I bought my mother the 630 dual sim version (one sim for work, one for privat) and it seems when there is no signal for Sim1 (sim 2 has better coverage) it cannot connect to that network any more. Even if there is a signal. I disabled the sim in settings, enabled it again but no change. I changed from 2G to 3G, no change. I set the network selection from the network (the fact that it finds the network should prove that it is there) to auto and back no change. I have a Lumia 920 with the same provider as Sim 1 and I have network.
Only restarting the phone helps. I wanted to trying change Sim 1 and 2 and see if this has something to do with the Sim slot, but since it's my mother's phone I don't want to confuse her which Sim is private and what work.
Does anybody have the same behaviour?
I can not reproduce your bug. Restart the phone and see if that helps or if this bug comes back.
Got my 630 Dual Sim yesterday and have the following problem:
In the menu I can find the message-option for SIM1 and SIM2 ("Nachrichten SIM1" - "Nachrichten SIM2") but for the calls I only can find the option for handy SIM1 (no "Phone SIM2" which is possible in the Lumia530 I also use).
Any idea?
View attachment 85333 View attachment 85334
Got my 630 Dual Sim yesterday and have the following problem:
In the menu I can find the message-option for SIM1 and SIM2 ("Nachrichten SIM1" - "Nachrichten SIM2") but for the calls I only can find the option for handy SIM1 (no "Phone SIM2" which is possible in the Lumia530 I also use).
Any idea?
View attachment 85333 View attachment 85334
OK, it works now! Your hint was not the solution, but it brought up an idea and it worked out:No, it's working on mine. Try checking if the tile is not linked for both SIMs: open the messaging app -> ... (triple dot) -> Kacheln trennen.
I thought about this after I posted, but I also thought you would come to this conclusion yourself. ;DOK, it works now! Your hint was not the solution, but it brought up an idea and it worked out:
Tab on the Phone-app->, ... (triple dot) ->, Kacheln verkn?pfen (link tabs?), do the same thing again and then Kacheln trennen (unlink tabs?)
And all of a sudden the tab for the second phone is there...
My messaging app keeps crashing in lumia 630. I open it and it closes it self after a few seconds. I have tried Soft reboot. it doesn't work. Should I hard reboot it? and is there any other way other than hard rebooting my phone?
I can not reproduce your bug. Restart the phone and see if that helps or if this bug comes back.