Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Oh I see plenty of 520s, but that's randoms, not people I know. The ones I know have 925s except one, who dropped her 925, smashed it, and got a 1020 on the insurance.
Two of my friends have the Lumia 520. Another two, Lumia 620. My cousin, Lumia 620. My siblings, Lumia 800 and Lumia 610. One of my teachers, Lumia 820. While on the train, saw a few Lumia 1520, Lumia 920 and Lumia 520. In the bus, Lumia 925. My senior, Lumia 1020.
That moment when you hear Nokia's tone and you look around frantically like, "WHOSE WINDOWS PHONE IS THAT?!!!"
Other than immediate family, I don't know anyone who has WP. But we make up for it... 3 920s. Red, Yellow, Black.
I saw many Lumia 520 out there, it's rare to find people using high-end WP like 1520, so far just saw 1020 in my school
I've got myself the recent Nokia Lumia 630. When I went into the O2 store they told me they are flying of the shelves. But I haven't seen anyone really with a windows phone.. Everyone seems to have a iPhone or Samsung these days.. I'll always be Windows for as long as I'll know :)
I'm in Canada and we don't officially have the 1520. A day after I got mine I saw a girl with a white one using it as her GPS. Weird. But other than a couple people no one really uses WP here. Most people are confused when I say WP.
My wifey coveted my Lumia 920, so I gave it to her & got myself the Lumia 1520.

Two colleagues @ work popped up w Lumia 920s, soon after that release. One is contemplating upgrading to ??, he thinks the Lumia 1520 is too large (hasn't seen / held mine - he works in another city), though we compare notes, regularly.

Other than that, I saw a petite twenty something (on the train) rocking a white Lumia 1520. When she saw mine (red w black case), we had an interesting conversation (she said I reminded her of her father). She said she got it ' she doesn't have to carry her tablet ...'
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Yep, my wife, 5yr old daughter, mother-in-law, step dad in law. It maybe that my wife lives the optics of the 1020, my daughter inherited her old magenta 900, and we had two extra 520's around to give the parents :)
Just two people in Taipei, a teacher of Chinese who bought (920 i think) it because it was cheaper and was complaining all the time because she didn't like it and another guy who bought one out of curiosity and then went to buy an iPhone soon after. Each time some of my acquaintances see my 1520 they are amazed at the beauty of the device and are mesmerized at those tiles moving. Some have told me they'd buy one and then came back with different devices. I suspect sellers are not pushing the OS in Asia (It's also true WP lacks things to work properly in Asia).
my cousin owns lumia 510 he bought when it was released n he uses it till now phone showed no lag n nokia rocks
Three people at work. Most of us are engineers, we just want something that works and works well. None of us are interested in tinkering with a cell phone, we get paid to design and tinker with other things.
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I don't know a single person who uses WP.

And that's make me feel special and unique.

But when my friends or anyone I know started using WP then I'll switch to Firefox OS , Jolla or whatever which nobody using in my friends and relatives circle.
I don't know a single person who uses WP.

And that's make me feel special and unique.

But when my friends or anyone I know started using WP then I'll switch to Firefox OS , Jolla or whatever which nobody using in my friends and relatives circle.

I'm with you on that! Them they ask me about it and they're amazed about its hardware specs, UI, and productivity potential.

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