Nokia Lumia 620 Update Problem..??

Have successfully flashed my phone to.002 via NSU,the got amber update via ota...,now running amber ;).my sincere advice to all of u who are on .001 is to update to .002 via NSU.....u will get amber...why wait
did u experience any difficulties while flashing or after installing amber?

Nope,nothing at all,just the download took long(1.26GB) for the .002 firmware....but after download flashing was done in less than 5 mins...after flash i got a popup for amber update ota which was 222mb in size...downloaded and my phone is running super smooth ;)
Nothing to worry about.....go ahead and take the other way to update.....
I am un Jamaica my carrier is digicel Nokia support stills says coming soon but last night I checked and there was an update. I installed it and nothing on my phone changed. Not showing amber and none of the features from amber or GDR2. Please give me some advice. Lumia 620.
did u experience any difficulties while flashing or after installing amber?

just take it to nokia care center .. 45 mins .. back up all the app list and other in skyD and in computer ... after flashing just restore it ..Microsoft has missed .0001 and i don't think it is coming anytime soon..Fingers Crossed..
I just checked again and now the support page is saying available but when I search with my phone I am getting nothing.
Here is the thing me and my girlfriend bought our 620 from same carrier which is digicel and we are in Jamaica. When I turn on my phone I do not get the splash screen with carrier name and logo but it comes up on my girlfriend's own. My girlfriend's firmware is 004 mine is 002. On the support page they say the firmware is 004. I checked for an update last night and there was one I updated my 620 and there were no changes on my phone. At that time it was saying coming soon, now it is saying available today October 03 2013 and I am not getting any update. Please give me some help and answer.
My phone's getting OTA now.. Finally, Happy..
Guys with .0001 firmware check for updates.. You'll get it too.. :) :)
Guys, 2 months before i had upgraded my phone to 0001 (through Nokia Care) and it was showing Amber update. However, Now i am facing some issues like the screen is shivering sometimes and the touch doesn't work as well. I will have to wait for couple of mins after locking the screen... have checked with Nokia service center and they have rebooted/reset my mobile couple of times as well... but there are no result. Can anyone please help me here?

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