I swear..... Can someone show me a mobile OS that doesn't have bugs? I work in an office abundant in iPhones, they have bugs too. Where does this "we deserve better" sense of entitlement come from? The redstone builds are pretty damn good, you guys. I don't know where the complaints are coming from. Oh WAIT!! Could it be complaints from people running a beta on a device not meant to run it? Hrmmm. MS doesn't need to employ thousands upon thousands to develop a phone line that, to date, hasn't been that successful. They gambled with Nokia and were not close to successful, so sell it off and back to the drawing board. Also, let's not forget that they are pushing UWP which will run on all devices. It's not like they have to have a dedicated team for that. Let the Surface team develop a phone, then yell the sky is falling if that fails, keeping in mind we will probably never hit 10% share so be careful on what you consider success. They have said time and time and time and time again they aren't getting out of the phone business. They are pushing Continuum, and last I checked, that on phones. They won't best Apple or any other brand at this point, they've admitted that. None of this is "news", it's "news" to the easily scared.
So on one hand, you are saying, stop complaining, the bugs are probably because your are running a version non standard. On the other hand, you are defending the capability of the OS but only in the context of non standard redstone?
Its another case of 'its great, because the 'next' version will be epic.
I dropped out of developer builds and now only use stock. My 930 took to Win10 well at first, but it's getting worse by the day. The lag and stuttering growing, the amount of reboots is growing, and major apps like Facebook are starting to behave very erratic.
As a general user, like most of the 1% market share, I just want my phone to work, not a promise that it will work soon. Things are getting worse and loosing 1,800 staff isn't going to make anything better.
The whole thing is mismanagement, not game changing long term plan. Here in the UK they were pushing 12% market share and they threw it all away. It would have been simple to keep 8.1 going on all Lumia, then get 10 working behind the scenes for the next gen.
Building any market share in a saturated market is hard, and in Europe, they had been getting a good foothold. By mucking everyone around, not only do they kill their market share, they increase the chances of those people never returning because they feel they were burned.
I had friends who's only computer was a phone, and they had windows phones. They've all jumped ship now, and they love their new home. Onecore means nothing to them and nor will it.