Re: Denim update....bugs I have come across & a little bit of a moan too.......
Was fine b4 denim, but the day it updated the issues began:
1 Dialling contacts but never connecting
2 When the above happens and I try to end call, then stays on ending loop
3 Only way to disconnect cycles is to power down phone
4 Power down takes excess of 10 mins to complete, only 'goodbye' on screen
5 When phone powers up, I get 'sim error' and am asked to 'fix' my phone but all my data will be removed. Suggests a backup of phones contents to my PC
6 WP don't back up to pc optionally, so I cant check if they've messed this bit up too. (all well & good saying they will save my data to cloud, but they also promised improved functionality with the denim . update that took months and was promised much, much much sooner.....reliable so far - I think not) I simply don't trust that MS have the capability to back up my data reliably!
7 Text messages: I text someone. No reply. Next time I talk to them via other media they say 'what text?'
8 Back comes the whole power down debacle as in steps 3,4 & 5 as above.
9 after powerup, I get notification that my message was unsuccessful (sometimes days later)
10 Incoming texts do the same, so I do not get them either. Power down....I get hundreds that have been frying to send for days....
So, the issues this has caused are, I cant make a call without 10-12 minutes of powerdown / up cycle. So, emergency calls are out of the question.
I have to powerdown, power up, text / call, then powerdown then up to know if it worked. Nearly 20 mins for an 'Im on my way' text.
Basically I have a windows 'pod' : no phone calls, no texts, limited apps and little screen.
I, alongside others are getting royally sick of MS ignoring these issues ad passing the onus onto formumites to deal with.
I have a very small, limited capability tablet which runs off MS. Way to sneak the figures up for those MS Pro unit sales MS (sic).
After waiting aeons for Denim, and getting impatient that it took nearly a year for us in the UK to get, Im now losing all respect for MS and the way they treat their loyal (!) users.
PHEW!!!!! How i haven't launched a new Lumia satellite I don't know.....probably cos I cant throw that hard :angry: