Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

In a class of about 120 students only I own a windows phone....

And never saw another in my entire college...
When I first got my phone, I never saw other windows phones. I'm seeing them more often lately. Interestingly, they were prominent in the Amazon Originals production "Really" series pilot. Kinda would have thought Amazon would have used the opportunity to focus on the fire phone.
Was at Touch A Truck in Southgate, MI yesterday. Was about to walk in front of another parent while wrestling with our stroller and noticed the xenon flash on the phone. Lumia 928 with an Incipio Feather case (pink).

Nice legs too ;)
Not a single one of my friends or family has a Windows phone.

Even after playing with mine and liking it, they're all still on a Galaxy or iPhone.
lately i keep seeing more and more people with Lumia devices. They are quite easy to spot due to vibrant colors. So yes, i have a good eye for finding Lumias :D
I have owned my 920 for almost 2 years and I have yet to see someone in my area (Vancouver BC Canada) that has a WP.

In fact, most people I know refer to Android as Samsung.
I spotted one in the wild! A girl had a Lumia of some sort. I asked about it but she didn't know the model. She said she loved it and had no regrets. Didn't get her number though...😐

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I have some friends who use windows phone and today on the bus I even heard a windows phone sound
I see people everyday using Lumia in India :-) so far I've seen
In decreasing order of popularity. Lumia is getting lots of love I'm India :-)
I forgot WP 7! Lol people still use them a lot in India, especially
Lumia 610,510,710,800 in decreasing order of popularity. WP 7 has a lot of users in India :)
Seen some users of 620,920,1020,1320 at the train stations around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. No one so far with my model 925
It is very unfortunately that Microsoft has made the announcements for the 735 and 830 but has not release it for sales yet; leaving a wide opening for the iPhone 6 and 6 plus to entice WP users back to iOS system. I hang around with about 6 WP users at the locate sports gym and about a 2/3 of them have converted to the iPhone. I have join them by buy a new iPhone 5S which I had have in the past!

You just cannot delay the release and have it go on for months upon months and expect WP users to be loyal to the exclusivities of each new model. I know that I just had it with the exclusivities; and just went back to my 5S out of frustration and the desire to be a ****** again! LOL!
It took three or four days for Apple to sell 10 million iPhone 6s which not including China in the mix and some other countries that Apple has not release the iPhone 6 yet. It takes Microsoft a good quarter to get 10 million WPs. In the U.S.; with the exclusive of a model to a U.S. Carrier and the phone is also limited to the bands that that particular carrier; it just a big joke for current WP users to continue being loyal to WPs while one can buy an unlocked iPhone or unlocked Google Nexus / GooglePlay smartphone. You have to be a big sucker to continue with this type of blind loyalty!
Saw a fella with a white 920 yesterday at a football game.

I see a lot of random 521's too.

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