they were cooking...
With the latest news, I believe Windows Phone for consumers is definitely dead.

My thoughts exactly. My 640 will live for a while (Redstone any good?), but upgrade comes from Team Android. It will be interesting to see what Nokia brand will bring to the market ;)
I don't know why Windows Central ignored the news of WP dropping below 1% market share.They are probably too embarassed after Daniel Rubino wrote editorial articles every week arguing why WP isn't dead.However if the news had been say WP market share increased 0.5% the Windows Central would've been the first to break the news on the internet.Funny how it is ,isn't it?
The question is will MS continue to make Lumia branded phones or not ?

Microsoft will continue to make Lumia for sure. For getting the UWP up and going Microsoft needs to be keeping the mobile phone market up and hence Lumia phones will continue to show up though fewer models, until it does not get other manufacturers making phone on the Windows OS.

Lumia is not dead yet, Microsoft will continue to produce phones but in a smaller range.
Surface phone is a fact and will be available next year.
Microsoft will ?Scale Back? Lumia and Windows Smartphone Operations - WinBuzzer

I highly doubt you'll see another Lumia branded phone. With Nokia returning to the mobile market it will just confuse consumers. They're going to distance themselves from the Lumia brand completely which is a smart business decision. With them basically writing off the entire Nokia Hardware division and laying off what's left of the staff I wonder what, if anything they will make.

Forget about WP it doesn't exist any more. It's W10M for a reason as a way of re-branding and restarting, yet again. The last of the Lumias will be the 950 and 650. After that it will be whatever name they plan to give the phones in the future, if they plan to make phones that is.

Though I know everyone goes on about the 'Surface Phone' I personally see that as confusing. But that's me.
^ If they are smart MS won't market it as a Surface Phone! The term "phone" is automatically associated with apps and other expectations which W10M can't meet.

Instant death in the media if they call it that.
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Finnish TV news, yesterday evening: Microsoft is gonna stop phone developing and will sack 1350 employees (who used to be former Nokia employees) in Finland. The news also wrote "Microsoft is gonna run down its phone business and manufacturing". Sad day indeed...
have not seen a Windows phone in months, now I've just read marketshare dropped below one percent.

is it finally OK to call the game ?
It's over folks. Look where they stated they would continue to "support" the old Nokias, no mention of ANY future products. Done. Guess I just got lucky unloading my last 640.

It ain't over till it's over.
Let's see where Apple and Google will be within 3 years with their announced refreshed OS'es.... euh what you say?

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