News: Microsoft's future in mobile?

Finnish TV news, yesterday evening: Microsoft is gonna stop phone developing and will sack 1350 employees (who used to be former Nokia employees) in Finland. The news also wrote "Microsoft is gonna run down its phone business and manufacturing". Sad day indeed...

Of course they will state it like this. Patriotic, yes, but also best example of bad journalism.

Android is just too laggy on everything I have used it on, including the nexus 6p, anything Samsung, and the new LG.

I don't think the word lag means what you think it means, but anyway. Enjoy Apple.

One day someone is going to have to tell me what they're doing to get this so called lag....
Of course they will state it like this. Patriotic, yes, but also best example of bad journalism.

When someone buys up part of your biggest successful company and simply kills it within a couple of years you can understand them being slighting upset. Especially the loss of employment in a rough economy.

Thing is, they didn't say anything untruthful. Microsoft has killed the Nokia hardware division in Finland. and has ramped down the phone division. It was news here on WC, didn't you see it?

Microsoft is restructuring its smartphone business, will cut 1,850 jobs | Windows Central
have not seen a Windows phone in months, now I've just read marketshare dropped below one percent.

is it finally OK to call the game ?

I'm starting to wonder if MS wants people to forget WP ever happened and then start fresh with W10M like it's something new and fresh.
It's over folks. Look where they stated they would continue to "support" the old Nokias, no mention of ANY future products. Done. Guess I just got lucky unloading my last 640.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearle harbor!?
Of course they will state it like this. Patriotic, yes, but also best example of bad journalism.

With the uncertain exception of continuing to develop mobile(s) for enterprise (maybe in Panay's team?), I'd say there is nothing wrong with the news.


Without MS selling consumer mobiles, how long will the OEMs continues to sell consumer mobiles (if it matters at all if they do or don't)? Without consumer mobiles, what will be the future of consumer (commonly available) apps for mobiles? And without consumer apps for mobiles what will be the future of enterprise mobile?
Meh... In my opinion it's much ado about nothing. They sold off the feature phone division and will no longer make Lumia phones. Doesn't say anything about FoxConn making Lumia branded phones with a little royalty deal. Also third party manufacturers are making WP10 phones and MS also stated that they are introducing new devices. Surface Phone? Me thinks so. So all in all Microsoft did what any smart company would do. Get rid of the albatross around their neck. Does anyone remember when Google sacked Motorola? Motorola is still here and Android is the 800 lb. gorilla.
After all this someone actually WANTS a Windows Flagship. People never cease to amaze me. Now that i have gone Android do i have to give up my avatar. I do still have my wife's 640 which she likes.
DO YOU know what LAG means....sounds to me as if you are lacking on the definition of it.

I'm well aware of the definition. Just not sure most people are. :P

I'm quite happy with my Z3, no issues but then maybe I'm more forgiving than most people.
I know I am...I have been hanging on to wp for years....just had enough of the promises and then zero follow through with anything. No apps, no accessories, no wearable

The z series are probably the best android phones made imo. Samsung is terrible. HTC not much better, but even the nexus and lg are not far ahead.

I waited for something better to come out when I was ready for an upgrade and wasn't impressed so I moved. I'm a lot happier now.

I agree the Sony phones are good. Just unfortunate that Sony can't seem to hit the sweet spot with their devices 100%
I just can't believe this. Microsoft under Nadella seems to want to kill w10m. Windows phone 8.1 was making some good progress. Releasing such a buggy os was suicide. Good luck waiting a year to come out with something like surface phone. Everyone will have moved on. As successful as 10 is on desktop, the apps are not coming except a few and far between. And not many of these apps have mobile versions despite the ease of creating them. Why would devs bother with an os that seems abandoned for a year? It's almost like Microsoft has made a deal with Apple and Google. We'll let you guys have the phone if you stay away from desktop, tablet. Crazy.
Microsoft will continue to make Lumia for sure. For getting the UWP up and going Microsoft needs to be keeping the mobile phone market up and hence Lumia phones will continue to show up though fewer models, until it does not get other manufacturers making phone on the Windows OS.

Today they ensued that they are leaving the consumer market.
Nokia fanboys and people in Finland can blame MS all they want but that company was already heading down the drain before MS got to them. Considering the state of Android OEMs not named Samsung I doubt they would have survived going with Android either.

Anyway I hope the memo that was posted today reminds people that Windows Mobile isn't dead.
Windows Mobile is not dead, it's just on life support. Market share is embarrassing, and the beta WP10 still is riddled with bugs. We will see how this all turns out but I am really dissapointed with WM and I may be leaving (with the flocks of others who have recently left)

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