Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I'm like that guy in the family that has to reset everyone's watches, clocks n every other f#cking electronic appliance but because of that everyone in my family have a WP
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I do not know anyone who has one, but I do see some out and about. Maybe a hand full of them at best.
Yes two people. One at work the other my mother. She never had a smart phone so I suggested that she get the Lumia 520 as I was getting it for my birthday I wanted to check it out for myself and I was and still am glad I suggested it as the Lumia 520 is the best phone on the planet. My sisters are constantly having problems with their iPhones and my dad cant go 3 hours between charges on his Samsung Galaxy S4, whereas my mother and I haven't had one ounce of trouble with our phones and can go all day between charges and I'm a heavy duty user between facebook, twitter, youtube etc.

Sent from my Lumia 520 via the Windows Phone Central app
Me and my aunt.
She's currently using a Lumia 1320 since July, and upgraded it to the official WP8.1 with Cyan. ☺

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 620 via Tapatalk.
I convinced my dad and he is currently using a 630. I sold my 920 to a coworker and he loves it. Then I know 5 others at my work that use it and have 3 friends that all do as well.
In June on my way to a boxing match I met up with friends. They happened to both be using 1020's. So I know a grand total of 2.
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Just went to a convention, saw a 1020 + camera grip, 1520 on a call, a 928 being test driven by an IT worker.
In my group's hotel room, the phone could was three Galaxy S5's, one S III, and my lonely 920.
And I found that the April and Sacks in "teenage mutant ninja turtles" using windows phone. Although not sure what model is that.
When I applied to the Warner Bros Studio Tour London another girl on the recruitment/interview phase had a white 1020.

On the bus from Aylesbury I saw a girl with a Lumia - couldn't recognise the model.

When I used to work at Halfords a customer opened up a youtube video to help me with a particularly difficult fitting job on his car. He opened the video on a lumia; I think it was a 920.

When I was in the airport at Orlando, FL, I saw a lady with a lumia in the departure lounge. During my weekend in Florida I saw that one lumia, about one or two androids, and probably more than three-hundred iPhones. . That literally, mathematically, works out at 99% of the phones I saw people using, were iPhones which really annoyed me because there's a massive market out there with all sorts of devices and I bet you the majority of these iphone users would LOVE some of the other products on the market if they only stepped outside of their bubble and gave them a try! It doesn't even have to be WP. I would just like to see less iPhones out in the wild, and more... OTHER types!

I think I've seen maybe one or two more WPs in the past but I really don't remember for certain. The three above I do know for certain.
Me - Nokia Lumia 630 & Huawei Ascend W1
My mum - Nokia Lumia 520
My dad - Nokia Lumia 520
My brother - Nokia Lumia 520
My sister - Nokia Lumia 520

Fair to say my whole family have Nokias! Seen a few people with 520s/920s!
A few xbox friends have Windows Phone's
One of the mate#s has just switched to a 1020
Have seen plenty yellow 1020's kicking around town, Wp seems to be pretty popular in Kilmarnock although our local O2 store do tend to display them and market them very well.
For anyone in the uk if they tune into Sky news when Stephen Dixon is on you may well get a glimpse of his yellow 1520. He's a big WP supporter and recently tweeted Nokia about possibly getting a green 930, he's always using it for tweets along with a Surface Pro 2 on air.
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I've seen a few 520s
One classmate with a 630
A teacher of mine with a 720
A girl in my campus with a 1020
Another classmate with a 925
This classmate's boyfriend with another 925
A guy with one a couldn't identify 'cause i only caught a glimpse of it, but seemed like a 920
update: now a classmate with a 1520. Damn that phone is big xD

I live in Brazil, WP got kind of popular here...
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Yeah, my classmate (520) and one of my friend (HTC) has Windows phone. One of my friends recently bought a 1320, maybe because he liked how it is smooth for cheap price- unlike android
I saw a girl on a 521 at Starbucks. I've seen a couple 520's. I've seen the 1020 at a wedding. I've seen the 920. My aunt has an old Sprint one. My cousin also has the 1020. My coworker is about to buy one.

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