Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I live in Albania, and nearly 10-12 people that I know have Lumias. From 520's to 920's. In total I might have seen around 50, being used by different people on the street, or in bars. Unluckily, I haven't seen any of the newer models being used.
I've seen a 521 and 925 in school

And on the bus, a Lumia 900... Kind of old phone now
Yes but sadly not always. few days ago I saw someone with a yellow1520 and it make me full of tears. Btw I'm in china
I see Lumias all the time now. It's still a shock for some reason. The most recent was a lady catching a bus with her two daughters. A 520, I think. That phone has done a huge amount in introducing people to Windows Phone.
I've seen exactly 3. Two were friends of mine and one was a high school kid.
I've had a windows phone for about six years & I have never seen anyone else with one.
My son gets my hand me down phones & I have just recently convinced my wife to see the light.
I live on the Gold Coast Australia btw.
Was at my pet sitters today and noticed her husband was rocking a 928. Of course that started a conversation. Turns out he's and IT guy and wouldn't use anything else. Had the 8.1 DP installed of course.😏
In Brazil WP is staaarting to catch. I see tv Ads here and there (not MSFT, but retailers), some people on TV (actors on soap operas) using them and here and there a Lumia on the street.
I work in a night club, over one year I have seen: a yellow 1020, a black HTC 8X, and a 930... that's quite depressing thinking about it, 90% of people I serve have an iPhone, the rest are androids. My dad has a blue 8x the same as me, and my brother in law has a 925. That's all I have seen :/
No everyone I know has a Android. I also was one of them but got a 520 and it was different then Android so I had to get the 1520 and I'm liking this phone a whole lot better then the Android I had.
My dad, me and my aunt have windows phone, I switch even of my uncle to 630 as he needed dual sim for his business contacts. I like it. WP market share is high in my small family.
My neighbor had my old L900 and is now using my old 920. He's the only other Windows Phone user that I've seen, and he loves it.
Have not seen one. It's all iPhone and android it seems. But have received an email from a consultant who worked briefly at my old job with the "Sent from my Windows Phone"
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My little brother has a 630 and at my work one colleague has 630. We are living in an Android world. But all Android people are admiring WP now. Because smexy UI and no Lag...
I use a 1520

I've seen:
Lumia 620 (2 co-workers)
Lumia 925 (1 co-worker)
Lumia 710 (1 co-worker)
Lumia 620 (1 gym mate)
Lumia 520 (1 co-worker)
Lumia 1520 (1 gym mate)
Lumia 900 (1 co-worker)
HTC 8X (1 co-worker)
My mum (Lumia 920) :winktongue:
School mate (Lumia 1020)

and a bunch of Lumia 520s

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