Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

My parents got a WP as their first smart phone. My mom saw my 1520 and wants it bad. They actually prefer the simplicity over IOS and Android. I lent them an iPad and they hated it.

Only seen a few people with WP. No one here has the 1520. 😞
One of my sons had a 521 and I just convinced my other son to get the 635. I did see a man with a 635 on the bus yesterday and chatted him up about his phone which he said he loves. I have the 925 and wouldn't mind the 1520
I live in Harare, Zimbabwe and in the past year I have seen loads of people with Lumias. My maid has a 520, so do 4 people I work with. My friend played with my 1520 two weekends ago and he called me this Saturday saying he bought one himself. His brother also has a 925. My other friend is South Africa has a 520 though she wants a Note 3. My old man has a 820. Here Nokia is still a trusted brand name with the middle aged and older generation. Microsoft's advertising is what sucks yet I find it so easy to convince people on how great and easy to use Windows is. Most people with iPhones hate the battery life. I am happy with the amount of Windows Phones I am seeing in Zimbabwe. If I had cash I would get the franchise and run it here.
I get to know my girlfriend because she using a Lumia 520 and I'm using Lumia 620 (currently a yellow giant Lumia 1520). Few months ago she spotted battery issue and I helped her solved it and upgraded to windows phone 8.1 pfd. She totally l love her phone now. I also have about 2 friends that have Lumia 620 that buy after me. Also some college friends that using Lumia 925.
Took the shuttle today at college (second day back) and saw a 520 and either a 920 or 1020. It's not much but considering it's a university in the United States that's more than I've been expecting lol
Recently I've been seeing more and more Windows Phones in the wild. Last week I saw a guy using a 1320 (can't see the color since it's on a case), just last Saturday I saw a lady holding a yellow 1520 and my friend's mom using a red 1320. Earlier today I saw a guy on the bus using a white 1520 and another lady using a 900. One thing I noticed is that WP seems to be popular more with businessmen and professionals.
i have a lumia 625
my mother has lumia 800
i convinced a friend to buy a Lumia 925.
Also will try to convince another friend to buy the Lumia 730 when it is released if it only fits guys budget otherwise he will go for a phone from the asus zenfone series.
My father wants to buy a windows phone but unfortunately the company he works in doesn't gave a compatible app and vpn for windows phone which is disgusting as it ranks among top 5 companies in the world in its sector but still doesn't have windows phone compatibility :/.
He has no other option go for a droid as he thinks iPhone is Junk if crap and money is going to net wasted.
Saw some big guys coming out of a ML55 Merc the other day. Was admiring the car, and noticed 2 had Yellow Lumia 1020's. Seeing a lot of cheap and cheerful low end Luminas too.
I have 1320, I gave my older 710 to my mom. Convinced many of my friends for a wp! Many of my friends have 520,620,720,925. I also see at least 1 wp a day. Many people own a wp. Numbers are growing
Ive seen a handful, usually stands out because the device is yellow or something lol.
Most people I see have either iphones in a big fat case or some older android phone...
I have some friends from school who use windows phones.

One of my cousins uses a windows phone (L720).

Another friend's mom uses a windows phone (L520).

And does anyone watch Hawaii Five-O? It shows off nothing but Windows 8.1 hybrid laptops and windows phones. Its very cool actually. :D

My friends have: Lumia 920(x2) Lumia 720(x1) Lumia 520(x3) Lumia 1520(x1) Lumia 820(x1) HTC one s (x1) as you can tell where I'm from (N.Ireland) Windows Phones are quite popular. My bus driver had a 630/635 and I saw someone with a 520. A few days ago I saw someone buying a 1020
My family had all used Android (HTC sensation, Nexus S, Nexus 4). My son suggested 710 (WP7) for my wife two years ago in spite of a big resistance from me. I start to like it and bought 925 for both of them while I am still using Galaxy Nexus. My daughter got 1020 from her company last year but will want to try iPhone this year. I am going to switch to WP8 next week with a used 925 I bought yesterday.

I saw one guy at BestBuy with 920, he works as an IT and he hates Google. I have not yet seen anyone at my office using WP. I will be the first few showing off the colorful tiles.
I like the fact that's its an exclusive, But I see a lot of Lumia from my customers (and seem really happy to show it)...My boss has one, bit still too many isheep around but not many droids.

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